chapter 2

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Lauren was sitting on the beach, deep in thought. She had been trying to convince herself to do the right thing: go home. Wasn't that why she was back, anyway?

-you're such a coward.-she thought.-you can't even go home and face them. You've changed, haven't you? Then prove it. Go there and prove to them and yourself that you've changed...or get up and leave again, but do something. C'mon, move.

But she didn't move, because even though she knew she had changed, she had hurt her family. She had made mistakes, she had chosen to complicate things for herself just out of boredom. That was the worst part. She didn't have an excuse or a sad story that would give her a free pass to what she had done. Because truth be told, she had just been bored with the perfect life, perfect grades, perfect family...everything had been so perfect and so.damn.boring. So she thought why not? Why not just go out and try new things, make new friends, have some adventures.

It had all been for fun, but she had lost control after a while. She forgot how she ended up where she did, in a hospital bed, almost dead. Talk about adventures.

She didn't care so much about having hurt herself in the process, because in the end it had been her choice. But what made her regret everything was the fact that she had hurt her family, and to be honest, she was terrified that the pain she had caused them was just too much, and that they'd never forgive her.

So she waited for a sign, something-anything that would help her make a decision. It was the cowardly way out. She didn't trust herself into doing the right thing anymore but if she got a sign and failed then she could just blame the universe for it.

A few more minutes passed and there was no sign, no excuse.

-get up, you coward. Just go, do it.- she thought, finally making a move to stand up.

And that's when she saw her.

A little girl, standing a few feet away, just staring at her small brown dog.

-Hi there.- said Lauren, letting out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. Coward.- you can come closer if you want, he won't bite you.

Slowly, the girl approached them and crouched down in front of the dog, softly petting his head.

-his name's Leo.- continued Lauren. At the sound of his name the little dog, who until then had been sleeping, opened his eyes. Noticing the stranger petting him, he got up and smelled her hands, licking them once he decided she was trustworthy.

-that means he likes you.-said Lauren, giggling.- do you want to play with him?. She asked, looking at the girl who had a big smile on her face.

-here.-said Lauren, giving her a small rubber ball.- he loves playing fetch...I'm Lauren, by the way. What's your name?

The girl didn't reply, instead taking the ball from her and showing it to Leo, who started jumping excitedly.

Lauren smiled again, looking around to make sure the little girl's parents knew she was there, but instead getting confused when she was realised no one was looking their way or paying attention to them at all.

She sat down again, feeling relieved from having an excuse not to go home just yet, but also feeling guilty for the same reason. Maybe this was the sign she was waiting for, she thought, looking at the girl playing with Leo, a smile on her face.

-Sofi!.- the loud voice took her out of her trance, making her turn around to find the source. It was a girl, around her age or younger, running towards her with a look of complete desperation on her face.

-here!.- said the little girl, walking towards her and standing in front of Lauren, Leo jumping around her legs.

-Oh my God, Sofi.- said the other girl, falling to her knees and hugging the younger girl.- you scared me to death.

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