Chapter 6 ~ Only the brave

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The world or realm that Jeannie was in was warm and wonderful. She is sitting on a dock with J.C. as she calls him. She leans her head down on one knee and smiles at him. Jesus knows what she is thinking, but out of politeness, he asks what's on her mind. Softly, she smiles at him, "The darkness has lifted and I love the warmth".

Jesus smiles back as he watches one of his creations, an osprey makes a dive into the lake for fish. Jeannie watches in awe of the accuracy and asks how does the bird know. Jesus said, "Sometimes it's not knowing where or even why, it's just having the faith to choose the right path".

Jeannie looked to the sky and sadly said, "It's going to get dark again, isn't it".

"It doesn't have to, unlike all the bad stuff that happened to you, this time you have a choice".

"Is that what you meant when you told George he might have to help"? Jesus nodded.

"But, George may not be able to do it and it has to be told, others have to be protected".

Jesus hugged her and whispered, "Well, I guess you know".

Her hospital room always seems to be a buzz of activity. Jeannie had one nurse who she recognized by her voice. This nurse had a soft caring voice and she was extremely gentle when she had to change her bedding or move her.

Then there it was again, the other voice, the man who was pure evil, why was he here. Jeannie wanted to scream so badly and in her head, she was screaming, but no one could hear her. She was agitated and it did not go unnoticed by her nurse. With all her might she managed to squeeze the nurse's hand, but the nurse did not react for anyone else to hear, instead, she leaned down and whispered to Jeannie, "Is it him"? With all her strength she could muster she squeezed her hand again.

Father Tom being suspicious said, "What did you say to my niece"?

"Nothing Father, I was just listening to her breathing".

"Hey, wait a minute you're the Mitchell girl, you went to St. Francis didn't you"?

Margo Mitchell had indeed gone to St. Francis Academy and her encounter with Father Tom was not a good one. She tried not to tip her hand, but she cleared the room telling everyone she had to give Jeannie her sponge bath. Her mother protested saying that the nurse had done that earlier and Margo quickly explained that Jeannie had soiled herself.

Once everyone was gone, Margo told Jeannie not to worry that she understood and she wanted to help her. Margo could always think on her feet and now was no different. There was a woman on Jeannie's floor who loved to debate the Bible with anyone who would listen. Margo quickly ducked into her room and told her that there was a priest on the floor knowing the old soul would toddle down the hall to talk to him. While she put that in motion she hurried down the hall to Dr. Müeller's office.

Dr. Müeller was one of the most respected doctor's in the hospital and a personal favorite of Margo's. He was the head of neurology, so seeking his advice seemed the most sensible since Jeannie was not waking up.

"Margo, my favorite nurse what brings you by", he asked.

Margo was fidgeting a bit, but she sat down and started to explain.

"The Craig girl she should be awake by now". The wise old doctor knew she was headed somewhere with the conversation so he let her go on.

"I know that research has shown that people can hear things in a coma, but do they typically get agitated if they feel threatened"?

"Margo, it sounds like you have a specific question", he challenged.

"Not so much a question, but an observation. Three times I have noticed her heart rate and blood pressure has skyrocketed whenever her Uncle is in the room".

"Her Uncle, the priest"? he asked.

"Yes, and there's more, she squeezed my hand today and responded to my questions".

"That's wonderful, did you call Dr. Fletcher"? Margo shook her head no.

"Why not, may I ask"?

"We need to keep him out of her room". The doctor looked confused, "You mean Father Tom? What are you saying exactly? Do you need to tell me something"?

"Father Tom is not a nice man, he's not a good man at all and if Jeannie has been sexually assaulted I think, no I know it was him".

Dr. Müeller wasn't a man who jumped to conclusions, but something this serious needed to be investigated. He took a ragged breath and said, "I've got to see this for myself, let's go."

On the way to Jeannie's room Dr. Müeller, "What did he do to you, Margo"?

She hung her head down and quietly said, "It was another priest who tried to rape me, I reported him to Father Tom and because I did Father Tom told me I had to do penance for my sins". Margo felt sick to her stomach and could barely get the words out, "He told me I had to strip naked and kneel and recite Galatians 5: 19-21 over and over.

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

He never touched me, but after 4 hours he grabbed a paddle and hit me with it. I never went anywhere near him again and I never told anyone. I'm so ashamed".

"The shame is not yours to bear and I'm so sorry this happened to you. If he did this to the Craig girl I will do everything in my power to see he rots in prison".

Dr. Müeller bore witness to exactly what Margo had seen and he was convinced that Father Tom had to go.

After witnessing Jeannie's reaction to Father Tom's voice, the doctor cleared the room and he told Jeannie she wasn't alone. It was his job to keep Father Tom out of her room and her job to wake up. He asked her to squeeze his hand if she understood and she did.

Dr. Müeller told the family, Father Tom included that he was going to limit her visitors to just her parents due to the fact that he didn't like what he was seeing. Father Tom protested stating he had every right to be there as her spiritual guidance. He didn't get very far with that argument telling him that what she needed now was rest and as far as prayers he could do that outside her room.

After Jeannie's parents agreed Dr. Müeller took Margo with him and asked her one very important question, "Margo are you going to disclose what happened to you? I need to know before I call the police", he reasoned.

"I don't want to but I will if she needs me too".

"My father had a saying, 'Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is', don't let him get any bigger".

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