Chapter Thirteen: I'm a broken freak, its official!

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Chapter Thirteen: I'm a broken freak, its official!

We got inside, and I narrowly dodged the bullet known as Ambrosia. I snuck up the back stairs, as she greeted Chris at the front door. She may fit the part of a blonde that is the center piece of all blonde jokes, but she was fierce when she has to be. Not only that but she has an advantage, having already knowing how to change into her wolf and back, when I haven't done it once, only several almost accidents.

I heard murmured conversations downstairs, and the familiar clink of plates and forks coming together, another bullet dodged, I wouldn't have to sit through another half-dinner answering all the uncomfortable questions about my tortured and forgotten life. Well since everyone was officially downstairs I could at least do some roaming of the upstairs.

Tiptoeing, and being as silent as I could I walked from room to room, finding most of them locked like Veronica had instructed me to. The ones I found open, usually ended up being empty guest bedrooms. I had reached the end of the hallway and was about to give up when I noticed one door ajar. Curiosity got the best of me and I crept over to the stream of blue light creeping out from the crack in the doorway. The door creaked a little as I pushed it open far enough to allow me to slip in, my feet automatically feeling the difference of the carpet from the hard wood of the hallway. The light was coming from a computer sitting in the corner of the room, setting a low blue tone to the messed up bed and nightstand. Clothes were neatly folded and placed on hangers in the closets or in the drawers of the dresser, all blacks and grays of sorts. There were a few possessions collecting on the nightstand, including a cell-phone and IPod, things that surprisingly alike to mine. I was about to leave the person's bedroom when the laptop blinked a shade of white, then settled back on blue making a ding sound.

Taking a quick glance back down the hallway, gladly seeing no one walking down it, I came back and sat down in the computer chair. I was being a snoop I know it, but I was bored, who could blame me, well except the person who owned the stuff I was snooping around in. Up popped up a chat room, two people talking to each other and a suddenly cut off conversation from the owner of this computer. The person's username was BlackAsNight, and apparently they were talking to Locusts and AppleB. AppleB hadn't said something for twenty minutes so my guess was they were off for the moment, but Locusts had perked up after a long wait.

"I think I can handle a job like that, I mean I've many years tracking the kid down, I know everyone of there moves," they replied to AppleB's message, "I have a job for you, can you handle G with little to no disturbance."

I puzzled over the strange conversation; it had only started about an hour ago, but was mostly in a sort of code or something, only the last two lines containing some sort of real wording. I was about to go into the user files to find out the owner when I heard the creak of a step on the stairway. My head snapped up, looking at the door like a deer caught in headlights. Another creak as the person made their way towards the room I was in. Quickly I placed the laptop back on the desk, aligning it so it matched as close as possible to what it was before I laid a finger on it. The footsteps were coming closer and I was almost sure now that they were headed for this door, considering all the other close ones were reserved for guest bedrooms.

I looked around frantically, beads of nervous sweat coming across my forehead; the only solution was the window. Luckily it was already open, and had no screen in it. I stepped on the windowsill, looking so very far down to the green grass glinting in the moonlight. Fears from being about to jump of a third story window began surfing through my head, making me almost want to stick out and wait for what was to come. But the doorknob jiggled as a person rested their hand on it. I jumped without a second thought, closing my eyes tightly as the air came whooshing around me, enveloping me in a pocket of wind. My legs almost buckled as I hit the ground, and I was just getting up when I heard the door to the room open, but no voices.

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