Paradise Regained on Earth

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Sia said that she saw her father very badly wounded at the other side of the pond. Asif and the kids were playing outside. Orla was nursing the baby. She was shocked at first and then took a deep breath and ran out. Gia tried to stop her but got, "My husband needs me..." For a reply.

And sure enough Roff was on the other side of the pond. He had followed the Green Army and had a rough idea of where to search. But just as he drove to the place a couple of men spotted him and the booby traps they laid went off.

Asif had followed Orla and with his help they were bringing him in when they were stopped by the villagers. They demanded to know who he was. His highly distorted face scared them, yet they had plucked up all the courage to find if he was a spy and had come to cause harm to Gia and her family.

Orla told them that he was her husband. Asif convinced them to let them go; they agreed on one condition, that they would come along. One of them muttered under his breath "Serves him right for leaving such a good wife and mother and kids. No sense of responsibility these days."

By the time they reached home, Roff was unconscious. Gia let them in and thanked the villagers and they left after making sure everything was alright.

When Gia entered the room, Roff was whispering "Fairy godmother, can I have some cookies?" She couldn't stop her tears. Here was a guy she hated for almost 18 years and yet as he came to his senses he was still calling her the way he had all those years ago. When he woke up, she sat in front of him. He looked at her in disbelief.
"I didn't know I would be sent to heaven Godmother and I never expected you to receive me. Well of course you would be in heaven. Thank you for coming."
Then he saw Orla and Sia and felt sad.
"I'm so sorry, I should never have let you alone. At least we would have had more chances of survival together. But now we are together, hmm, that's good isn't it? Wait a minute... I'm hungry and most of my body hurts. Is it ok to have such feelings even after dying?"

They all burst out laughing.
"Dad, we all are very much alive, thanks to this lovely lady."

At first he couldn't believe he was alive and then "Fairy Godmother, it's true?"
"Even after so many years and after so much?"
She just didn't have any words to express her emotions. There was a rush of sadness that the handsome boy she once knew now had holes all over his face, there were inch sized tentacles where his beard should be. He looked like an octopus that had a bad case of chickenpox. She was angry that her son did this to him. Angry that she didn't even think of visiting him, no not even once did she bother to enquire about him. She felt ashamed of herself.

And again, she was happy he was alive and proud that even in his stupor he recognized her. She embraced him for a long time and wept on his shoulder. Her emotions now were flowing rather freely.

Abruptly, Sia said "Rial is coming."

They were shocked. How did she know, sitting by the fire?

Orla looked at Roff and told him. "Yes, Sia is a seer. She can see into the future."

Roff: It's not possible. You know nobody in my family tree ever married a seer or a seer progeny, and you know quite well that neither is yours, right?

Orla: Alright brace yourself. Remember how you always said I resembled Guru Hira in strength, well it's because I'm his daughter. Yes, through blood related surrogacy, by the parents who raised me. I didn't know until the night they were murdered. Sia is Guru Hira and Mata Shyla's child through me.
The night we were to get married, I got a call while I waited for you in the hospital. Mata Shyla told me that I was their daughter, she had given me to her maternal aunt's daughter when she saw that I would be the cause of misery to our land. Since, my mom was related by blood, she bore me in her womb and gave birth to me. Just as I gave birth to Sia.

Roff: So basically you are sisters! Wow.
Orla: Hmm, yes. Well that's also why Maula is so strong.
Anyways, I never got to tell you the whole truth of what happened that night.
First they asked me if I was sure I wanted to marry you, after Gibbs had thrown the stuff in your face and you were in coma for no one knew how long. When I told them that I was determined to marry you come what might. They smiled and then they told me that the only reason they were asking was because they wanted to give me a wedding gift. Sia.
I guess Mata Shyla meant "seer" when she handed me the cryopod, but I thought she had named her Sia and hence the name.
She then told me that Sia's powers would manifest themselves when they were in utmost need. And her visions did come in handy. First, when she said it was time to board the plane, next when you were across the pond, and again now.
Mata then asked me if I had mastered how to move my organs about my body. When I consented, she told me that I would have use for it in the darkest days of life.
Right after Mata handed me the cryogenic pod, she asked me to hide behind a veil. I did and Gibbs walked in.
I could not only hear them I but could see them too without quite being noticed.

Gibbs sounded angry, "So you decide that Orla should marry Roff and not me? You bless them to live happily ever after? Why, because he is handsome, pure blood, and wealthy? Well let's see what saves you, not your knowledge not your strength. I'm not your student anymore that you can boss about. From now on I am the King."

While he said these he slit their bodies with a saber, right before my eyes. I couldn't even breath. I knew I had to save the cryopod. As it contained the last of the pure blood of seers. They knew it would come to this but had laid down their lives for us, because of us.

Gia: one other reason for killing Mata Shyla was that she had seen that a child born on the ninth, in the ninth month, of the ninth year would bring an end to his rule. Amongst her earlier and most commonly known predictions was that 3shells would have a monkey to be a king.
It was a long time ago. I was a scientist working in the cryogenics and my boss and I were nearing a major breakthrough when we were asked to shut down the lab. Not just this all such labs on 3shells were being closed down. Any pregnancies that were successful using the lab procedure were to be terminated with immediate effect. All because a seer saw something.
I was young and stupid. I stole a vial and left the lab just as it was being destroyed. Nobody knew anything. Then I moved to the North where i used the vial and then delivered the baby, the doctor passed out on seeing him. He looked like a monkey to all of them. But what I saw was my baby. I loved him truly and brought him up with a lot of love. But everywhere he went people would tease him, bully him, throw stuff at him, scream in his face, call him names. He was a small boy and I couldn't take it anymore and I moved from one place to another and then another until we met you Roff. Then everything was different. For the first time Gibby was happy. He looked forward to going to school with Roffy. He wasn't ridiculed anymore. But then Guru Hira rejected his application. He told us he didn't qualify. Roff's mum Gina and his dad Jade persuaded the principal and got him to school. Guru Hira made sure Gibbs wouldn't get promoted to the next class, he thought that might deter him from attending school. Roffy decided that he would go to the same class as Gibbsy. If he couldn't get promoted, he would repeat the class too. And so they were inseparable. Hira tried a lot to separate them and I wasn't very happy when he asked Roffy to marry the girl Gibbsy liked. That I thought was the meanest thing to do. Because that finally separated the boys.
But when he killed them, two pure blood lines that didn't have a progeny and then declare himself King, I realized what Shyla had foreseen and what Hira was trying to do all along. He was the monkey king she had warned of. It was because of him that the labs had been closed and I had brought this misery to our world. I slapped him when he came home singing of his victory over the gurus. He had ordered to kill anybody and everybody who defied him. He didn't know what to do with me. So he put me in exile. I left, vowing never to return. I came here and have been bringing up these kids. They were orphaned by Gibbs regime. Their parents had been killed over some pretext or the other or had left their children on earth in the hope that they would survive."
Orla: Rial had let people believe that Gibbs had either killed you or that you had encouraged him to be king.

Harry had picked up his brother's signal and arrived at the cottage with Maula, Gina, and a few of his crew.
Shia was left in charge of the kids.
He told them that the rest awaited their cue to fight. As he said this, Gina and Gia exchanged greetings. Rial announced herself but just as her troop swept in, the villagers all rushed at them with all the weapons they could lay their hands on. Rial was outnumbered and so she left in a hurry on her floating device. Her troop too was asked to leave at once.

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