Chapter 1: Welcome to Harfield Academy

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Jacob's P.O.V

"Okay Emily don't get me wrong of course you're fact the most attractive girl I have ever met." Axel said winking to a very angry Emily who just turned around to avoid Axel's puppy face. "...But you have to admit, Chrystie is very attractive too." Emily huffed the turned to look at him.

"Yeah, that whore has also slept with most of the boys in the academy so your point is?" She yelled as she crossed her arms. I sighed and shook my head as Axel shot me a 'help me' look. I'm not helping him this time. He always says something to get my sister all angry but she loves him too much to stay mad at him and he loves her too much to let her stay mad. If only I could be with my love like those two.

I sighed then glanced at one of my best friends, Andrew. God he was gorgeous, with his stunning crystal blue eyes, perfect skin and light complexion. And his sandy light brown locks that are both jagged and curled naturally. He was breathtaking and with a voice that could sooth any bad thought. He was always caring with us and loved to make us smile when we felt down. But he doesn't know that loving him makes me both happy and sad. I pity myself because I know he would never feel that way towards me. He would never love me, his sad, pathetic, faggot of a friend.

Yep, I'm a boy with a serious crush on my best friend. I wasn't always gay, well bi to be exact. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of my thoughts. Then I realized Andrew was standing right in front of me. I blushed when I took notice that I was staring.

"You okay Jacob?" His melodic voice rang through my head and I blushed even harder as he stepped closer to me.

"Y-yeah..." I managed to speak. He leaned in closer and my breath became irregular and my heart was racing but just then he brought the back of his hand up to my forehead. I released a little sigh.

"Are you sure? You look like you have a fever or something." He asked all worried-like. I gave him my 'Don't worry' smile and he dropped his hand-- But instead of falling back down to his side, it cupped my cheek! " Jake, I'm your best friend and we're like brothers which means I'm not going to take your 'dont worry' face anymore... If its nothing right now then fine, but when something is seriously wrong... please tell me, Okay?" I slowly nodded and he released my cheek. "Come on, Axel and Emily went to lunch already."

He started walking and I followed awkwardly behind him. I sighed as I thought about what he said. Brothers. Best Friends. I mentally shot myself in the face. I knew I couldn't tell him, it would make things too weird and one thing I know is that I don't want to lose Andrew.

A loud bang, probably from a locker, stole my attention. I looked up to see two boys and two girls. The bigger boy, clearly the bully, had the smaller one by the collar, up against the locker. And one of the girls was lying on the floor, hold her cheek with what seems to be a little bloo- Wait What?! I looked at the girl who towered over her with a proud smirk on her face. Bitch. I knew who she was, she used to bother Emily in the previous years, but I see she's found new targets. This scene bothered me but I was not fully pissed until I heard what came out of the whore's mouth.

"Now you see why fags aren't accepted in the world."

"Yeah!" The dumb jock said. She groaned then continued.

"As I was saying... You freaks will never find anyone to accept you or love you, cuz face it, you and all of the other fags just don't belong with norm-"

"Why don't you just piss off Serena and go find a guy who will deal with your STDs?!" I growled from the inside of the crowd but as soon as I finished the crowed made space for me to be seen. I heard gasps but also heard a few chuckles which inspired my proud smirk. The jock, Kevin, put down the boy then turned his attention to me. I didn't cower, I'm not scared of this fool. I may not be very strong but I know how to protect myself. I soon brought my attention to Serena, with the priceless, 'WTF!? Just happened' face. "Besides, I'm sure they'll find people who won't leave them after being displeased with the sex." Now that was a good one because I heard laughter and clapping.

Wow, I just shot down the princess. I was distracted when I heard Andrew call out for me. I didn't know why but the next thing I knew was that a big shape was coming after me. Thanks to my reflexes I managed to move out of the way, causing Kevin to hit a wall. Everyone erupted in laughter as he tried to regain the little composure he had. I stood proudly as the principal, and my fave uncle, Jasper Walker, walked into the scene.

"Now now settle down everyone, Serena and Kevin to my office, Jacob..." He looked at me then at Andrew, " And Andrew, get Lilly and Glen to the nurse, Everyone else get your asses to the lunchroom or you'll get suspended for the next three weeks." Everyone moved slowly. "And you'll have community service instead." He chuckled as everyone ran to the cafeteria. I watched him walk off as he took Serena and Kevin. Serena shot me a dirty look while Kevin just hung his head in shame. I shrugged off Serena and walked over to Lilly. I held out my hand to help her up.

"T-thank you so much... For all of that." She smiled weakly at me.

"Yeah, That was a really nice thing you did for us." Glen joined in as he was getting up.

"It was no problem... Wait you two are new right?"

They both nodded and I gave them a sad smile. We all started walking to the nurse's office. "Oh yeah, ... Welcome to Harfield Academy." Yeah where the richest are the bitchiest and anyone not the 'norm' is sadly abused. I think Andrew noticed my agitated expression because he gave me one of his cool relaxing smiles. I melted. Damn, this boy did not know how bad I wanted him.


Well that's the end of chapter 1 :D hope you enjoyed pleaseeeee comment cuz I really need feedback :) i would like to know if i did well and if you liked, vote and tell your friends please.

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