Chapter 10

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Dinah Jane considered herself to be a smart woman. And yes, some people may say differently only because she doesn't like to read, or because she used to have problems pronouncing big words, or because her grammar wasn't the best. But that was when she was younger and mostly because she didn't care about being 'book smart' because she was 'street smart' and that, in her opinion, was more important. Growing up in a house filled with family, never really able to be alone (unless she locked herself in the bathroom and even then it only took around two minutes for someone to start knocking on the door telling her to hurry up), it gave her the oportunity to learn how to read people and situations. It was almost like an instinct that she had developed in order to avoid whoever was in a bad mood at home, or to know how far she could go when messing with her younger siblings before her mom or dad would get annoyed and take out the belt. So that's how it only takes her a few glances, some small words and change of vibe in a room to know what's going on.

Dinah Jane knows people, but mostly, she knows Camila.

That's why she found herself sitting on the bed, smiling proudly at the sight in front of her that confirmed her theory.


Lauren didn't want to wake up. For the first time in a very long time she just wanted to sleep in, stay in bed, not because she was tired but because it was so damn warm, and comfortable, and it felt so damn good. So even though she was in that place between dreams and reality, she refused to open her eyes and wake up. It would've been so easy, considering how relaxed and comfortable she felt, if it weren't for the giggles and whispers that kept making their way into her brain, forcing her to shift towards reality. She held the pillow closer to her, this very soft pillow that smelt so good, and tried to ignore the noise around her, until a loud giggle made her sigh in annoyance and finally open her eyes, only to find Dinah and Sofi sitting down on the bed, staring at her and whispering to eachother.

"What the hell, guys?" Lauren asked, with a raspier than usual voice. She closed her eyes again, hoping they'd take the hint and let her sleep.

"A bit comfortable, aren't we?" Dinah asked, rasing one eyebrow.

"Yeah, so?" Lauren replied a bit louder, confused and annoyed by the taller girl. It was too early for riddles.

"Shh you're going to wake up Kaki" whispered Sofi, making Lauren open her eyes.

"Where is she?" Lauren asked, covering a yawn with her right hand. Dinah and Sofi looked at eachother before giggling again, trying to muffle the sound with their hands.

Lauren closed her eyes again, hugging her pillow closer and forcing herself to ignore took her a few more seconds until she finally noticed that this pillow wasn't actually a pillow, because it had a heart beat and was breathing. Lauren could feel the heart beat against her own chest, making it hard to know which one was hers. She felt the soft exhales on her neck, the warm arm around her torso and the leg draped over her own two legs. Her eyes widened and she looked down, finally seeing what the other two girls had been giggling about.

Camila's body was completely flushed against hers, with her face buried in Lauren's neck. Lauren marvelled in the feeling before slowly trying to disentangle herself from Camila's tight grip. The moment she lifted the younger girl's arm though, Camila let out a small, raspy groan and pulled her closer, burying her face in Lauren's neck once again.

Lauren could feel her face blushing, not only at how much she was enjoying that moment, but at the knowing smirk on Dinah's face. She tried to ignore their nonstop whispers and giggles and closed her eyes, deciding that if clinging onto her helped Camila sleep better, who was she to deny her that?

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