Chapter 5

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It was almost time to leave and there was no sign of Lauren. Camila was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing her coffee and deciding if she should just go over to Mrs Kowalski and ask her to look after Sofi. Lauren was not coming.

Making up her mind, she walked over to the sink and washed her cup, gathering her purse on the way out of the house. As soon as she opened the door, she came face to face with Lauren.

-oh hey!.- Camila said, startled.- I thought you weren't coming.

-good morning to you too.- The green eyed girl said, a smile on her face.

-Sorry, I was just on my way out to get someone to look after Sofi...I figured you'd be busy.

-I said I was coming,  didn't I? Besides you said 7, and it's 6.56.- she said, checking the time on her phone.

-oh crap, I have to go.- Camila said, switching positions with the other girl, who was now standing by the door.- I left a note with all emergency numbers on the kitchen table, there's food in the fridge you can take anything you want. Sofi will probably sleep til late so you can make yourself comfortable and watch tv or whatever you want to do...mi casa es tu casa.- she finished in a hurry.

-Thanks. So at what time do you get back from work?.- Lauren asked, holding onto her backpack's strap and Leo's leash on the other hand.

-late. But you dont have to stay for so can go whenever you want, just make sure to drop Sofi off at Mrs Kowalski's. She'll be waiting for you. Before I forget.- She continued, handing over her phone to Lauren.- put your number in there. I will call you at around 12 to ask how everything's going. Please pick up the phone at once or I will freak out and...just take care of her ok?

-I will. We'll probably just go out to the park or something.- Lauren said, slightly amused at the way the other girl was fussing over every detail.

-one more thing.- The smaller girl said, pointing the camera at her.- stay still.

-Are you taking a picture of me?

-In case I need one to find you, because if something happens to Sofi I will find you and I will kill you. Got it?

-Damn, alright. Got it. Now go or you'll be late.

Camila started walking backwards, still staring at Lauren, who was casually standing there waving at her with a smile on her face. Please God, don't let anything bad happen, she thought as she finally got in the car and drove away.

Lauren walked in the house, closing the door behind her. She unleashed Leo, who ran over to the sofa and laid down. She picked him up and laid down on the sofa, stretching out, letting him lay on her stomach. She hadn't slept at all last night. The hotel room in which she stayed had brought back too many memories of reckless nights and stupid choices. She felt more comfortable here, this strange house that felt like a home to her. She didn't know exactly what made her feel that way, and she wasn't one to question it. Finally being able to relax, she fell asleep.


A soft tapping on her shoulder woke her up a few hours later. Lauren opened her eyes, only to find Sofi standing next to her.

-hey little girl.- she whispered, stretching out a bit. The movement woke Leo up too, who jumped off of her as soon as he noticed Sofi's presence. The girl knelt down and started petting him.- Have you been awake for long?

-no, I just woke up.

-wanna have breakfast?

The little girls eyes lit up as she nodded her head eagerly. They walked over to the kitchen, Leo trailing behind them.

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