Chapter 6

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"Well, that was really sudden and fast..." Melissa comments and lets out a sigh, "Are you okay?" Lucinda asks, "Yeah, I just wanted to go to the haunted house with a big group, but I guess only us girls will be okay," Melissa replies. "Actually..." A sudden voice says and everyone turns to see Blaze with Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel. "Can we join?" Daniel asks.

"Oh," Melissa says and turns to them, seeming really confused. "Yeah sure, but I invited all of your guys earlier, why do you suddenly want to go?" Melissa asks. "Well since it seems like there's more room, we thought we could join! We just thought that having everyone at the haunted house would be toooooo...cramped?" Rylan says, which sounded more like a question than a statement, making it obvious that he was lying.

"Okay, what's going on? Everyone has been having a weird vibe around them since yesterday," Lucinda states. "It's nothing of your concern, just a werewolf thing," Blaze states, rolling his eyes. "Well, if you've forgotten, I'm a werewolf," Melissa states, "Also, we're all friends, just because it's a werewolf problem, doesn't mean we can't listen," Kim says.

"It's nothing really, so can we join?" Dottie asks, "Something's going on between you guys, Aaron and Zane right?" Melissa questions, although already knowing the answer. "How did you know?" Daniel asks, "You guys rejected the offer after hearing that Zane is joining, and Aaron has been avoiding you guys all-day, and now you suddenly decide to join now that Zane and Aaron are gone," Melissa explains.

"Yeah, I overheard them leaving through the window..." Daniel says sheepishly, "Why do you even want to know? You're not involved," Blaze states. "Because Aaron's my brother and we're all friends. I just want to help," Melissa answers. "Look, if you don't want us to join, then you can just say no," Blaze says rudely, making Melissa feel angry. "Fine then, no. It'll just be me and the girls," Melissa says, Dottie suddenly raises her hand. "You can come if you tell me what's wrong," Melissa suggests, making Dottie put her hand back down.

"Fine then, we'll just go as a pack," Blaze says, "Fine then. Come on girls," Melissa says and leaves with Lucinda and Kim following, both seeming confused. "Since Aaron isn't here then I'm going to have to be in charge. Let's go pack," Blaze states and follows behind, keeping his distance from Melissa, Lucinda, and Kim.


When getting to the haunted house, everyone just stood by the entrance, not sure what to do. "Well, only two people at a time can go in," the employee announces, making Lucinda, Kim, and Melissa turn to each other. "It's alright girls, you two go together," Melissa suggests, "What about you though?" Kim questions. "Maybe I can get some information from them, especially since they say it's a "werewolf thing"," Melissa says and lets out a sigh, shaking her head, "So dumb..." she comments.

"Once you guys are done, meet me back at the corndog stand," Melissa informs and Lucinda and Kim agree, going up to the employee before being let in. "So, now that Lucinda and Kim are gone, how about we do talk about this "only werewolf situation"," Melissa says, rolling her eyes. "Well with that attitude, no," Blaze says and shakes his head, while everyone else seemed silent.

"Fine then...," Melissa says, pulling out her phone and just scrolls away, "Blaze, can we talk?" Daniel asks suddenly, keeping his voice down. Blaze turns to Daniel, "Yeah sure," Blaze smiles and follows Daniels away from everyone else.

"What is it?" Blaze asks, "I-I think we should tell Melissa..." Daniel suggests, stuttering a bit. "What? Why?" Blaze questions, "Well, maybe we should get another opinion of someone's thought about everything. Besides, she is Aaron's older sister..." Daniel explains, mumbling the last part.

"There's no need for a second opinion, especially since she's a lone wolf herself. Besides, just because she's Aaron's sister doesn't mean she has to get involved with everything that's going on in his life, especially if it involves his pack," Blaze growls, but immediately regretted it, realizing he made Daniel upset.

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