Chapter 10

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A/N: This is a filler chapter so it will not be very interesting 


Chapter 10

Andrew's P.O.V

Okay, it's a bright and sunny Saturday. I made plans to just hang out with everyone at the park. This included, Jacob, Emily, Axel, the boys, yes we're somewhat friends now, and of course their lovely sister, Evangeline. She was a really nice, funny and thoughtful person.

Everyone was waiting at the park for me and Jacob. I had to wait for Jake because he took forever to change. He finally came out wearing some demin jeans, surprisingly not skinny, with a green v-neck and a pair of green Chuck Taylors. I gave him a weird look.

"You took forever just to put THAT on?" He looked down then back up at me.

"What? Oh I, uh, had to think about some stuff."

"Like what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Glen and... our break up."

"You miss him, don't you."


"Well, when he comes back to school, make sure to talk to him, kay?" I put my arm around him, in the brotherly way of course, and he nodded. He smiled and I took my arm off. "Now, TO THE PARK!" I said in an announcer's voice, pointing forward. Jacob chuckled and we walked out of our dorm.

On our walk to the park, we talked and joked like old times.

"Andreeeew," Jacob whined.


"I'm tired."


"Aaaand, I want you to carry me." He demanded like a three year old. I sighed then kneeled down so he can jump on my back.

When he got himself situated, I held his legs and stood up. He wasn't very heavy, because I mean this boy was skinny. I began walking again while Jacob rested his head on my shoulder. He seemed tired lately, and I know it's not because of the beating, because he already fully recovered. Maybe he doesn't get enough sleep because he's still too worried about Glen. I heard soft snores near my ear. Poor Jacob really was tired. I continued walking forward until I reached the entrance to the park. Not wanting to wake Jacob just yet, I continued walking until I saw Emily and Axel on the swings. Finding a nearby bench,- I sit Jacob down and he slowly wakes up.

"Hey Jake, we're here." He rubbed his eyes and looked around. I expected a big smile but instead, he had a sad look then quickly hid it with a small smile.

"Okay." Wait, Jacob, Mr. Hyperactive didn't go run around? This Glen thing must really be getting to him. Wait a minute! I just realized this. Wow, I'm kind of slow.

"Yo, Blondie! You ain't gonna say hi?" I turned around and saw Alex with his hands in his pockets. Next to him stood Luce and Evangeline. She was very pretty, in her flowery blue top and baggy green shorts. She caught me staring and smiled.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them. Well more at Evangeline. Alex and Luce looked at each other then at us.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone." Luce spoke and realizing we weren't going to respond, him and Alex went to talk to Jacob.

I took Evangeline's hand and walked over to a beautiful flower tree. We sat down on the grass and smiled at each other.

"Well, don't you look divine." I faked an accent and winked.

"Why, thank you." She chuckled and smiled. "You look dashing, yourself." We both laughed. She stopped and looked at me. "Andrew, I really like you."


"Yep, I mean you're funny, sweet, smart and not to mention gorgeous." She looked somewhere else making her bangs hide her face. I smiled and turned her so that I could see her face.

"I really like you too, because you're all of those things." I winked and looked into her eyes. They were hazel but with more green specs than brown. I leaned in slowly and she closed the space between our lips. I felt that spark again, but this time it was bigger and it felt better. I brought my hand up to her neck and she turned her head, deepening the kiss a little. We broke from the kiss but my lips still hovered above hers as I rested my forehead on hers. I felt amazing. Better than when I was with Angela and in all honesty, I'm glad I left her.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," A voice behind me said. I turned and saw a worried Luce. "But, something is wrong with Jacob..." He looked at me.

"I'll go talk to him..." I got but before I started walking I looked at Evangeline. She nodded and made gesture for me to go. I smiled a little then turned to look for Jacob. I found him, sitting alone on the swings. I walked over and sat down in the swing next to him. He didn't look up at me, just kept staring at the ground.

"Jacob, what's wrong?"

"I don't know..." He said softly.

"That's bullshit Jake! You have to know what's wrong." I grabbed his face and made him look at me. In his eyes I saw sadness and frustration, and I looked at him so intensely that he started tearing up.

Jacob's P.O.V

I've never seen Andrew this serious. I let out a few tears and small whimper of pain because his grip was hurting me. His expression softened and he let go of my face.

"Sorry, ... but seriously, what's wrong."

"I don't know! Damnit! Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew why I felt like complete shit?!" I stood up and yelled.

"Yeah, but-"

"But what?" I growled. Why was I so angry at him? He usually showered me with questions when something was wrong.

"You haven't been very honest lately." He said emphasizing 'honest' and folding his arms.

"It's not very easy telling the truth..."

"And clearly it isn't easy lying either so you just keep it to yourself because it's an easier choice, right?"

"You have no idea what I go through-"

"Okay, both of you shut up before I end up commiting double murder homicide." I turned to see Emily, with an even angrier expression than I had. Now everyone was around us. Axel and Alex were observing, and Luce and Evangeline had worried looks on their faces.

"Everyone here is too stressed." We all turned to look at Axel, who surprisingly hasn't spoken until now.

"So we've decided that you guys should go to a party." Alex finished.

"A party where?" asked Emily.

"In one of the big apartments on campus. It's a student party." Axel said smiling. He hugged Emily and said, "We don't have to go..." He looked at me and Andrew, "But you two do."

"Why?" Andrew asked.

" 'Cause you two need to chillax, like, seriously." Alex responded. "You get to take my sister." Andrew smiled and so did Evangeline. "And you Jacob, you HAVE to party." He made a puppy dog face and got on his knees.

"Fine." I groaned. He got up and hugged me.

"That's a good boy." He said messing up my hair.

"I'm not a dog." Everyone laughed while I just stood there, annoyed. So, a party? Doesn't sound too bad. Maybe it can take my mind off of things.


Sorry if its boring, its another filler chapter. I hope the next one will be better. Anyways Comment and Vote :D

~ Rachel <3

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