Chapter 20

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When back to the house, Lucinda and Aphmau knocks frantically on the door, Melissa opens the door as they quickly run in and shuts the door behind them. "Are you guys okay?! Did something happen?!" Melissa asks worrying, as Lucinda and Aphmau try to catch their breaths. "We're...fine..." Aphmau answers as they make their way upstairs. "But what happened?" Melissa asks as she helps them carry the bags.

"We were chased, but I don't know why. A guard called for me and I panicked. We luckily got away and lost them," Lucinda explains as they enter their house. "Well, maybe it's best we stay in for a couple of days so you don't run into them again," Melissa explains. "What about supplies? We only have supplies for a couple of days," Aphmau explains. "We can ask Kim to run supplies, she's the only one that no one is suspicious about," Melissa answers to which everyone agrees too.

They head to the kitchen to put away the supplies as Melissa notices a folded piece of paper has fallen out of Lucinda's pocket. Melissa picks it up, "Lucinda, you dropped this," Melissa says as Lucinda turns to her. "Oh, thanks," Lucinda says, taking back the poster as she felt a wave of disappointment. "What is it?" Aphmau asks, noticing Lucinda's change of mood. "Oh, it's just a poster for an upcoming party tomorrow at the Starlight casino. I had an idea to go as a group, I even bought ball masks," Lucinda explains as she unfolds the poster and passes it to Aphmau as Melissa walks over to read over Aphmau's shoulder.

"There's supposedly a party going on tomorrow at the new Starlight casino and...I don't know, I guess I just really liked the idea of us having a night off. I even bought party masks at the store," Lucinda explains as she pulls out the party mask. "Wow, these are beautiful," Melissa compliments as she stares at the masks. "It's shame that we won't be able to wear them," Melissa adds as she passes a purple mask to Aphmau. "Moving as a group could be dangerous, there's a chance that it's a set up so they can look for us there," Melissa says.

"But what if we can," Aphmau suggest as Melissa and Lucinda turns to her. "Well if we're smart about it and keep an eye on our surroundings, then it's possible with these masks we can hide," Aphmau explains. "But do you really want to risk after what just happened?" Melissa questions, "I wasn't paying attention, but this will be different, we'll wear the mask and blend in as much as possible," Lucinda adds, really wanting to go through this to be able to go to the party.

'I just...I don't know, I'm not sure how to feel about this," Melissa says, although liking the idea of having a fun night out, she doesn't want to risk them getting caught. "Come, Melissa, we need this," Lucinda pleads as Aphmau also gives her a pleading look. Melissa sighs and rubs her temples, "Fine, I guess these masks are good enough to hide our identities, and as long as we don't cause a scene or wear anything flashy, we'll be fine," Melissa explains as she grabs a mask to claim it as hers.

"This is going to be great! Now, all we have to do is convince the guys," Lucinda says as she also grabs a mask to claim as her own. "Well, I'm sure they'll be willing to listen if we explain to them the plan and gift them their mask as well," Aphmau explains as she grabs the rest of the masks and goes to the living room where Zane at on the couch with Garroth watching tv and Aaron was typing away on his laptop on the dining table.

"Hey guys, can we speak with you all," Aphmau calls to them, everyone turns to her, glance at each other before getting up and walking towards them. "So, we have this idea of going to the party that's taking place at the Starlight casino-"

"Absolutely not," Aaron interrupts and walks away, not wanting to hear any more about this life-threatening plan the girls have. Aphmau lets out a sigh and turns to the girls, "I'll go talk to him," Aphmau says and follows Aaron to their bedroom. "Hmph, party pooper," Melissa comments, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with him, even with the mask on it'll be dangerous to sneak in," Zane says, noting Lucinda holding the ball mask so he figured that what they're plan was going to be. "Come on Zane, don't be like that," Lucinda complains as Zane gives her a confused look.

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