Chapter Sixteen - The Death of the Great One

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I couldn't sleep, my mind was wandering constantly. I couldn't understand why I couldn't turn my thoughts off and just sleep, so I decided to get up and move.

I slithered around the apprentices as they laid still, deep in slumber. I peeked out of the den to see Poison, Ice, Mistyfoot, Brick, and Onewhisker all huddled around a hunched, black body. The fur along my spine stood on end and my eyes widened as I sensed the tension and anger among the warriors.

I strained to hear their conversation, keeping low to the soggy ground.

All was silent for a while until Poison broke it with a low murmur, "We'll have to tell them in the morning and announce the new deputy. He died in his sleep, that's the story. Scourge would never allow to go down in history by a few rogues." Ice began to growl and he clawed the ground in annoyance. "Rogues... they can be help, and they can be a nuisance!"

Scourge... is dead? I thought, my mind going blank. I looked away as they dragged the lifeless carcass of the BloodClan leader away and into his den. Onewhisker and Ice didn't follow, Onewhisker just limped into the medicine den, his body showing he was exhausted and in serious pain. I couldn't see the wounds, but by the looks of how he cringed with every step, I assumed they were bad. Ice, on the other paw, went to the warriors den to - I assumed - sleep.

Curiosity crept up on me like an enemy and I soon found myself creeping along the edge of the camp toward Scourge's - now Poison's - den. I halted beside the den and craned my neck toward the entrance to the den and listened as well as I could.

"-grew soft. I'll be the newer, younger, and better leader of BloodClan. Scourge showed too much mercy when it came to rogues and cats in our Clan." Poison snarled. How could they say such a thing? Scourge was a great leader! He was my first friend, and they are treating him like dirt!

"I say we tell them the truth. Sooner or later, someone's going to spill it and the Clan will be in a riot." Mistyfoot advised. Her voice was low and meaningful. "I see where you're coming from, but I think it's best we keep Scourge as the leader who couldn't die in battle." I heard Brick meow. She was always calm and reassuring. Though she acted as if I didn't exist, she was a kind cat.

But Mistyfoot wasn't convinced. "Wouldn't it be better to say he died killing, doing what he was best at?"

"What do you think you're doing, sneaking around?" A growl from behind me made me freeze in terror. "Ice! I-I was just going to ask... er... Where- how the battle went!" I stammered, my eyes darting around the camp.

"Wrong answer. Liars aren't welcome in BloodClan." Ice's eyes were cold and empty, his claws slipping out and gleaming in the moonlight. I gulped in fear and cowered into a small, white ball of fur.

"Ice! Back down." Mistyfoot hissed, shoving him back with a harsh shove of her shoulder. Ice stumbled then shoved her back. They hissed at each other and Ice pounced onto her as Poison stalked out of his den, Brick following close behind.

Ice and Mistyfoot tumbled around and Poison just turned to me, completely ignoring the two warriors. Looking directly into my eyes, Poison growled, "You keep your mouth shut about what you heard or I'll force it closed." I nodded in a rush and looked from Brick to Poison, unsure what I was to do.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Go to your den and stay there until the sun rises!" Poison hissed, putting his paw under my stomach and shooing me toward the apprentices den. I staggered to my paws and dove for the den without another word.

Sorry if it's a short chapter! Next one will possibly be a bit longer =^_^=

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