Chapter 6

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Sooo I didn't like writing this chapter it made me feel bad xP Also because I wrote it when I was sad so it made me feel worse. Anyways I put glen's P.O.V in this one bcuz i wanted to show what he went through and yeah soo here's the chappie

*Trigger Warning*
-- Rachel <3


Chapter 6:


"Let's stop hiding 'Us'."  

When those words escaped my lips, his mouth just hung open.

"A-are you sure? Aren't you afraid of what everyone will think? I'm okay with hiding, so you don't ha-"

"But I want to." I smiled and he pulled me into a strong hug.

"You're amazing, did you know that?" He pulled back and chuckled. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, babe." I winked and we both laughed. We spent the night snuggling on my bed. He didn't stay too late though, because he was afraid of getting jumped. That had me thinking the entire night. Andrew came back really late, and I knew because I wasn't fully asleep yet.

What would happen if I came out? Would I get treated badly? What would people think? Would they hate me? Probably, but most importantly what will Andrew think? I fell asleep with all of these questions running through my mind.

*Monday Morning*

I walked through the halls, adjusting my messenger bag and not paying attention to anything in front of me. I finish fixing my bag and bring my head up to look around the hall. Okay, either find Glen or find Andrew to apologize for ignoring him. I scanned for one of them and to my luck I found Glen at his locker fixing his hair and beanie. He was wearing a long sleeved uniform shirt, which is strange because it was pretty warm for that. I walked over to him and smiled like a fan girl. He looked with the corner of his eye and grinned.

"Is there a reason you're smiling like a retard?" I laughed then bit my lip to stop smiling. He came closer to my face, "I never said to stop." I saw Andrew a few feet away, probably not paying attention but could still turn around in any minute. Glen was inches away from my lips when I dodged the kiss, causing him to almost fall forward.

"Sorry!... It's just... I'm not ready yet." I said, slightly glancing at Andrew. Glen turned to look in that direction and once again that face of sadness and hurt showed but then was hidden by a slight smile. He looked at me and the smile grew a little but I could tell it was painful for him.

"It's alright, whenever you're ready." He wanted to hug me, kiss me or show some sort of affection but he restrained it. "...I'll see you after school?"

"Yeah." I replied and smiled. "Bye babe."

"Bye Jake." He closed his locker and walked in the opposite direction.

All I could think of was the fact that Glen is hurting and it's because I can't make up my mind. I was going to talk to him about it later, but now I have to go apologize to Andrew.

I had the weirdest feeling that someone was listening to me and Glen's conversation. Oh how I hope not.

I headed to my next class, which I had with Andrew. The teacher wasn't here and so we got a laid back sub who let us work together in pairs. I obviously paired with Andrew.

"Hey." I said simply as I sat next to him. He didn't respond, just kept looking at his paper. "Look... I shouldn't have ignored you and I'm sorry, okay?"

"Damn right you shouldn't have."

"Okay, I deserve the attitude but I also deserve forgiveness 'cuz I'm your best friend."

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