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TaMiyah: So me and Javon talked things out and of course we are gonna stay together. I know he is a friendly person I can get crazy sometimes but you just can't be friendly with everyone! He apologize or whatever and we're just gonna go from there.

We were out eating at Outback my favorite place!

Javon: Baby I love you

TaMiyah: I love you more!

Javon: I really love TaMiyah I think she may be the love of my life. I want her to promise me that she gone always be my girl and hold it down.... I got on knees pulled the box out my pocket and ask her TaMiyah Smith will you promise to be my girl forever and love me forever and stand by my side forever and be my Bestfriend lover forever I know we're young but this is just a promise right now I want you to make babies in the future with you, I wanna build with you I wanna grow with you I wanna learn with you so baby girl I ask you do you promise to be here forever?!

TaMiyah: 😪😪😪😭😭😭😭 all I could was crying I was trying to get my answer out but words wasn't coming out so I shook my head yes and fell in his arms! That was the sweetest thing any boy has done to me the tears just kept coming 😭 😭😪 I finally got myself together and told him yes Javon I promise to be your baby girl forever! We got a lot of awww's and looks and congrats! I love my man!

Javon: So glad you said yes baby! I would have been embarrassed if ya said hell nah 😂 but let's get out of here baby and go see a movie!

TaMiyah: Me and Javon went to go see Boo 2 it was good, my day was awesome now I'm back at home laying down chilling watching tv I had fun today and I really do love my baby he is the best I could have ever ask for and I hope to be with him till death do us apart.

Tina: Me and Trevor are still tight as ever that's my mf baby and Bestfriend I will love him forever. Today was a chill day for us he came over brought two pizzas, drinks, chips, candy, and ice cream 🤤😋 I love me some food! I love when we have days like this just all cuddled up chilling. I can cuddle forever that's my fav I love to be held by my man! It was 11:30 p.m. this boy talking about some damn donuts after all this stuff we done had!

Trevor: Bae come ride with me and get some donuts please! I have had Taste for them since last week!

Tina: Boy it's almost 12:00 a.m. and you want some damn donuts. Then the donuts shop all the way on the over side of town ugh I'm comfortable in bed!

Trevor: Please baby!

Tina: Ugh fine come on Nigga you owe me some head for getting up!

Trevor: You know I don't mind eating that girl 😏😋!

Tina: On the way there I was sleepy and Car rides make me even sleepier so you know I dozed off. I was awoken by my phone ringing, it was my Bestfriend Tasha mother!
I answered Hello.

Ma J: Hey Tina I have bad news.

Tina: I already knew it was bad I could hear her voice trembling... what is it ma J

Ma J: Tasha was shot passing through a shoot out. It took place on the interstate which make it more crazy they said the car flipped 2 times. I just can't believe this right now.

Tina: The phone got quite I knew she was crying my heart literally drop the floor I couldn't move I just know my Bestfriend haven't been shot not my Bestfriend all I wanted to hear was she okay. I picked my phone back up and asked Ma J she's gonna make it right?

Ma J: The Doctors said they are gonna try everything they can do Tina please just stay strong you know Tasha would want you too.

Tina: I can't promise you I can do that Wow this world we live in all I could was cry. Ma J what hospital are y'all at I'll be there in 10 min and I am going to call the girls and let them know.

Ma J: We're at St Vincent's and okay baby girl please don't be flying and just calm down Tina:

Tina: I cried and cried into Trevor arm I could not believe what I just heard this my Bestfriend the friend I have been with since 5 th grade we're like this 🤞🏽 I know God got her he is gonna work everything out. We all just have to pray and keep the faith we have! I got myself together and called the girls.
They all were upset and sad about, I told them see them at the hospital in 10 mins. Trevor drop me back off I told him I want to go alone and see him tomorrow.

Trevor: Okay baby girl I'm really sorry baby but like Ma J said stay strong for Tasha and please don't be flying to get there I love you be carful.

Tina: I made my way the hospital and saw Ma J see in the waiting room I ran to her and hug her we hug for a long time and sat down and just sat in silence, 5 mine later the girls walked in we all hugged and just continued to sit in silence and Mourn. The doctor came out. Jackson family? We all stood.

Doctor: Hi everyone I have good news we were able to stop the bleeding and stitch up where the glass cut her, of course she is in a lot of pain and out of it right now but she will be recovering soon and I'm just glad to say she made it we do have her in a regular room now and you all can go back and see her now just try not to get her too excited.

Tamiayh: Whew thank you Lord he does answers prayers all I did was pray on the way here, sitting here!

Tina: Yesss me too! Thank
you Jesus🙏🏽 he will make a way!

Tara: Amen!

Tameeka: We entered the room where our bestie laid in the bed she didn't look to good but as long as she was okay!

Tina: I tried so hard to hold it together but I just couldn't looking at my Bestfriend like this Wow! I broke down Ma J came and rub my back I had to step out for a min.

Tara: I went over to her bed side and rub her face and whispered everything is going to be alright and kiss her forehead.

Ma J: Okay girls it's 2:30 A.M. y'all go home and get some rest and come back later on she is going to be okay but don't stop praying.

Tina: They all said okay but I was spending the night right here by my Bestfriend side I wasn't leaving till I know she is woke and doing well so I can see for my own two eyes. I fell asleep in the chair in there I woke to Tasha mumbling Tina I thought I was tripping till I open my eyes and saw her! I hopped up so fast and scream Tasha your alive oh my gosh I was scared half to death I lightly hugged the hell out of my bestie friend We both cried. I love you girl!

Tasha: I love you too Girl, I was scared all I could remember is when the car flipped and I closed my eyes and never opened them back till they were doing surgery on me i just Thank GOD for covering over me and saving my life cause I was supposed to be dead.

Tina: Yes God does answers Prayers! I hugged her again and smiled I called the girls and told them and they said they will be in one sec!

Tameeka: Heyyyyyy Baby! Guh I was scared out of my mind I'm glad you okay tho!

Tara: Me too let me give you a hug!

TaMiyah: Thank you Lord! Is all I can say! Tasha! Girl whewwww heyyyy bih! Damn near kilt us I love you!

Tasha: I love all y'all! My mom was here when I first woke up well Tina was over here knocked out.. my mom was really tore up she told me y'all came last night thanks! She went home to shower and bring some stuff up here and Jacolby came and saw me this morning told me he was going crazy said he gone fine who did this I'm just like Bae chill out and be glad I'm here! Plus my momma told me they caught the men and they are in jail!

Tara: Good got dammit cause I was coming for they head to!

Tina: We all stayed at the hospital all day and night laughing and talking about good times I love these people!

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