Day 4: Pidge

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[A/N: So I know there's a whole thing about calling Pidge "they." Honestly, what the hell? Don't misgender Pidge. If you want Pidge to be trans or nonbinary for the sake of the story, you do that, but warn someone. She's canonically a cisgendered female. That's how I will write about her unless there's a warning or notice somewhere. I know there are genderbend fics, and that's fine, but put up a warning please.]

Pidge groaned at the thought of having to pull Keith off of one more damn training gladiator. She had already lost her mind the last time, and there was no way in hell that she wanted to deal with this again. Natural or not, this was fucked up, and she didn't need to see Keith's creepy horny expression. She smiled at the idea she had come up with, and spent a few hours creating it, thanking herself for waking up earlier than usual.

When it was time, she heard a knock on her door, followed by a sing-songy "your turn" from Lance.

She groaned loudly and mumbled a "cocky bastard" as soon as he was out of earshot. Pidge slowly opened the door to the dragon's den. "Keith?" She peered in, and her eyes immediately widened at the sight of him with his back turned toward her, quickly pumping his arm over his lap with his head slightly laid back. The moans sounded needy and desperate, almost animalistic. They made her cringe. "Nope! Nope!" She threw her new contraption, with a note of instructions taped to it, at his back and quickly shut the door. She nearly squealed on her way back to her room, and started hitting her forehead against the wall, trying to forget what she just witnessed.

Keith felt something hit his back, interrupting his session. He stopped what he was doing and calmed his breath a bit before reaching behind him and grabbing some flashlight-shaped object. He inspected it, feeling the squishy, fleshy insides. Then, he noticed the note. He pulled it off and looked at it, reading:

Use this to do your freaky stuff. Just stick your thing in the fleshy part. Don't tell me what exactly you do. I don't want to know. Just make sure you clean it out when you're done so you can use it again.


He squinted at it, then the note, and back at the object. Then he simply shrugged and decided to try it. That thing occupied him for the rest of the day.

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