The Plan

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(Emma's POV:)
I went home and got a snack and Mike was there as well.
Mike: what's are u up to
Me: what's do u mean
Mike: ya cuase u have that evil twinkle in her eye
Me: I'm just not in a good mood ok
Mike: right
Me: now if you will excuse me I need to go finish watching my favorite show Stranger Things
Mike: right
I walked upstairs and put on Netflix on my laptop and watched stranger things. After being done with that I finished any unfinished homework and went down stairs to see if mom was home.
Me: Mike is mom here
Mike: she's in the kichen
Me: thanks
I walked to the kichen to see this guy and mom talking in the kichen.
Mom: Emma ur here
Me: ya I was upstairs
Mom: well I want u to meet Ray
Me: Hi Ray nice to meet u
Ray: nice to meet u too Emma
Mom: me and ray have been seeing each other for the past 6 months it's starting to feel pretty serious so I thought it was time for u guys to meet him
Me: oh that's nice.
Ray: so Emma tell me about yourself
Me: well.. I have some AP classes at my school and the cheerleader Captain and I know Kung Fu and karate
Ray: wow that's very impressive. Black Belt?
Me: ya but I'm not the only one Mike also is 
Then Mike walked on
Ray: Mike
Mike: hey ray
Ray: I never go to ask u about yourself
Mike: ok well I'm the captain of the Football team
Ray: wow u do have amazing kids Courtney
Mom: well thank u
Ray: I actually used to know ur mom when she was in high school
Me: u did
Ray: ya she was in the Cheerleading squad and such
Me: wow mom
Ray: well I need to go
Mom: ok well bye
Me: it was really nice meeting you
Ray: you to bye
He walked out and we just stared at mom.
Me: wow mom he's a keeper
Mom: look I know it's to soon but I want u guys to like him
Mike: and we do
Mom: great well I made spaghetti
(Cora POV:)
Dad: Cora
Me: ya
Dad: there's is a friend here to see u
I walked downstairs and saw Amanda by the front door
Me: he Amanda
Amanda: hey girl
Me: come in
I walked to my room and she followed.  She shut my bedroom door and locked it and looked around
Me: what do u want
Amanda: I just wanted to say hey and ask u something
Me: no I didn't tell her
Amanda: no that's not what I wanted to ask u
Me: then what
Amanda: why is she mad at u
Me; because sho knows I'm hiding something but I won't tell her what
Amanda: u mean
Me: yes I mean she knows something is up
Amanda: well if I were u I'll keep my mouth shut
I looked at her and she looked at the photo of me and Emma.
Amanda: when was this
Me: it was at her Sweet 16 birthday party
Amanda: you know what I'll hate to happen for her family
Me: what
Amanda: if they lost another family member
She picked up the picture and put it down.
Amanda: well I got to go home and do things so chow
She left and I sat there staring at the picture. I picked it up and hugged it and started crying. 
I got up and looked at the mirror and wiped of all the tears. I walked downstairs and my parents were in the living room putting up some things.
Me: hey
Mom: hey honey ur friend left early
Me: ya she just came to drop off something and she had to go home
Mom: oh
Me: well wheres Parker
Dad: packing
Me: when's he leaving
Dad: in 5 days
Mom: then off to college
Dad: honey we talked about this
Mom: I know hold it together
Dad: ya
I rolled my eyes.
Me: well if u don't mind im hungry
I walked to the kichen and get something to eat.
(Emma POV:)
I was about to go to bed when Amanda called me.
(In phone Conversation)
Me: hello
A: hey em
Me: he what's up
A: hey since tomorrow is Friday I was wondering if u want to sleepover at my house this weekend And i know u are mad at Cora and I didn't invite her
Me: ok I see why not
A: ok we'll see u tomorrow
Me: bye
(End of Phone Conversation)
I texted Cora to tell her that that our plan was going as planned.
Then Mike walked in.
Mike: u left this in the kichen
Me: thank
Mike: hey what's up with u lately
Me: what do u mean
Mike: ya u have been acting different
Me: I'm fine
Mike: come on I know when ur lying
Me: I'm fine Mike ok
Mike: come on u can tell me anything and I won't tell Mom
I stared at him.
Me: ok look...
I explained everything to him on what was going on. His face was a total shock
Mike: so what's is ur plan to get rid of her
Me: well I'm going to sleep over at her house This weekend to figure out more about her
Mike: are u sure
Me: yes ok and I'll be ok
Mike: ok well goodnight
Me: Good night

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