Chapter Seventeen - Revenge Best Served to the Head

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I stayed in my nest until the sun started to rise. I didn't get a blink of sleep that night, and I felt it as I stood up and cleaned my fur. Stiff as a tree trunk, I felt fear shake me up as I thought the worst of what I'd be punished with that day.

Will Mudclaw nearly kill me? Will someone kill me? Is Poison going to put me in the BloodClan Hunger Games? Constant thoughts flooded my mind and not once did I think of sleeping. With the sounds of Mistyfoot and Ice battling almost all night, it made me more scared to sleep, fearing I'd dream of battles between Mudclaw and I.

I padded out into the open just as Bloodpaw and Mothpaw began to stir. Cats were waking now and I felt a bit more confident about leaving the stuffy den.

I stretched in the camp, my paws sinking in the stirred mud. My paws were permanently stained from the mud and it bugged me that I would probably never be able to get it out of my fur.

Bloodpaw and Hawkpaw padded out of the den in a blur of fur and claws. They tumbled around the clearing, legs flailing as they practised battle training. Mothpaw and Deathpaw came out a bit after. I noticed Deathpaw wasn't interested with the fight at all, his eyes locked on Mothpaw. Mothpaw didn't look interested and it made me purr.

"All cats old enough to draw blood, gather to hear my words." Poison yowled on top of his new den. That's new. I've never heard Scourge call the Clan like that. Does he really think he's better than Scourge?

It made my fur stand on end as I thought Poison was trying to compete with how Scourge ruled the Clan. I sat beside Frostfur at the edge of the crowd and looked up at the new leader with a strong glare.

Frostfur's stomach growled and made me whip around to look at her. "You should eat before going on patrol." I suggested in a whisper. She only shrugged and looked forward.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Runningbrook's kits peeking out of the nursery. Their curious gazes locked onto Poison. Coldkit's eyes came to me for a brief heartbeat, but before I could try to look at him more clearly, he turned his gaze away. Runningbrook shooed them into the nursery with her tail with hushed words.

The three kits hadn't been out of the nursery in a while, and I didn't know why.

"This morning, I woke to find out Scourge had passed on," Poison began, looking to his paws in fake sorrow. He looked up as gasps rang among the Clan. "He had died of old age, the medicine cats confirmed and that the battle didn't weaken him. We killed the rogues earlier last night and I guess the poor leader had had enough of this, and he will live on in our minds as the evilest and smartest leader yet.

"But the sun will go on, the lives around you will live on and your life will be no different. Just better. I will be your new leader, one that will lead you through tough times and will show you no mercy. We are BloodClan cats and we don't show mercy!" Poison yowled, stomping his foot on the rock. Cheers - mostly from the original BloodClan warriors - roused from them in approval and satisfaction.

"BloodClan's name won't be forgotten, it's name will be remembered for seasons upon seasons as the most bloodthirsty cats in the whole forest!" Cheers erupted again. I noticed Frostfur wasn't impressed, her ears flat to her head and her tail flicking.

The cheers died down and Poison went on. "Ice, come forward," He announced, breaking the silence. I noticed whisks of mist forming around our paws. I hit my paw on the ground quietly and watched the most swirl up around my leg and fade to nothing.

"You've proven your loyalty and merciless heart, you're one of the strongest and sneakiest warriors in BloodClan and I'm glad to announce I've chosen you to be our new deputy." Poison announced, hoping down and touching Ice's shoulder with his nose.

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