Moonlit Nights

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Skylar sat on fireworks beach with her shoes off. The water lapped at her bare feet leaving behind a chilling feeling. Her fingers toyed with the moon-shaped charm around her neck. One of her most treasured possessions given to her by the son of Hades. Nico walked up behind her his sneakers crunching the sand. He takes a seat beside the blonde looking out at the dark water. Trying to steady her fingers she draws small shapes into the air. Tears threatened to spill from her bright blue eyes. With the memories from the past week still fresh on her mind it was a lot to process.

"I knew it was a bad idea. I should've just kept it all to myself. Now they'll either be scared of me or look at me in sympathy." She mumbles bending the light to make a cat and mouse. Wiggling her fingers she animates it so the cat pounces on the mouse.

"Never pegged you as someone who gives up on optimism." Nico comments his eyes flickering to her for a moment before settling back on the water.

"Yeah? Well I never imagined a scenario where I ended up scaring an entire camp." Skylar counters waving her hand around turning the tom cat into a roaring lion. A small crackle comes from the tip of her finger but she ignores it.

"Since when do you care what others think?" When he's greeted with silence he continues. "Wake up Skylar. Not everyone in the world is going to like you so suck it up and get over yourself." Nico grumbles skipping a rock across the water.

Quiet sniffles come from his left and he turns to see tears falling from the blonde's eyes. She waved her hand around quickly diminishing the floating light. The sight made him feel awful but he couldn't take back what he said. Skylar needed to see things his way for once. That not everyone is accepted but sitting around and moping about it wouldn"t solve anything.

"Look Sky I'm-"

"No it's fine, you are right after all. Gods I don't know why I'm even crying." Skylar laughs humorlessly and wipes her eyes with her sleeves. Nico sighs quietly scooting closer to the girl. His cold hands reach up and cup her flushed cheeks.

"I'm not good at this so just be quiet and listen okay? You are the strongest and most kind-hearted person that I've come to know. It's alright to just let go sometimes and hold a middle finger to the world because this is your life and no one is going to tell you how to live it. If those kids judge you after everything you've done for them then they aren't worth your time." Nico gives her one of his rare smiles that makes her heart flutter.

Overcome with emotion Skylar leans forward connecting their lips in a loving kiss. Both of them fall into the sand but pay it no mind. Instantly a blush blossoms on the son of Hades's face matching her own. Her fingers reach up and entangle into his dark locks. After a minute or so the two pull away, faces flushed and soft smiles prominent. Skylar gently rests her forehead against Nico's. As they lay face to face she decides to break the silence.

"How is it you always know what to say to open my eyes?" She questions lightly stroking his cheek with her thumb.

"I've picked up a thing or two from listening to you. You're a hard person to ignore Skylar Solace." Nico tells her, his voice soft. His chocolate brown eyes glimmer as Skylar draws a heart between them with the glow from her finger. When she connects the line a sudden spark jumps out shocking her finger.

"Ouch!" Skylar yelps placing her index finger between her lips to soothe the pain.

"Are you alright?" Nico's eyes flashed with concern as the image fades.

"Y-yeah, it just surprised me is all. My powers have sort of been on the fritz." She shrugs. His eyes narrow at her only to widen as her body moves closer. Blonde hair tickles his nose as Skylar's head rests against his chest. "I probably should stop using them for a while just to be safe."

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