Hearth and Home

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"Y-you know that I don't mix w-well with the cold weather." Will grumbles visibly shivering even under five layers of clothing. The trio currently stood outside adorning winter clothes preparing for target practice in the woods not too far from their home. Just past the trees he could make out the bright red barn housing their horses. They were on vacation but Skylar insisted they stay in top form. Which is why said girl was currently placing various targets around the forest on trees and snowmen. Each with their respective names on it.

Isaac, who was faring much better than his blond companion chuckles at his expense. Removing his own scarf he wraps it around Will's neck. "Don't be a baby and bundle up."

"Won't you be cold? I don't want to be the one responsible if you wind up with a cold" Will frowns but buries his face into the soft black fabric nonetheless. Isaac casually waves off his concern lifting his borrowed bow from off the ground. Skylar, who was standing a good distance away whistles drawing their attention back to the targets posted on the trees around her.

"Alright boys the rules are simple. Try to hit the targets while dodging my onslaught of attacks. The one with the most points by the end wins When time is up I'll signal with a whistle so we can rondevu. Do try not to shoot one another or myself.Loser has to do something for the winner." Skylar sums up the rules and conjures a small ball of light in her hand. Just enough force to knock the boys down without causing bodily harm. Counting down in her head she lets out a whistle signalling the beginning of training. Clicking the button on her timer Skylar sets her sights on the boys.

Isaac takes off to the right running atop the snow covered ground bow in hand. Will ran to the left already prepping an arrow to fire. Sliding across the ground he narrowly dodges his sister's attack releasing the bow string. With a thud the arrow is imbedded into the tree trunk. His celebration is short lived upon seeing it completely missed the circle target tacked to the tree.

"Gotta do better than that bro!" Skylar teases flinging an orb in Isaac's direction. Letting out a surprises yelp Isaac leaps into the snow while simultaneously releasing an arrow in her direction. Summoning a quick shield she watches the glinting bronze ricochet off sticking directly into one of Isaac's targets. "Lucky shot Mackenzie!" She calls dispersing the shield and throwing more orbs at a rapid pace.

Will and Isaac weave between the trees avoiding each other and Skylar's attacks. Hoisting herself up onto a tree branch Skylar tries to get a better view on the boy's whereabouts. Ocean blue eyes narrow scanning the snow for them. Out of the corner of her eye she spots Will's red beanie poking over a snowbank. Not too far away hunkered behind a tree was Isaac. His hunter green eyes scanned the area gripping the string on his bow.

"Why couldn't they think of something to do inside where it's warm?" Will grumbles pulling the bow string back and sinking another arrow into the target. Not too far from his location a blast kicks up the snow throwing Isaac into his direction. The two boys crash to the ground tumbling face first into the frozen slush. Will rises, sitting on his knees and looking over at his fallen companion.

"Dude, your sister is going to kill us." Isaac grumbles rubbing his head after colliding with the blond. Laughter could be heard in the distance from Skylar as she jumped through the tree branches. "This is less like training and more like she just wants an excuse to fire at us." He continues as Will helps him to his feet. Isaac thanks him adjusting his equipment and retrieving his winter cap from the snow placing it atop his brown locks.

"It's nice to get some exercise after being cooped up in the house. Although I have to agree she seems to be going all out." Giving the brunet an innocent smile Will swipes a few arrows from Isaac's quiver taking of in a different direction. "Don't forget we're still competing against each other!" He calls back at the dumbfounded boy waving his newly acquired arrows into the air.

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