Chapter Five • The Invite

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On a cold Monday night, Will Byers came home with tears in his eyes.

Will assumed his mother was working the late shift at the store, and he didn't have to worry about his brother, as he moved out a year ago.

But to his surprise, when he entered the front door, there sat his mother Joyce Byers, feeding the dog.
She looked up and smiled in surprise.

"Hey sweetie. I thought you said you'd be home earlier," She said, then trailing off as she noticed the tear streaks down her younger sons face.

Will tried to wipe the remaining tears away, but it was too late. Besides, his eyes were puffy and his cheeks were red. It was inevitable.

"What's wrong Will? Did something happen on the way home? At Mikes?" Joyce persisted looking to help.

Will wanted to tell her everything, he really did. But he felt a lump in his throat. One he couldn't suppress.

"It's nothing Mom, it's- it's nothing." He lied, sniffling.

"Nothing? Will, I wasn't born yesterday. You can tell me anything. What's wrong?" She asked, a smooth kind tone to her voice.

As she put her hand on his arm, Will shrugged away, wanting to be left alone. He wouldn't mind if the entire world just shut up for a while.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"But-okay. I get it. I'll always be here if you do want to talk. Alright?"

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Mom."

"Have you eaten? Do you want something? I can make you some dinner." Joyce asked, still concerned about her sons well being. Will appreciated the act.

"No thanks. I'm..just going to stay in my room, if that's alright.."

"Of course sweetie, let me know if you need anything. I love you."

"Yeah, love you too." Will said, trudging to his room.

Will couldn't remember the last time he felt this empty, guilty, broken.

He was worried that he fucked up a perfectly good friendship.

Why did I lean in? I should have said sorry and carried on like a normal guy. Why can't I just be normal?

Will spent the remainder of the cold and sorrowful night curled up in his bed, choking back sobs under his sheets.


Tuesday morning had surfaced and Will had gotten a drive to school from his mother.

He stared out the window blankly as Scorpions, Rock You Like A Hurricane played on the radio. It was one of Wills favourite songs, yet he didn't feel like singing along today.

"So, my hours at the store are pretty regular this week except for Friday, I'm working late. You'll have to find something for dinner, Alright? You can even have a few friends over if you want." Joyce said trying to make conversation, slightly glancing over at Will.

She wasn't blind to the fact that her son was upset, she had been a mother for over two decades now. Joyce could always tell when something wasn't right.

Will sighed a simple "okay", and continued to stare out the window.

When he arrived at Hawkins High School, Will clambered out of the vehicle and moped his way to his locker. He mentally crossed his fingers in hope that Mike didn't tell the others about what had happened. He already felt shitty enough.

What Will didn't expect, was to see all of his friends in an excited discussion huddled around Max's locker.

He decided to muster up the courage to see what the fuss was about.

"What if our parents find out? If they do my ass is grass, I'm dead." Dustin said in a hushed tone to the group.

"Find out about what?" Will asked as he approached the mass of huddling teens.

They all looked up and grinned, this relieved Will.

"A party!" Lucas practically shouted.
The rest of the group shushed him in response.

"What?" Will asked in confusion. Their group didn't really get invited to house parties, and he had never been to one before either.

"Troy is throwing a party and I happened to get invited. It's on Friday and I want you all there with me. It could be so much fun!" Jane said with a smile. She seemed to be the most popular out of the group, it was no question as to why. She was perfect in every aspect.

"Troy? As in Troy Harrington? The one who.." Will asked, trailing off. Troy had been Wills number one tormenter throughout middle school, and his first couple years of High School too.

Will remembered the constant teasing and regular beatings he received from the bully. He had even had his head slammed into a locker back in the 9th grade. He received a gushing bloody nose and even had to get stitches. Troy wasn't exactly his idea of fun.

"Yeah. Don't worry though, he won't try anything." Mike piped up, reassuring Will.

He appreciated the concern, but was thrown off. Had Mike forgotten about what had happened just last night? Or was he just ignoring it? Maybe it wasn't as big of a deal as Will had initially thought.

"Yeah! And if he does he's got something coming his way." Dustin chimed in flexing his arm, although not revealing much muscle.

"Oh good. Mr tough guy to save us all. Thank god." Lucas teased.

The group continued to discuss all details of the party. Who was driving, what they'd wear, and where they'd stay afterwards.

"If my dad finds out I was at a party I'm grounded for months." Jane practically cried.

A chime of "me too", "same here" flooded in the conversation.

Will thought of how his mother would be home late on Friday night. And she did say he could have friends over. She probably wouldn't ask about what they were up to, and if she did they could all easily come up with a lie.

"Well, my moms working late on Friday. If you guys want to sleep over, you know, it's an option." He said, scratching the back of his head.

Will figured he would go to the party, Troy hadn't bothered him for a year and a half. And besides, he couldn't be the only friend in the group left out.

"Alright Will!" Jane cheered. Everyone else did the same.

Will hoped Friday night would go by smoothly. On the exterior he was excited, but on the inside it was all nerves.

Will Byers was in way over his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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