Chapter Three • Lovesick

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It was a dreary Monday morning when Will Byers decided he was loosing it.

Will thought of himself as stupid, idiotic, a nuisance. He had fooled around and fell in love.
It happened so fast, yet so slowly. How?
It must have started as playground love, but when did it develop? And why did the realization just set in now?

Maybe Will had realized it before. Maybe he had just convinced himself he hadn't.

Will leaned with his back against his locker, his eyes closed and head thrown back. It was second period and he had been excused from class to retrieve his math textbook which he had forgotten in his locker. His mind hadn't been very clear since Thursday night.

He didn't really want to return to class. He didn't really want to be at school in the first place. He had felt sick to his stomach in discovering his newly diagnosed infatuation towards his best friend.

Will had spent the weekend beside the toilet, physically ill as a result of his findings. It worried him sick, literally.

He had lied to his mother about a flu going around at school, and that he must have caught it. He figured the potential worry of his mother about his well being would be better than coming clean and explaining the awkward and confusing dilemma.

"Hey! Will!" A voice piped up, startling the small boys thoughts.

He directed his attention across the empty hallway to none other than Mike Wheeler.

His heart began pumping so fast he thought it might burst out of his chest. Will figured he might have a stroke then and there, It would be a lot less painful.

He adjusted his posture and pushed off the locker. Transitioning his leaning position into standing up straight. He waved as Mike sped up his pace to get over to his friend, smiling on his way over. This made Wills stomach churn. He loved it, and hated the fact that he did.

"You okay? I called your house on Saturday to see if you wanted to hang out but your mom said you were sick," Mike asked as he reached Will; seeming concerned about his friends well being.

"Oh, yeah I'm okay. Think I just caught something. Don't worry."

"Shit. You feeling better now at least?"

"Yeah, yeah. Much better, thanks." Will lied, providing a fake half smile as a way to comfort Mike.

Even though it was just the two of them, the hallway began to look narrower by the second, and a dark shadow cast over the boys. Will was nervous, and began anxiously tapping his fingers on the spine of his textbook, hugging it tightly against his chest.

"Alright good. You wanna come over today after school? Seems like everyone's busy. I thought maybe you'd want to. I mean, It's not often that we get to hang out one on one you know?" Mike said as he leaned his shoulder on a locker.

Will studied him. Over the years Mike had grown from a small skinny boy, into a tall, lean man.

His muscular arms were folded across his chest and his head slowly mimicked the position of his shoulder, now leaning on the locker. He wore a striped green polo with a deep red windbreaker on top. The shirt was similar to one he wore as a child, Will wondered why he remembered that.

It seemed that all odds were against him. Hanging out with Mike, and only Mike? No way. He'd probably faint any moment now. But he wanted to so badly. Maybe some alone time together would do him good. He couldn't remember the last time they had done this.

"Yeah okay. After school it is." Will spoke softly.

He noticed Mike perk up and stand upright in an excited manner. Now Mike began to study Will, although the younger boy hadn't caught on.

"Cool! Meet me here after your last period, I have my dads car since he's out of town. We can drive and pick up something to eat on the way." Mike bragged, smiling.

They exchanged goodbyes after Will explained that he needed to get back to class.

On the way back, Will couldn't stop thinking about how the hangout would go.

Ill be fine.
(No I won't.)
There's nothing to worry about!
(Yes there is)
I really want to go.
(Are you sure?)
I'll be fine.

Will Byers was going out of his mind.

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