Chapter Eleven - Blood Spill

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The stranger she-cat swallowed. Her eyes were darting from glare to glare. I'd hate to be in her paws right now! She has no idea what's coming for her.

Brick lightly pushed the two kits away from their mother and the she-cat started breathing heavily. She swallowed as fear flickered in her darkening gaze. She should've known something was up. Does no one talk about the tragedies in the Clans? "Well?" Scourge purred, "Come at me."

"Sasha!" Hawk called. I expected fear to be in his icy blue eyes, but instead, excitement was flooding them. "Beat the dirt out of him!" Hawk yowled, teeth bared. His little tail lashed from side to side eagerly.

The she-cat - apparently Sasha - gulped and turned her gaze to Scourge. Scourge didn't look to intimidated as Sasha bared her teeth. He was more... amused. I could practically hear Sasha's thoughts: "Walk away without my kits, but with my life, or kill myself for the respect of my kits?"

Sasha suddenly leaped at the small BloodClan leader, but Scourge easily dodged her claws. Sasha was for-sure a kittypet and Scourge was the leader of the Clan that killed without regret or without thought at all. Who would win? I was sure it would be Scourge. My ear twitched as I watched the battle begin.

Everyone knew what Sasha was in for, and nothing good about it was coming to mind.

Scourge skidded to the side. His eyes narrowed in concentration, his claws extracted, and his yellowed teeth showed as a smirk spread across his evil face. Sasha leaped again, claws unsheathed and eyes round. It all seemed to happen in slow motion.

Hawk leaned forward out of anxiousness, grinning, while Moth tried to hide her anticipation. Sasha flew toward the small leader. Scourge raised his one white paw and dove forward. As quick as his muscles would go, he shot his paw upward, right into the soft belly of the kittypet.

Sasha landed on the ground just behind Scourge. Snapper and Timber gasped in shock while Hawk gulped. A thick, dark liquid poured from the she-cats stomach. She gasped - as if only now realizing what had happened - and put a paw onto her leaking stomach.

My jaw dropped. "This is why my Clan is called BloodClan. We spill the blood of our enemies like we do to our prey." Scourge hissed.

Sasha looked over at the small cat, eyes rounder than an owls' in bewilderment. Blood started to drip from her jaws and just like that, she collapsed. "Sasha!" Moth gasped, rushing over to her mothers side. "Your kits are BloodClan warriors now. Rest in peace you waste of air," Scourge muttered near Sashas' ear.

"Close your mouth before a fly goes in it!" Frostfur mumbed as she prodded me with her leg. I did as she said and swallowed. The blood of Sasha still seeped from the wound but she no longer moved.

"Poison, Brick, get rid of her body. We're having a ceremony for these two." Scourge called to the two cats and flicked his tail to the shocked kits. Brick was always called to do duties, just like she was a deputy. She was probably older than Scourge, too... Which I didn't quiet understand. Scourge must've known her before he created his bloodthirsty Clan.

I'll have to ask him about that. I decided. "What do we do now?" I whispered to Frostfur. She leaned in, keeping her eyes forward. "I'm not sure. Take a nap maybe? I have to go on patrol as soon as the ceremony is done." Frostfur suggested. It was so odd, how we just shrugged off the death of those who are weaker than us. As if they didn't even matter. Our eyes followed Scourge to the den he always announced on.

"Hawk, Moth, step forward. I am keeping your names how they are, since I'm not fond of the Clan names. Hawk your mentor-" Scourge began, only to be curtly interrupted. "Woah! My name, my choice. I'd like to be Hawkpaw, and maybe Hawkstar like my father!" Hawk raised his chin. "Moth can have Mothpaw as well and maybe Mothwing when she becomes a warrior!"

Hawk puffed out his chest and Moth only rolled her eyes, not speaking. I bet she has trouble speaking... Or is she just naturally quiet? I bet she can't speak because Hawk does so much talking, she can't get a word out.

"Do not interrupt me," Scourge growled, teeth clenched in fury. "I am your leader and you will respect me with all you have. Last warning, Hawk." Scourge warned as he glared down at the tabby. Hawk rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something smart but Moth saved him by flicking his ear with her tail tip. She gave him a nasty glare to warn him.

"Did you not see what they did to Sasha? One more smart move like that and you're the next bleeding mess!" She spat and my ears straightened. There was obvious pain in her golden, young gaze, but she hid it well as she growled at her brother. "So she can talk?" I whispered to Frostfur. Frostfur nodded with a purr.

Scourge seemed pleased by Moth's words. "Listen to your sister. She seems to be well over double times smarter than you," Scourge muttered. "Hawk, your new name is Hawkpaw. Ice will be your mentor. If you give him attitude you will be straightened out. Moth, your new name is Mothpaw. Thornclaw will be your mentor. He may be quite the oddity, but he is fierce and will be a great teacher." Scourge announced. Hawkpaw and Mothpaw touched noses gently with their new mentors.

"Cloudtail, Brick, Rainwhisker, Tess, Thornclaw, and Ice. Bring your apprentices out for training." Scourge ordered. The six mentors dipped their heads and grabbed Ocean, Birchpaw, Tabby, Bloodpaw, Hawkpaw, and Mothpaw.

Bloodpaw seemed more then happy to talk to Hawkpaw. They had two things in common: they were both total mouse-brains and they were both incredibly rude. If they weren't into she-cats, they'd be a perfect match.

I sighed and watched them all head out. I longed to go out there, to run and fight. My paws itched to feel the grass tickle my stomach as I dashed through an endless field. And best of all, if I fought anyone, I wouldn't get in trouble for it.

Brick must have already brought out the dead body of Sasha because Poison was back as well. Brick had already gone by then, though.

"Frostfur, take Mudclaw, Violet and Hoot for a hunt. Lostface, take Mistyfoot, Minty and Graystripe for a border patrol near the river. Hunt, too. Brackenfur take Goldenflower and Russetfur out to hunt." Scourge instructed and they all nodded. Gathering up, they left in a hurry. Without even noticing, all of them padded through the blood of Sasha. Chills were sent down my spine out of an empty horror.

I wish I could go on patrols... I hate being cooped up in here! I watched my only friend trot off with her patrol. Many cats were still in camp, but I felt lonelier than ever.

Scourge was talking to Poison, Jaggedtooth, and Brambleclaw. "And Crowfeather and Dustpelt, take Burn, Snapper, Snipe and Timber out to show them around. Give them a few lessons while you're at it," Scourge added.

I had to ask him those questions, I couldn't take it anymore. The curiosity for those answers were killing me... I padded up to Scourge. Just as I neared the black tom, he nodded to Poison. Poison and the two guards padded off to speak to someone else. Scourge looked down to me and sighed, "What, Icekit?"

"How do Poison and Brick know what to do when you only flick your tail?" I mewed and tilted my head to the side.

"They... just know. It's our secret, no one but us three knows," Scourge replied without a second thought. He seemed to be thinking of something else, his eyes distant.

"Have you known Brick for a long time?"

Scourge nodded, "Her and a dead friend of ours, Bone, were my first allies."

That explains a lot! "Oh! And last question: when do I become an apprentice? I hate being cooped up in this stinky camp!" I complained, frowning.

Scourge narrowed his eyes and gave me an annoyed look. "Half a moon." I nodded. Though he didn't seem to put much thought into his answer, I took it seriously anyways. Scourge never lied about anything. Half a moon isn't that long from now! I guess I can wait!

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