Chapter 1

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Camila could feel herself regaining consciousness and stretched on her bed. She turned around to look at the time, feeling well rested for the first time in months.

"oh heck no".- she thought, when she realised it was only 6:30am. "this is the first day off I've had in three weeks, you're not waking me up at this ungodly hour, you stupid brain..."

She turned around once more, snuggling closer to the small, warm body sleeping next to her.

"c'mon, stupid brain, shut yourself off."- she sighed, refusing to open her eyes. She stayed like that for a few minutes, until she finally fell asleep again.

For the second time that day, Camila woke up and stretched out, feeling completely awake now.

"ugh."- she complained once again, when she noticed it was 9:00am. "I swear brain , you're so stupid. The one time I can actually sleep in and you won't let me...if you complain about being tired tomorrow when the alarm goes off at 6, I will punch you in the face...if you had a face, that is"

The girl sighed again, giving up on the idea of going back to sleep. Slowly, she got off the bed, careful not to wake her little sister up.

After spending a few minutes in the bathroom, she headed to the small kitchen to make some breakfast, feeling relaxed and happy with the thought of spending the day at the beach with Sofi.

Sofi. Her baby sister, the only thing in the world she had left.

She could feel her eyes get blurry with unshead tears, memories and thoughts filling up her mind, something she tried to avoid at all cost.

"Get your shit together, Camila. Today is a good day."- she said out loud, trying to convince herself and the universe of that.

As soon as breakfast was ready she hurried to the bedroom to wake Sofi up.

"wakey-wakey, butterfly queen 1:.- she said, laying on top of her. She could feel Sofi's small body stirring under her, so she lifted herself up on her arms to let her move.

"c'mon Sofi, breakfast is ready. Go brush your teeth."

"you don't work today?." Sofi asked, with a big yawn

"Nope, got the day off. We're going to the beach, remember? Hurry up before it gets late."

"The beach?." The smaller girl asked excitedly.- "nice! We haven't been to the beach in ages"

"I know, baby, sorry about that. You must be having the worst summer break ever"

"It's not that bad." Sofi replied, not too convinced herself but trying to make her sister feel better.

"It is." Said Camila. "but today is our day, just you and me having fun at the beach. Hurry now, breakfasts getting cold"

At last, Sofi got up, walking slowly towards the bathroom

"I'll be in the kitchen!." yelled Camila, on her way out of the bedroom. "move that little butt!"

Five minutes later they were both sitting at the table, having breakfast. Sofi was telling Camila what she had done the last few days (mostly watching tv, and trying to get old Mrs Kowalski to play with her).

Almost an hour later, they were ready to go. They left the house, carrying a bag with beach towels, water, and some snacks, towards the white 1985 Nissan pickup that belonged to their father.

"Who gets to pick the music?." asked Sofi, closing the passenger's seat door.

"let's see." replied Camila, pretending to be deep in thought.- "whoever wins three rounds of thumbwar, gets to be the DJ!" She announced excitedly, trying to hype Sofi up.

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