Chapter Fifteen: Prophecy....perfect. Not!

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Chapter Fifteen: Prophecy...perfect. Not!

I regarded her carefully before slowly replying a Yes. How did she know about my prophecy, I mean wouldn't you think it kind of weird if some person you just randomly met you in the woods and took you to a cabin of your memories to talk about a long forgotten prophecy, that coincidently includes you? Kinda!

She nodded, "I suppose Chris told you about the prophecy, like the main details?"

I shook my head.

Her eyes widened a bit, and she let out an exasperated sigh, "I should have known he wouldn't have, always looking out for you, even if it's your own good to know about it now, rather than later,"

When I didn't answer she started talking again, but I didn't really hear her, I was puzzling over the words, 'Always looking out for you'. I mean really, you would think I would at least have one memory of him when we were young, but no, so how could he have protected me, if he wasn't even there? Well now he was, I mean he had gotten me out of that house, technically, since seeing him was what started me having an aversion to my adopted parents.

"Ermm...What did you say?" I asked, shaking my head, trying to clear it so I could focus. I earned another exasperated sigh, "Really do you ever listen?"

"Ummm....not really,"

"It explains so much!"

"So much about what?"

"About how you know nothing," she said with a smile, and the way she was teasing me felt so familiar, like a long lost friend. For a moment, her face faded into a little girl's, around twelve, her long blonde locks hanging halfway down her back, and a wickedly devilish smile upon her lips, her hands just waiting to cause mischief. Her current face came back, and thank goodness, I at least remembered her from before so that meant she wasn't just some nut who thought she knew me.

"Can we get back to the prophecy?" I stressed, curling my feet beneath me as I settled into the couch, I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a chat over tea.

"Fine, but are you sure you want to know?" her eyes looked concerned, but I was tired, and easily pushed into a snapping point.

"YES! Now get on with it already," I screeched, making her give a shaky but satisfied smile.

"Okay, it all started when you were around eight or so, yours and Chris's parents were fighting over the fact of an arranged marriage/alliance between the two of you. But that really has nothing to do with what the prophecy is about. See there was this really old nutcase that lived in a house by the river, an outcast from the pack since she couldn't speak and when she did it was only in a crazy manner, all sounds no words. Well me and Chris were really close, just as close as I was with you, but with you being tugged back and forth with marriage details, me and him were more concerned in earning money and having dares. Well naturally we wanted to do all the things our parents said we shouldn't, and visiting the nutcase was a big no-no."

"So you went up there, how does this have to do about my prophecy?" I asked, about to just get up and leave her with her apparently fond memories. "Sit back down, I'm getting there." She snapped, swatting at the air in front of me.

"As I was saying, before you rudely interrupted me, we decided to go visit the lady. Grabbing the basket of food from the bakery that they usually left because it wasn't fresh, we raced up the path to her house. Night was falling down over the woods, making the dare seem even more dangerous, and intriguing. As we entered the clearing that held the house, we saw her just sitting there on her old wooden rocking chair staring out into open space, her feet gently pushing her back and forth. Cautiously we approached her with the basket of breads, setting it down by her feet, we even waited a couple minutes just standing there to see if she would even notice us, but she didn't. With slumped shoulders we turned around and walked away, but just as we stepped off the porch she spoke, "Your friend, why isn't she with you?" me and Chris probably jumped a good ten feet in the air, scared out of our wits. Turning back around, her eyes were focused on us, not glazed over like they had been for years, but perfect clarity, showing no sign that she had been mentally insane. "

"'What did you say?' Chris had asked, I would've but my mouth was sealed shut with fear. The lady tilted her head to one side, "You heard me boy, why didn't your other friend accompany you tonight?" she snapped. Chris flinched but answered hastily, "She has other plans tonight, she never even knew about this," the lady seemed to nod, taking it in, and eventually accepting it. "Well then you're going to have to pass on this information to her, it's a matter of life and death," she said gravely."

"Yes, mam'" Chris answered, his hands shaking as he clenched them in fists. Why we were so afraid of just one little old lady, I have no idea, but just the air around her sent chills up my spine. Then the weirdest thing happened, her eyes started to glow a bright gold, and the air that she breathed out shimmered in the air."

"One stands out from them all

The reign of blood has come to an end

But not before her town comes to a fall

Taken, and transferred between their kind

Her and brother will lose all sight of the past

Their love for each other is the only indication to find

Well trained

She will fight the leader

Not unscathed, but in pain

The blood reign will then be over

The kingdom crumbling under their feet

We will rule once again, both her and her brother."

"Then her eyes had faded back to normal, and collapsed. We tried to revive her, but it had been too late, she had died right before us. Running back we were still puzzling over the riddle she had given us, and even though we could hint importance me and him promised not to tell anyone." She fell silent, her breathing slightly ragged from all the speaking.

"Wow, that's weird, yeah, weird. But the poem just doesn't make sense, 'Not unscathed, but in pain'. What is that supposed to mean, and what leader?" I rambled, trying to go over the poem/riddle/prophecy in my mind, but the pieces just didn't fit together.

"We have figured it out, the leader is the head of the vampiric world, and the blood reign is the control they have over us at the moment. I don't know about the 'Not unscathed..' part, but the past stanza is clear, in the end you will be victorious, and the werewolves will finally be in peace,"

"How am I supposed to believe this bunch of crap, even you said the woman was mentally insane?" I asked, hands in the air, it was too much. Who even was the vampire leader? I was supposed to fight him!

"Well, we knew for sure, after you were kidnapped, and then even more when you were found. The town did come to a fall, when they attacked the pack, killing your mother and mentally killing your father. You were taken and transferred between their kind and the love for your brother was the only indication that Chris found you by, well that and your tattoo. It's not a normal Alpha tattoo, those kinds usually are more straight lines, but this is all tangled, probably indicating your confusing past."

"What are you know, a philosopher?" I exclaimed.

"Maybe," she said with a shrug and a smile.

"So I have to fight the leader of the vampire world?" she nodded, "How can I even do that, when I can't even change into wolf form?"

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