Part Two: The Call

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At your house after school that day

You paced around your room practically pulling your hair out and stressing over a simple thing. Shiro gave you his number. The most popular, hottest, most athletic, most amazing.... your thought trailed off before you snapped back into reality. You look at the opened page of the book thst had the code Over the paragraph you showed him in class so he wouldn't get the question wrong.

What if he was waiting for you to call him? What if he wanted you to text him? What if he only did it so he could maintain hsi perfect image. No, Shiro wasn't a Sociopath. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do?!

You inhale sharply and type the number into your cell phone's keypad and wait for the call Tom go through. You we're internally panicking and your mother was watching througha crack at the door. You always put the phone on speaker or else your ears would burst if soemone actually yelled. Experienced thst firsthand when mom called during lunch. You had no friends....

"Yo, Shiro speaking."

"H-hi, Shiro. It's..."

He didn't have to hear you say your own name.

"Oh, hey (Your name)! I didn't think you would actually call me! Thought you were too shy."

"Oh, ummm... Is thst a complement?"

He laughed hard carding yout k giggle to yourself, you glance at the book again. There was no way you weren't making that biography your most prized possession.

"Well, if you wanna make it one. Listen, me and my cousin are heading to the mall on Saturday. Join us?"

Your face skyrockets a shade of red so deep it's isnt on the color wheel. You smile goofily and we're glad he wasn't in the room with you.

"Anyone else?"

You twirl your hair around your index finger and stopmyourself from giggling liek the schoolgirl you were. You may be human garbage compared to everyone else, but you still had feelings. And some very strong ones for Shiro.

"Err, Nope. Just you, me, and Kiragi. Though he may try and invite Selkie again. Honestly I think he has it bad for her."

You nod in agreement, despite him not being able to see you. You're mother quietly snickers at her daughter, actually having a social interaction with a living being for once.

"I-I would love to j-join you."

You could hear him smile through the phone.

"Perfect. See you in History?"

"Y-yeah. See you then."

He hangs up and you squeal into your pillow, your mother closes the crack in the door and you hadn't noticed her at all. He asked you out! He asked you out! He is bringing Kiragi, butnhe still asked you out! You couldn't imagine it, the hottest and best guy in all of Fates High asking you, the human garbage can, out to go to the mall.

On Saturday, the day after tomarrow.

Life was going good for once.

Why Me? (Shiro x Reader) [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now