Part One: Number

576 10 6

You were slammed against the wall of the bathrooms at Fates High. You saw Nina, Ophelia, and Soleil sneer at you.

"She look so like she's gonna cry! What fun!"

"Pathetic baby."



"Forbidden by those who forge the whims of fate."

"Shut up Ohphelia!"

"Sorry Nina."

You hugged your knees as the braided girl kicked you underneath the diaphragm. Ophelia laughed evilly and Soleil jsut stared at what was happening, like some internal conflict was clickign in her mind.

"Why don't you go kill yourslef and save us some trouble."

"Yes! What the cho-"


Nina snapped at her own friend casing her to close her mouth and Soleil jsut watched. You were jsut sitting down on the bathroom floor crying softly in your knees. Maybe they were right, you were worthless. The bell rang and the girls scattered to head to their next class across the building. You sniff and collect your things.

Time skip to next class

You sit down in history, the one thing you are good at. You grab your favorite biography and skim over it, still a but torn up about the confrontation earlier.

Shiro, your crush and possibly one of the most fun and popular guys at school, had the desk next to you so when he sat down your heart skipped a beat. But it would always fall into its despair again when you remembered you had no chance with the Amazing boy. The professor comes in and begins his lecture. He asks a question and tells Shiro to answer it.

"Can anyone tell me who wrote the federalist papers and how many there were? Shiro?"

He seemed to be put on the spot. You look at then biography, you were on that exact page of the Alexander Hamilton book. You caught his attention somehow a and show him the paragraph.

"John Jays got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote twenty nine. Alexander Hamilton wrote the other fifty one."

"Yes, Yes. (Your name), can you go into more depth since he had to read form your book?"

You gulped, so the professor did catch something and Shiro hand an apologetic smile on hsi face. In all honesty, you could answer any question on American history in your sleep, but everyone looking at you, with Nina in this class no doubt.

You inhaled deply to clam your nerves and exhale.

"Originally the ammount needed to qualify for the federalist papers was twenty five, but Alexander Hamilton wanted to exceed that a mount and James Madison wanted to appear better after the new ammount. Like Shiro said, John Jays got sick after writing five out of the eighty five. He wrote a less than twenty percent of the totals essays. Jam-"

"Alright, that is enough. Moving on..."

You felt everyone's gazes still on you causing your spcheeks to gush a rouge unimaginable. It was embarrassing, and Shril jsut stared at you in awe.

Time skip to after class.

You walk out of there, clutching the diary close to your chest, when Nina pushes you against then lockers as hard as she can, knocking you down and Soleil, Ophelia, and some new girl surround you and start laughing.

You felt everybody staring st you and tears fill your eyes.

When suddenly.

"Hey! What the heck was that for, Nina?!"

You see Shiro and his group of friends cutting through their he large crowd thst had formed around you. The book was on the groundnut along with several others. Nina just stared while Shiro alone picked up your books. You were too in shock and in pain to do anything. He handed you the biography last after writing something in it. By now everyone's has scattered to he's done to their next class, even Nina, her group, and Shiro's group.

He left with a clumsy smile and you look down ant the book, still sitting on the The floor.

On the page you showed him in class, a code was written.

Not a code.

A phone number.

Why Me? (Shiro x Reader) [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now