King, Queen, and Coup

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I don't know how to tell you this but the only reason I fantasized Orla was because she had screamed right in my face and so loudly that I was made fun of at the inter school meet for a whole week. I couldn't even participate in any event because of the embarrassment. I wanted to seek revenge though she apologized for it a few days later. And then the fact that I was receiving messages, study material and so many helpful things and then came the love notes, over the years made me believe it was Orla.

And when I found that Roff was marrying her, I thought she had made a fool of me yet again. She toyed with my feelings and this insult I couldn't bear. And I wanted to take revenge on her for that.

You are really thick headed. And all this while I helped you thinking that you had a problem with Roff because of something Orla did.

Rial: Don't tell me you never knew that it was me who...

Gibbs: You never told me it was you. Had you told me..

Rial: Yeah what would you have done?

Gibbs: We would have had a family of our own. Instead of terrorizing people, we would be friends with all. You see while the name and person I had in mind was somebody else, the personality and associated  feelings was yours.

Rial: Yeah Gibbs, now it's all my fault. Because I couldn't muster enough courage to tell you that I ehmm. Gulp.

Gibbs held her hands and looked into her eyes. She was flushed with anger yet she looked so sweet. How could he have been so blind and stupid and for so many years?

"Let's get married, please be my queen." He was rehearsing these lines in his head but he blurted out
"You won't think twice to jump off a floating device in midair; not when you have to fight the fiercest of warriors; but couldn't muster enough courage to tell me what you felt for me, huh?" and he laughed right in her face.

Just then the army general had come in. He brought in a small group of soldiers to arrest Gibbs.

Rial: Take him away.

Gibbs realized that his moment was lost, perhaps forever.
Rial was now the supreme Commander of 3Shells Paradise.

Back on earth.

Roff in the meantime had developed a strange questioning attitude towards Orla and this was just about getting on her nerves. While he brushed aside his selfishness and all the many times he had behaved badly with Orla, he said he couldn't trust her. He was angry that his mom knew but hadn't cared to tell him.

"Are any of these kids mine?" He asked.

That's it. Orla hurled Roff out of the cottage door at a rock, Maula saved him just in time, by pulling him by the collar as he flew past him.

Everybody was shocked, they had never expected a demure looking woman of Orla's stature to be able to throw a trained wrestler like a piece of trash.

Rial brought in the troops at the cottage where Orla was. She had her weapon pointed at Orla and Gina. Maula had just returned from an errand and pounced on her from the back and disarmed her with ease. He then tied her to a tree and told her to stop her army.

The soldiers stopped, and the army General announced that they now had a new ruler, the supreme queen had been upsurped by Maula, their new Supremo.

The soldiers did a spot march and raised their arms in salute.
The whole cottage raised a toast to Maula.

He was beaming with pride.
"What do you first propose to do Oh mighty king?" Jested Roff.

Maula: General, arrest this man and put him along with his best friend and lady love to clean the Royal Stables.

Asif let out a whistle. Roff was utterly shocked, "I am your father."

Maula: No, not after my mother threw you out.

"Would you like to have this go down in history as your first command?" Asked the General.

Maula: Yes, any more questions and the next guy will be the General.

Sorry sir, I'll be gone.

Maula: Wait, one more thing, send for all lawyers  judges and any law enforcement officers who want peace on 3Shells Paradise.

Maula: Mom, how did I do?

Orla: Born to rule

Sia sat in a corner and chuckled. She had asked him to be prepared to be king as a game and now that came in quite handy.
Maula, smiled at her and blew her a kiss.

All of them now found their way back to 3Shells Paradise.

Gia and Gina were busy talking and sharing their stories with each other and anyone that was nearby. Sia was putting little Vajra to sleep. Gaura found an equal in a boy her age and attitude from the village and was busy. The other children were planning to either get back to school or learn new skills.

Orla quietly slipped out. She went down to earth using the freeway that had been opened by Maula. This was to bring back those who had left 3Shells during the Oppression. The freeway was a tube like pod, where only one person could stand and travel the distance. Due to huge demand, it was programmed to go to the nearest freeway center on earth if it remained vacant for more than an hour. It opened up for only residents of 3Shells to stop people from earth to get into 3Shells and in keeping with the treaty.

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