Graduation Day!!

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(Courtney POV:)
Omg! My babies are graduating today. I'm so sad. I'm going to be all alone. It was a Saturday morning and Emma and Mike were getting ready. Then Emma came out and she was wearing a a short white skinny pencil dress with brown wedges. And she had her hair curled.
Me: honey I look beautiful
Emma: thank u
Mike: ya u do
Mike was wearing white shoes with blue jeans with a dress shirt.
Me: well u look handsome
Mike: thanks mom
Me: ok picture time
The got together and I took them a picture.
Emma: ok mom we got to go
Mom: ok see u guys there
Mike: bye
They walked outside and left. Then the doorbell rang and it was my husband's family and my family that we're coming and Jacob and Mia were here to.
Me; ok guys let's go
(Mike POV:)
We got to the place where they were going to have the ceremony.
Me: I can't believe we're graduating today
Emma: ya we've gone a long way
Then Cora came.
Cora: hey babe
She kissed me.
Cora: Emma
Emma: hey
Cora: u ready
Emma: ready as I'll ever be.
Then Adrian came to us
Adrian: hey guys
Me: hey buddy
Emma: hey I need to talk to u
She pulled him away.
Cora: whats wrong with her
Me: I don't know she's been acting weird
Cora: ya I'm worried about her
Me: same
Cora: so..
Me: hey how about later me and u go out to eat
Cora: aww really
Me: ya
Cora: ok. But what about after wards
Me: well what do u want to do afterwards
Cora: I don't know
She smiled at me. And she hugged me. I felt the pain in my stomach when I got stabbed.
Cora: what? what's wrong?
Me: what? Nothing it's just started to hurt
Cora: come here. Let me take a look at it
We walked to this room.
Cora: lift up ur shirt
I lifted my shirt.
Cora: does it hurt when I touch it
Me: ow. Yes it does
Cora: man that was a deep stab
Me: ya
We looked at each other and she kissed me.
Cora: I love u
Me: I love u more
(Emma POV:)
Me: hey I need to talk to u
I pulled Adrian out of the way and took him outside.
Adrian: what's wrong
Me: I need to ask u something
Adrian: which is
I was about to ask him my question but I stood there.
Adrian: what
Then I felt dizzy. And was about the fall till Adrian cought me
Adrian: wow u ok
Me: ya
Adrian: what what's wrong
Me: nothing I'm fine
Adrian: come on we need to tell ur brother
Me: no we don't
Adrian: why
Me: cuase I don't want them to worry
Adrian: worry? Emma please
Me: adrian. Promise me please
He looked at me.
Me: look I promise ill be fine ok
Adrian; ur not pregnant are u
Me: no I'm not
Adrian: ok
He kissed me.
Me: ok let's go practice
We walked back inside and practice for the ceremony and then we put on our caps and gowns. Then it was finally time.
We went person by person to get out diploma.
(After the Graduation Ceremony)
Mom: I'm so proud of u guys
Mike: thanks mom
Mia: pictures
Then Mike's and Cora stood on my side and Mia and my mom took the picture. Then we went to my house and my mom and Jacob and Mia made all three of us a party. We and fun. And then when the party was over I noticed that Mike and Cora left. Me and Adrian stayed at my house and watched movies all night.
Adrian: hey
Me: what
Adrian: when do u leave for college
Me: in 2 months why
Adrian: I'm going to miss u
Me: me too
Adrian: but I'll visit u a lot ok
Me: ok
(Mike's POV:)
Me and Cora went to go out for dinner. We went to Ruby Tuesday and we had pasta and had fun talking and laughing. Then we left. And we were in the car.
Cora: hey
Me: what
Cora: tell me u love me
I pulled the car over in a park. And I looked at her.
Me: I love u
Then she leaned in a kissed me and I kissed back. Then she got on top of me and we had a moment she took off my shirt and I did to her and then we started having it.
(In hour later..)
We were on our way home and I stopped at her house.
Cora: I had Fun Mike
Me: me too
Cora: well see u later babe
Me: bye
She got out of the car and I drove home. When I got home I went inside my house and took off my shoes at the entrance. And I saw Emma sleeping on Adrian shoulder.
Me: hey
Adrian: hey
Me: she fell asleep huh
Adrian: ya
I went up to her.
Adrian: want me to take her up her room
Me: ya
Adrian: ok
She grabbed her bridal style and took her upstairs. And then I heard a phone ring. I saw that it was Emma's phone. I look at the phone and it said "See u Soon Emma" I saw it then mom grabbed my shoulder.
Mom: hey
Me: hey Mom I scared me
Mom: sorry
Me: what's up
Mom: ask u where u been
Me: with Cora
Mom: oh
Me: ya
Mom: where's Emma and Adrian
Me: Adrian took Emma upstairs she fell asleep
Mom: oh
Me: ya
Mom: what
Me: nothing
Mom: well I'm tired goodnight
Me: goodnight
She went upstairs and I picked up Emma's phone and checked who sent it to her and it said Private Number.
Mike: what are u up to Emma?

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