One Week Later...

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(Cora's POV:)
It has been a week since Emma has come to school. She is still really frightened about what happened. This weekend was Skyler's Funeral. Amanda and I were in our car heading to Emma's house.
Amanda: man I feel so bad for Skyler's family
Me: me too
Amanda: ya can't imagine what she is going through
Me: ya this happened last year after Emma's dad died in a car accident
Amanda: is that why she doesn't drive
Me: ya she's afraid to drive
Amanda: how she doing now
Me: a little better but still the same
Amanda: man I didn't know
Me: ya I k ow she doesn't really like to talk about it
Amanda: oh
Me: well we're here
Amanda: wait she lives here
Me: yup
Amanda: the house is huge
Me: I know. My house is a little smaller but still the same
Amanda: man
We got out of the car and knocked on the door.
Mike: hey
Me: hey is Emma home
Mike: where else is she going to be
Me: I'm starting to think that u don't know ur twin as well as I do
Mike: right well come in she's in her room
Me: ok come on Amanda
We walked upstairs and headed to Emma's room and knocked.
Emma: come in
Me: hey
Emma: hey
Amanda: whatcha doing
Emma: nothing just laying on my bed
Amanda: wow ur room is huge
Emma: ya
Me: so how u been doing
Emma: a lot better
Amanda: ya u do sound better
Emma just smiled.
Me; so are u going to the funeral
Emma: ya why
Me: just asking
Emma: ya my mom and brother are coming too
Amanda: that's good
Emma: ya are u coming Amanda
Amanda: I don't know cause it's going to be weird cause I barely knew her but if u guys are going then ill go
Me: ya u can come with me
Amanda: ok
Emma: thanks guys for coming over
Me: ur welcome where's ur mom
Emma: at work
Me: oh
Amanda: why hasn't ur brother gone to school
Emma: he sick
Me: right I remember
Emma: so what's been going on with school
Me: nothing much really
Emma: ya well I'm coming back to school next week
Amanda: nice
Then a Phone rang and it was Amanda's
Amanda; hey can u take me home
Me: ya sure I need to go to have a lot of homework
Emma: ok well thanks for coming by
Amanda: ya see u on Saturday
Emma: ok bye
Then we went down stairs and said goodbye to mike and left. I was at Amanda's house and dropped her off. Then I went home did my every night routine .
(Emma POV:)
I woke up at 8 and was getting ready to go to the funeral. I put on a black short mermaid​ dress and black heels. I curled he tips of my hair and went downstairs. We left and got to the funeral. I met up with Amanda and Cora and they were dressed up cute.
(After the Funeral)
We went back home after the funeral. Cora's mom and her family came over for brunch.
Mia: how u doing Emma
Me: I'm doing fine thank u for asking
Mia: ya
Cora: hey need any help with setting up the table
Mia: we're ok why won't u ask Courtney
Cora: ok
Mia: why didnt ur other friend​ come
Me: u mean Amanda
Mia: ya
Me: she had things I guess
Mom: hey guys coming through
Mom came through with ham on a big dish
Me: smells good mom
Mom: well thanks honey
Mia: ok come on everybody time to eat!
They all ran in and Mike sat.on my right and Cora sat on my left. We all ate but I only ate a little bit. Then after we all ate me and Cora went up to my room.
Cora: so
Me: why didn't​ Amanda come
Cora: I don't know
Me: oh
Cora: ya
Me: hey since we didn't have the sleepover over last time because of what happened let's make it next weekend
Cora: u mean make the sleepover next weekend
Me: ya
Cora: ok im in we'll just tell Amanda at school on Monday
Me: ok
Then we heard Mia's mom yelling
Mia: Cora!! Let's go!!
Cora: I'm coming!!
Me: we'll see u at school
Cora: see u at school and do u want me to pick u up
Me: not Monday I'm going with Mike
Cora: ok we'll see u at school then.
(Mike's POV:)
It was Monday morning and me and Emma were on our way to school.
Me: are u sure ur ready to go back to school
Emma: yes I'm sure Mike
Me: ok cause I can turn around
Emma: look I know that ur just trying to look out for me but the real question is are u ok
Me: yes I'm better
Emma: no I mean u and mom
Me: what
Emma: that night we came back from the hospital I heard u and mom arguing
I just kept quiet.
Emma: well..?
Me: what do u want​ me to say
Then I parked in my parking spot. We got out and went to our separate classes through out the day. During lunch I saw her talking to this guy. His name was Adrian. I saw then get to close and then of course I saw them kiss. Then I saw Cora walking with Amanda's brother.
Me: hey guys
Cora: hey Mike glad to see u up and running
Me: Thanks hey I have a question
Cora: ya what is it
Me: does Emma have a boyfriend
Cora: ya why
Me: just asking
Cora: ya shes dating Adrian they started dating like the Friday that the whole incident happened
Me: oh
James: why
Me: just asking
James: are u an over protected brother
Cora: u bet he is
Me: no I'm not
Cora: right
Me: well go to go and meet my friends
Cora: ok see u later
James: bye
I walked away. I went off with​ my day.

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