Chapter 5

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Everyone gathered together in the boat lobby. Melissa was shaking with excitement while continuously chanting, "Haunted house. Haunted house. Haunted house!" Melissa shouts. "Why are you so excited about the haunted house?" Zane asked.

"I just love horror!' She answered, "Horror movies, horror games, Halloween," Melissa listed happily while she bounced on the tip of her toes. "I find it weird that there's a haunted house in Starlight, especially in the middle of summer," Garroth comments, unsure if it had to do with the somewhat popular summerween day, but doubts it as it's not very popular or well known. 

"Oh, come on, who doesn't love a good scare!?" Melissa questions, still sounding excited. "Zane," Aphmau bluntly answers, pointing a finger towards Zane. Although Aphmau and Garroth already knew, everyone else was taken aback by the news. "Really?" Kim questions in disbelief, "I thought you'd love scary stuff," Melissa says. "Why would you assume that?" Zane asked although he felt as though he already knew the answer.

"Well, it's because you' know..." Melissa's voice trails off, hesitant to say the word, as to not insult him. "Emo," Zane finishes for her, to which she nods. "I don't know if I consider myself emo. It's more of a style than a personality," Zane explains. "Also, I don't love scary stuff," Zane adds. "You love yourself," Lucinda jokes, "You're wrong," Zane jokes back.

"On you being scary or you loving yourself?" Kim questions, "Both," Zane answers before suddenly being smacked upright on the head by both Aphmau and Garroth. "Anyway, is everyone ready?" Melissa asks, "Hold on, I have to do something real quick," Aphmau says and walks away. "I should use the bathroom before we go," Garroth says, "Yeah, he pees whenever scared," Zane says, teasing Garroth but he doesn't care.

Aphmau walks down the hall towards her room, "What?!" Aphmau stops when hearing Derek shouting, he sounds distressed. "Yes, Aaron was the one to inform me that there's apparently a restaurant on the island here who refused to accept our "kind" into their establishment," Rachel explains. Upon hearing these words, Aphmau begins to lean against the door to listen some more.

Derek's eyes widen, "That's disgusting!" Derek shouted furiously. "Yes. I was also informed that Zane had threatened the man by publicly shaming him with a recording by uploading said recording on the internet," Rachel finishes. "You can never escape the internet," Derek comments.

"Aaron thought that Zane's actions were a bit to much he says," Rachel adds, "Well I will have to disagree. Zane was just trying to stand up for himself and every werewolf," Derek argues, seeming to grow angry. "Derek, Zane isn't a werewolf," Rachel reminds him. "Right, sorry, but it was still the right thing for Zane to stand up for the werewolves and his friends. If anything he should post that video. Maybe should ask him to hand me the video?" Derek wonders, mumbling under his breath for himself to hear only, but Rachel shakes her head, hearing everything.

"That isn't necessary. Threatening the guy was enough. It was possible that the man was just simply doing his job. If he let Aaron and his pack into the restaurant, he could've gotten fired, but if the video gets public, he'll be fired and shamed, it's a lose-lose situation for the man. We shouldn't ruin someone's life over one small incident," Rachel explains. "Small? Honey, this is a whole establishment that is shaming us werewolves. Weather the man was doing his job or not, doesn't matter. Besides, if that was truly the case, then the establishment would be the one getting blamed. We have to spread awareness of this," Derek says, but Rachel shakes her head again.

"Derek, that's not how the internet works. Besides, it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge," Rachel informs. "We'll blur out their face," Derek says, but Rachel still didn't seem to agree. "No. Aaron says that Zane seemed quite ashamed of his actions. I don't even think he has the video anymore," Rachel informs, which was finally enough to put a stop to Derek's crazy idea.

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