Chapter Four • Mike and Will Take A Tumble

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It was a warm Monday afternoon and Will Byers grew more anxious by the minute.

It was nearly 3:15, which meant Will and Mikes little hangout was right around the corner.

Will sat in the back of his chemistry classroom, tapping his heel against the floor while staring at the clock. He was nervous.

The days always felt long, usually Will looked forward to getting together with his friends after school. Yet today, of course felt short. Of all days to skip by, today had to be the one.

"Alright class, looks like you have about a minute left until the bell rings. Make sure to read chapters seven to eight of the textbook and complete the questions on your handouts!" Mr Clarke, Wills chemistry teacher, announced in hopes to catch the attention of 19 blank stares.

The bell rung, students shuffled their way out of class, Will remained seated.
The classroom was empty now with the exception of Will and Mr Clarke.

"Do you have a question on today's lesson, Will?" Mr Clarke asked, hoping to spread his knowledge on the exciting world of chemistry, as he called it.

"Oh, no. Just distracted, Sorry." Will said as he piled his notebooks and lose papers into his arms.

He exited with a polite goodbye and a wave to his favourite teacher; making his way to his locker. Mike was leaning against it, fiddling with his lock.

Will took a deep breath and approached the taller boy, holding on to his things tighter than before.
Mike took notice of his friend and took his hands off the lock, sharing a bright smile.

"Breaking into my locker?" Will teased, trying to distract himself of his anxious thoughts.

Mike laughed.
"No, I've just been waiting here a while. I skipped last period with Jane and figured I'd come back here at three. Guess I was too early though."

Mike had been spending a lot of time with Jane recently. Will had remembered how they used to date back in the eighth grade. They've always been close, but now it seemed they were closer than ever. Will didn't want to admit he was a bit jealous.

"You skipped? What'd you do?" He asked, trying to sound interested.
He wasn't.

Mike proceeded to tell him they went to hang out on the bleachers, watching a gym class of ninth grade boys run around the track. He then told Will about how the two of them tried to point out and guess where each one would be ten years from now. It was an innocent game, Will almost wished he was there.

"Sounds fun." Will muttered.

"Yeah... Hey, everything okay? You look a little...shitty."


"No no, I didn't mean it like- sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You just seem kind of out of it lately." Mike said, placing his hand on his friends shoulder.

Will tensed up at the sudden touch, although he liked the physical contact between them.

He sighed and turned towards his best friend, looking up at him through wide eyes. His eyebrows shaped up, innocently.

God, Stop being so fucking obvious about it.

"I'm fine Mike, there's nothing wrong. I promise." Will chuckled, attempting to relieve his friend.

After packing his bag with the needed homework and textbooks, the two boys set off for Mikes car.

On the way to the parking lot, Mike pulled out a cigarette and lit it, carefully holding it in-between his gritted teeth.

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