Loss and Forgiveness

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Dinner that night was tense to say the least. Campers made idle chatter at their respective tables in an attempt to lighten the mood. After offering some food to their parents, Isaac and Skylar part ways. With an exhausted sigh she plops down in her spot next to Will. Every inch of her body ached after training with Isaac. He steadily improved as time passed however she hoped he stayed away from the front lines. The last thing Skylar needed was to have him sustaining a major injury. A knee belonging to Will pulls her from her thoughts. Tilting her head slightly she looks over at him only to realize everyone at their table is staring at her waiting for a response. They were discussing the Athena cabin's battle plan when she zoned out and missed the question they asked.

"Sorry guys, what was the question?" Skylar asks, stealing some of Will's french fries. He glares moving his plate out of reach promptly telling her to get her own food.

"Pay attention, this is serious Skylar. I asked if you knew where your station was. Maybe you should turn in early for the night. We need you focused and alert or you could get someone killed tomorrow." Lee says from his seat across from Skylar. She was focused. Well partially. He could cut her some slack. It's not as if she goofed off today. Sure they were on edge but that didn't give him reason to call her out. In between training with Isaac, the golden haired girl was also refining her own abilities. Thanks to the book Will found she learned how to better control her powers though it still drained her if she used it too much.

"Giver Skylar a break man we've all been working overtime. Plus she just got back from a quest this morning" Austin mutters stabbing a fork into his alfredo noodles.

A deep sigh greets his statement followed by said girl rising from her seat. "I probably should go to sleep early. See you guys tomorrow." With a lazy wave she bids them good night ruffling Will's hair and turning on her heel. Her feet carried her down the stone steps of the mess hall and to the Apollo cabin. Trudging to her bed, Skylar crashes onto it staring up at the wooden ceiling. Ocean eyes studied the beams supporting the roof before succumbing to a well deserved slumber.

Nico felt uncomfortable. Shadow travel has been a preferred method of transportation for him but Percy Jackson had other plans. His hands gripped the pegasus so tight his knuckles turned white. The ride he'd been forced to endure had been anything but pleasant. If it weren't for the fact that the pegasus almost threw him to his death he might of somewhat enjoyed himself. On the other hand, his other companions flew through the sky without a single problem. Percy lead the group atop Blackjack, holding a conversation with Annabeth that flew beside him. Behind the pair was Grover on his own pegasus. The satyr had been silent ever since they departed from Pan's final resting place. Tyson chattered happily with his pegasus promising to feed it lots of donuts when they returned to camp.

Scowling to himself Nico twirled the skull ring adorning his pale finger. He begrudgingly forgave Percy after Bianca begged him to. She'd mentioned that it was a fatal flaw of Hades children to hold grudges. There weren't any to be held that he could recall. If anything other people have a problem with him without even knowing who he is. Grumbling to himself Nico allows his face to fall forward the fatigue he felt from traversing the Labyrinth catching up to him. With luck he won't plummet to the ground and make it safely to Camp Half-blood.

Chocolate brown eyes watched her from afar. Golden hair pulled into a low ponytail, the same green cardigan wrapped around her waist, vibrant blue eyes completely focused on hooking armor onto a camper he didn't recognize. Nausea washed over him as her eyes locked with his when she turned to retrieve her bow from the ground. Shock and disbelief was evident in her blue orbs. Don't come over here. Nico mentally pleads as Skylar rubs her eyes believing she was hallucinating. Taking that as his way out he slips back into the shadows until it was time to defend camp.

Fingers snap in front of Skylar's face dragging her attention back to the boy in front of her. "Something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Isaac frowns his forest green eyes trained on her. "If you're nervous we can stick together."

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