Chapter 7

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[Friend one]P.O.V

I woke up with a pain around my arms. I look around and find a knife that seems like it has a name on it. I lean in a little so I can read the name. It says "____ ____" with a heart to the side of it. My eyes widen while looking at this. Why is ____'s name on the knife? Does she know him? Well it's to late to ask her now.

"So, how long have you known ____?" Eren came out of the darkness to show himself. In his hand he held a gag. He puts the gag close to his face and kisses it.

"Ahhh I love this gag so much. This gag use to be ____'s gag. Mmm I loved it when she had the gag on her and she was tied up too with that rope you have. All this is turning me on, but you don't turn me on like ____ does."

"What do you mean ____ had this rope and gag? How do you even know her?"

"Oh wow, you are ____'s friend and you don't know about me? Well, I will tell you. She ran away from me about three years ago. I guess she hates me because I killed her boyfriend, but it was fun. The she tricked me so that I would let her hands go so we could have some sexy sexy time together. Then she kicked me and ran out into the rain. After three years of looking for her, I found her and stayed watching her for months, and found that she doesn't have a boyfriend, so no one was around her. Until you and your sister got close to her. And this mouth of yours spoke to her. *puts gag in mouth* Those hands of yours touch her and that makes me so jealous. For that you and your sister are going to die. Well, now it's only you that's left."

My eyes widen wishing my mom and dad where here to save me and my sister, but now my sister is dead, and I'm next. Tears fall down my face, and I feel my body grow really really cold. My mind going blank as I see Eren reach for the knife is not helping me at all.

"Well then let's start our fun, shall we. Mmm your hands look good to start with." My mind was numb until I felt a pain on my finger. I looked down to see he was cutting into my index finger. I feel my hot tears run down my face.

"Awwww your crying *hug face* That's what I want! *cuts off index finger* Mmm yes look at all the blood that's coming out. *grabs others fingers to cut them off* Let's finish this quick now.


"Oh what was that? you want more off? Alright then! *places knife close to the pinky and slices all fingers off*


*grabs other hand* "this one's going to be fast too." Eren's eyes were filled with lust just by cutting my fingers. This pain was so horrible I just wish that he would kill me. * cuts off other fingers*

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" my eyes widened so much that I thought my eyes were going to pop out. A stream of tears was running down my face. JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!

"AWWWW did that hurt? Poor you!*takes out a different knife* It will be over soon HAHAHAHA!!!

This is the first time I welcome death, and I want it now! When I die I will be able to see my sister again. Never thought that I would die like this, but it's ok now.

*Eren hugs my face* I bet you are thinking about death huh. Don't worry Your end is almost here anyway.

*cuts wrists and ankles off*

Ahhhh I can feel myself grow cold on every part of my body. The blood I lost is all over the floor and getting closer to my sister's corpse.

*Eren pulls my hair up to show my neck more*

"Well this was fun, but I have to end it right here and now. Bye bye!

*Knife cuts through my neck and blood gushes all over the room*

*wakes up*

Hey, sis what took you so long? Come on let's go!

*takes my hand and we run into the light together*

"My god help ____."

Eren's P.O.V

"HAHAHAHAHA awwww look at this. What a mess I made." *grabs all the body parts* "Mmm the scent of ____ is still on her fingers."*sniff sniff* *hugs fingers*"Oh wait I don't want this knife."*stabs knife in [friend one] heart* "Ok it's time to make ____ mine HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"

(Yay I finished this chapter ahhhhh. I think in going to die myself too. Well leave me comments, votes and tell me if you want more! LUCHIA905 OUT!!!!!!)

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