"Who Are you?"

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(Emma POV:)
I was in the locker room after cheerleading practice and I was putting on my sweat pants and sweater crop top. I walked out of the locker room Amanda was waiting outside.
Me: omg u scared me
Amanda: sorry
Me: have u been waiting out here for me
Amanda: well I just came from talking to the teacher about this project
Me: oh ok
Amanda: hey want to get a bite or something
Me: I can't I have to go do something
I started walking away.
Amanda: is there something wrong? Like why have u been ignoring me?
I stopped and turned around.
Me: no it's just I've been going through a lot with my family I just...
Amanda: oh ok I thought u were mad at me?
Me: no no I'm not mad at u
Amanda: ok we'll see u later
I walked off and my brother was waiting outside for me.
Mike: hey how was it
Me: good we're ready for the football game next weekend
Mike: oh great
Me: are u
Mike: I'm actually really nervous
Me: dont be
Mike: ok well let's go
He drove to our house and I went upstairs and got into my comfy clothes and and took off all my make up and layed on my bed.
(Cora POV:)
It was finally Friday and it was time to go so I went into the locker room where Emma was at and I was there but the lights were off then I turned Around to see Amanda sitting on the bench.
Me: oh my gosh u scared me. What are u doing here in the dark?
Amanda: well I was looking for Emma
Me: oh
She smiled at me but in a evil way.
Amanda: so is there anything u want to tell me??
Me: no
Amanda: really
Me: ya
Then I saw Emma standing by the door way. But Amanda didn't notice her.
Amanda: u told her didn't u
Me: tell who
Amanda: Emma!! Who else!! U fucking told her
Me: no I didn't
Amanda: then how come she's been acting weird around me
Me: u guys been together a lot
Amanda: ya and she's been acting weird
Me: well she's like that get used to it
Amanda: really then why have u guys been acting like u guys are mad at each other when I know ur not
I didn't say anything.
Amanda: so u did tell her u stupid girl
Me: ok why don't u want her to know
Amanda: well I didn't want u to know but ur the one who found my bloody knife at the sleepover
Me: so..wait wait wait where u the one who bombed Skyler's party
Amanda: maybe, maybe not
Me: I did why
Amanda: well when why do u think I don't have friends
Me: I don't get it
Amanda: when I was in middle school my best friends were exactly like u and Cora and Skyler girly and had the perfect little life and people like that annoy me ever since my best friends left me because I was going through depression after my dad died so they were the first people I killed well murdered
Me: wow so what ur going to kill us then
Amanda: u got my brother involved in this didn't u
Me: what
Amanda: oh come on u have a thing for my brother and u told him didn't u
Emma: no I did
Amanda face lid up and she turned to see Emma standing by the door way in her cheerleading uniform.
Amanda: Emma..? how long were u standing there?
Emma: long enough
Amanda: what I said
Emma: save it Amanda I trusted u and I became ur best friend and what do u do go behind my back and u do this to me
Amanda: u don't get it
Emma: get what
Amanda: why I do it
Emma: ur right I don't get it
Amanda: u hate Girls like u
Emma: what do u mean girls like me
Amanda: u know girls that have the perfect little life's
Emma: why?!
Amanda: because Emma!!!
Then the principal walked in.
Principal: hey is everything ok over here
It was silent.
Emma: ya we were just leaving. Come on Cora let's go
Emma grabbed her stuff and Walked out with me and we got into the car and i saw Amanda standing outside by the front of the school. We left and I drove her home and it was quite on the  way there. I stopped the car and we sat there I silence for a while.
Me: what do u think she's going to do
Emma: Don't know but whatever she's going to do she's going to do it soon
Me: u ok
Emma: ya I'm good
Me:ok we'll see u around
Emma: ok bye
Me: hey wait
Emma: ya?
Me: me and my mom we're going prom shopping tomorrow if u and ur mom want to come
Emma: ya I love too
Me: ok we're leaving at 12
Emma: ok we'll be ready by then
Me: ok
She shut the door and walked to the her door and walked in into her house. I was on the way home when I got a text from a private Number.
?#: I warned You! And now ur going to pay.

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