Chapter 3 - Where is she?

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The Kerwin household was awaken at 2:30 am, by the police pounding on the door. My father came to my bedroom and got me up. I was groggy from the alcohol and had no idea why I was being hauled out of bed; I wasn't sure what was going on. When Dad and I came downstairs the police wasted no time and said, "Where is she," they demanded.

I was wiping the sleep out of his eyes, not understanding who they were talking about. "Where is who," I asked.

One of the cops was visibly angry, "Cut the bullshit, kid what have you done with Jeannie Craig"?

Now I was confused and scared, "Father Tom told me he took Jeannie home," I sputtered.

My father whipped his head around to look me squarely in the eyes, "Why didn't you take her home," he asked?

He was interrupted by the angry cop, "Funny, Father Tom is the one who called us after Jeannie's father called him. He said you were getting pretty handsy with her at the dance".

The other cop said, "I think you better come down to the station, George".

I knew in an instant that this was all orchestrated by Father Tom; I had been set up, but even scarier was what had he done with Jeannie. Whatever had happened I knew it was my fault; all she asked was that I didn't leave her, one little favor and I couldn't even do that. I hated myself.

I'm now being allowed to get dressed to be taken down to the police station for questioning. My mother, Mary Alice is trying to reason with the police officers and try as I may I can't seem to make them understand I want to help in the search to find Jeannie.

My Dad is on the phone with his brother who is a lawyer he's asking him to meet us at the police station.

The angry police officer sarcastically says, "If Georgie boy is so innocent then why is your Daddy calling you a lawyer".

In the police car, I try to reason with them that we should be focusing on finding Jeannie. They ask me if I can lead them to her and I say no, but I feel helpless.

"If Father Tom took her home shouldn't you be asking him," I questioned.

"Father Tom said he didn't take her home so guess the ball's in your court, punk".

I'm trying to push the alcoholic fog out of my brain, I've never drank whiskey before so it's doing a number on my mind. Wait, there is something or someone, think dammit, what is it and then it comes to me and I blurt it out, "Wait, Monseigneur Aiello was there, he heard Father Tom say he drove Jeannie home".

Both cops looked at each other, but they didn't say a word at least, I thought they were thinking about it.

I started to pray, dear God please, please keep her safe.

Jeannie was having a conversation with someone she didn't recognize and it was warm and sunny. She wasn't sure how she had got to this place or what this place was, but she felt safe.

The man she was talking to was hard to see, he was surrounded by light yet she felt safe with him. She couldn't make sense of the entire conversation; however she heard what she needed to hear. He told her she needed to lead his crusade. It wouldn't be easy and it would be one of the hardest things she would ever do, but he had to be stopped.

Jeannie wanted to be brave and stop him, but she wasn't sure she could do it. Surely, there would be many who didn't believe her and she would be ridiculed and ostracized. He reasoned with her asking her if she could prevent one other person from being molested by this man would the chance of being ridiculed be worth it?

Jeannie never wanted another person to go through what she had so she told the man she would be his crusader.

She was cold again, but fell into a deep sleep.

My Uncle Bill came by the jail and told me to keep my mouth shut. Monseigneur Aiello backed up Father Tom's story telling the cops Father Tom never said he took Jeannie home.

I told Uncle Bill about Father Tom and what he had been doing to Jeannie all those years. He told me if I breathed one word of that my life would be over. He said he could get me off, but if I said one word against Father Tom I would be up against the entire Roman Catholic Church.

I am weak, I am a horrible friend and here I remain in silence.

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