Chapter One • The Bike Race

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It was a sunny Thursday afternoon in Hawkins, Indiana, when Will Byers truly felt free.

Throughout the technology advancing year of 1988, Will hadn't had many good days. None in fact.

In the first couple years of attending Hawkins High School, Will was bullied mercilessly day after day. And although it had stopped midway through Junior year, he was left with crippling self doubt.

As most would suspect, a high school senior with a tight group of friends wouldn't have a care in the world. For the younger Byers boy, that was not the case.

The problem was that he cared too much. Until this particular bright November afternoon, that was.

"Last one there gets a date with Mikes Mom!" Lucas Sinclair screamed as he peddled his bicycle downhill alongside his friends. The fast bike sounding like a fishing rod as it raced down the steep hill.

"Maybe I'll slow down, she's pretty hot." Dustin Henderson replied with a purr. He'd been doing that since he was 14 years old.

"Fuck you both! You're disgusting." Mike Wheeler replied while leaning over the front of his bike, peddling faster as he didn't want a hypothetical date with his own mother.

"What! Don't blame me! I bet she'd like to take a ride with me. And I don't just mean on my bike." Dustin replied, followed by an array of 'ew!' and 'gross!' responses from Mike.

Will Byers simply laughed at his friends banter and began picking up his pace. He always won in a bike race.

The four friends were headed to Mike Wheelers house, where most of the groups after school hangouts took place.

Mike had a large home with a cozy basement, and no hovering parents to disrupt their endeavours. The only other factor was Mikes older sister, Nancy, who often told them to shut the hell up, as she was trying to study for one of her many university courses.

It seemed Will was the only one who didn't mind Nancy. Besides, she was dating his older brother, Jonathan.

As the four rounded a corner nearly reaching Mikes house, Will peddled on full speed. Whizzing past the three other boys.

The leaves on the ground spread apart like the Red Sea as the tires on Wills bike circled down the street with a whoosh.

"What the fuck!" Dustin yelled, eyebrows raised in a state of shock.

The four had raced all the way into the driveway before nearly crashing into the garage, and hopping off their bikes.

Will wiped the sweat off his forehead and caught his breath before speaking.

"How many victories is that again?" He asked his friends rhetorically with a nonchalant grin plastered on his freckled face.

"Alright alright we get it, you're amazing." Lucas replied reluctantly, stepping over his fallen bicycle.

"I swear he's cheating. At least now I get a date with Mrs' Wheeler." Dustin said with a wink, although it looked more as if he had something in his eye.

"Eat shit. Anyway, congrats Will. Now can we hurry up and get inside? If I don't eat something I swear my stomach is going to shrivel up." Mike stated as he led the group to the door.

The four headed inside, grabbed some snacks from the kitchen, and plopped down in different comfortable places in the dim basement.

Lucas was lying on the floor, hands behind his head, legs crossed. Thoughtfully staring at the ceiling.

Dustin was sat on a red bean bag chair in the corner of the room, happily eating a three musketeers chocolate bar.

Mike and Will sat beside each other on the soft, pillow covered brown couch as they snacked on some popcorn.

The boys remained silent for a while, practically inhaling the snacks they had gotten, just enjoying each others company.
Lucas then broke the silence.

"Can I ask you guys a question?"

"You just did, dumbass." Dustin retorted, smirking as he did so.

"Shut up. You know what I mean." Lucas sighed. He then continued.
"I want to take Max out on a date but I don't know where we should go. Any ideas?"

Maxine Mayfield, or Max, as she preferred, was dating Lucas. They had been going out since the 9th grade, and had been happy together since. Will admired their affection towards each other and hoped maybe he might have that someday, but he wasn't sure if he'd ever felt that way before.

It seemed that everyone had one thing figured out from an early age, romantic attraction. Everyone he knew had talked about their crushes or significant others. When they were younger, his best friends would discuss which girls they'd like ask to dance at the winter Snow Ball. Or listen to girls like Max and Jane gush over boys in boy bands or movies.

Although Will never connected the same way. He was different, nonetheless.

Will knew that girls were supposed to like boys, and vice versa, but as a freshman he had also discovered that boys could like boys, and girls could like girls too. It was becoming more common in bigger cities like San Francisco, and New York City. But in small Hawkins, it was not common place at all.

Will had never seen a homosexual couple before, and was too shy to ask about it, In worries that someone might suspect something was wrong with him. Yet he too began to think that about himself.

Will suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as his name was being obnoxiously repeated by Dustin.

"Hello? Earth to Will?" Lucas said, waving his hand.

"You okay?" Mike then asked intently, placing his soft hand on Wills.

Will looked up to see a concerned look on Mikes face. It made his heart beat speed up, but he wasn't exactly sure why. His cheeks flushed red and immediately came up with a fib.

"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking about the Math test earlier. I totally flunked it." Will lied in response. Clearly he had been zoning out for a while. He did it pretty often.

The boys then continued to give suggestions to Lucas. Some ridiculous, some romantic. Yet everything they said he took note of.


Later that evening, they all said their goodbyes as they began to bike home for dinner.

As he rode home that night, Will couldn't help but smile at Mikes show of concern. He wasn't sure why he enjoyed the act so much, but it made his heart flutter.

Will Byers was in pure bliss, but was completely oblivious to why.

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