Part Five: Confrontation

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At School the next day. Going to first period.

You smiled to yourself in glee, something you couldn't stop doing since Saturday. Shiro kissed you and didn't regret it! You felt as though maybe he loved you. You texted him all day Sunday and you talked about literally anything that came up. But mostly Kiragi and Selkie. He shipped those two like he owned a yacht.

But then you were shoved into the He bathroom and on the floor, openings your backpack to reveal the bear. You wouldn't go anywhere without it now. You tried to reach for it but somebody grabbed it and tore of the left arm.

Above you, Nina was standing alone and enraged.

"What did I tell you?! What did I f#$&ing Tell you!? B#$&*!"

You quivered a bit as she took out a switchblade and pinned you agaisnt the wall woth the knife on your left wrist. She was red faced and looked as though she was going to cry.

"If you won't cut your wrists then I'll do it for you! Maybe even save you the trouble of killing yourslef you worthless, ugly, piece of human waste!"

The blade sunk into your wrist and you yelpled. Nina seemed to take pleasure in seeing your suffering. She cut again. And again. And again. You felt dizzy after the fifteenth cut on your left wrist. She then went to the right. You were bleeding everywhere. Then you heard a voice in your awful state. The bell must have rang earlier and you didn't hear in over Nina's screaming and cutting.

"What are you two doing in here? Clas started an-WHAT IS GOING ON!?"

A teacher must have found you both. Either that or something else. It was Soleil, she pushed Nina off of you and Nina's screamed at her. You blacked out.

Times skip to the middle of third period.

You woke up in the nurse's office with bandages around your wrists and a stuffed bear under your arm. It's left arm was sewn back on. You hugged Shiro jr. And sobbed. The nurse saw you were awake and you we're isntsntly releived. You had a feelings thst everything thst went on was spreading in the school.

"Good, you're awake. If you feel well enough, you can go to fourth period. But for the remainder of third period, you must rest."

You nod and you check your phone to see multiple missed texts. Shiro told you hsi off period was second. Yours was fifth. You check the messgaes.

Hey, what's up? Think we can meet in the hallway during transition to third?

Hey, where are you? I visited your class and you weren't there.

Someone told me what happened, are you okay?!

I swear to god I will kill Nina.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

You start tearing up and the nurse looks at you.

"If it makes you feel any better, a boy came in with the bear."

You stare a ton her a moments with misty eyes.


"Yes, I believe thst was his name."

You tried to smiled as you put down the phone and cuddle the bear. You hug into Shiro jr. As the bell rings. You sniff a bit as you heads to fourth period, your wrists throbbing in pain. As you were walkign you saw Soleil and Ophelia. Soleil smiled at you.

You remembered She saved you, so you flashed a smile back signaling you were Fine. You forgot that you still were clutching the to the bear for dear life. Soleil walked off in pride with Ophelia holding her hand. They must be dating or what not.

You were right in front of fourth period, about To walk on when you were bombarded by a group of people with photos and Nina standing in the center of the, with a smug look Herman one thst showed pure hatred toward you.

"Hey! (Your name)! Was it true your forced Shiro to kiss you?"

"Did you make him give you that?"

"Why did you torture Shiro?!"

You tried to back away, but you just ran into the closed door of the empty room. They kept circling you.

"Why did you make him kiss you?!"

"He is the most popular guy in school! There's no way she didn't bribe him somehow!"

"You sick f#$&"

"Go to hell, b#$&*!"


You heard a guy scream as he pushed through the crowd. Shiro stood protectively in front of you. He flashed you his usual clumsy smile and then glared at everyone. Ecspecially Nina.

"All of you back off! She didn't make me do anything! And I swear to god if any one of you tried to hurt a precious hair on her head I will make your life's miserable! Got it?!"

A silence swept through everyone.

"Got it?!"


They all spoke on a chorus as they scattered. Except for Nina who wasmon the berge fo tears, she grabbed Shiro's collar.

"Why did you have to choose her?! You had to pick A worthless whore! A piece of sh*¥!"

"Don't you dare call (Your name) that!"

"But why?! She has literally no friends and no popularity! She drags you down whenever I can help you rise!"

Shiro slapped her, and it echoed through the halls. You gasp and squeeze the bear as Nina's grip on the much taller male releases and she rubs her cheek.

"Who gives a flying f#$& about popularity? (Your name) is funny, kind, smart, beautiful. Everything you aren't."

Nina's and you bith gasp as she runs off jsut am the bell rings. The class returns from watching behind the corner and they all meter before you and Shiro. The teacher finds you in the Hal, Nd Shiro asks him for a little bit of tie, before class. HE agreed after hearing all about the Nina incident.

"Are you okay?"

"Why did you stand up for me?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

He leaned in and kissed you again quickly.

"I love you."

Why Me? (Shiro x Reader) [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now