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My night's sleep wasn't calm at all. Nightmares. I was dreaming, that I was running through a forest, from something, but I didn't knew from what. After some running, I found a hole and without thinking I jumped into it. It was pretty wide, and full of turns. I took the right one and ran out to the same forest, the same road I took before. Again, the hole, turns, right turn. After some time I took the left one. When I jumped out, the thing that was chasing me, catched me. Layed me on my back and started ripping everything from my insides, breakig every bone to reach the organs. Those creatures were huge, dark, had very muscular legs, long lanky arms, sharp teeth, long horns and..colorless eyes. I couldn't die, even tho I wanted. Blood was running freely. I didn't scream, I tried to hold myself. Then, I turned my head and then started screaming. I saw everyone that I cared about ripped apart like me. They seemed to be dead. Their heads were gone, like their guts.

I woke up yelling, with Julian trying to calm me down. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and ai hugged him thightly. I quickly calmed down, because he caressed my back, slightly going down my sides. After I was calmer, I told him everything about the dream. He looked at me seriously.

"Night terrors".

I flinched. I was happy, that he was here, with me. He really did help me a lot. Then, he laid me down whispering quietly. He stayed awake, guarding me, in case I started dreaming that nightmare again. His hands were rubbing my body, not letting it.
In the morning Julian was gone. I got out and dressed, and when I did that, I walked down. I found him writing stuff. When he heard me walking down, he turned around and got up from his chair. And hugged me. I hugged him back. Then, he let me go and went back to his work. I followed him, and when he sat, I climbed into his lap, staring at his work.

"What are you writing?" I felt myself ask.

"Stuff about human thinking, brain work, dream phases.. This night you scared the hell out of me. You were thrown so quickly into that dream.. You slightly kicked me, but when I called you, you didn't hear me. You were like in a trance. Wait, what did you said waked you up?"

"When I saw everyone I cared about dead.." I held onto Julian harder. He put his quill and hugged me.

"Everyhing will be alright.. We'll be alright.."

Suddenly I remembered my random question.

"Wait, how do you hear everything?"

"Ehh, it's a thing you learn, when you're in high alert in the past few years" he smiled "I hear every scratch".

"And what about you getting out that I don't wake up?".

"Oh, I don't even know, haha. It just happens".

I slided down, and moved to the sofa. I felt tired, like after a long run. I blenched when I remembered the dream, but quickly forgot it and fell asleep.

This time my dream was nice. I was sitting on the edge of the roof, in the full moon light. Wind was playing with my hair. Suddenly, I rolled down from the side to the middle. It wasn't very comfortable, so I flew. to the other roof. The second one was way more comfy, so I stayed there.
I woke up after around two hours. Next to me were standing a pair of chairs. I pushed them away and stood up. Soon, Jules came.

"Shit, I thought you fell again".

I looked at him with questions in my eyes.
"While you were sleeping, you fell from the couch" Julian explained.


"You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

"I don't think so"

"Welp, you can't be left alone. You might chop your head off accidentaly".

"And then I'll haunt you! Boo! You'll have me as a ghost".

"But I need you aliveee" Jules whined as he smirked. I smirked back and sticked my tongue out, and quickly was pinned to the wall. Candles didn't really lighted much here, so shadows were playing on Julians wolfish grin. I started chuckling. He let me go, but I jumped on his back. Done. Mine. He caught my legs and held them, that I won't accidentaly fall.

"You know, I might need to leave for a couple of days.."

"What? Where? When?"

"To Prakra. After a couple days. But only maybe. Doctors there want to make an operation, and I have some experience with it.. So they kinda need my help. I'll try to make everything quick and come back home".

Suddenly, our ears caught a knock. I jumped from Jules back and went to open the door. I found a mailman standing there.

"Uh, do you know uh.. Julian Devorak?"

"Yes" I answered. He was foreign.

"Could you please give this letter to him? I'm always getting up lost.. I'd be very thankful".

"Sure. Goodbye".

"Thank you and bye".

I closed the doors, and Julian came out of the shadows. I gave him the letter. He read it quickly and said.

"I'll have to go.. At least for like two days".


"Well, they're writing as soon I come, as soon they can start the operation and then I can go home. I think I'll leave soon".

I nodded. Jules sighed and hugged me gently. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes and said our goodbyes. I wished him luck, and he, grinned sadly and left.
I myself left the garden soon, and went to the palace. I met Nadi there. She greeted me and ran off to some meeting. I climbed up to my room and sat on the edge of thw window. Portia also had some work.

Faust suddenly came through the window and swirled on my legs. I scratched her chin.


"3, 6, 7, 9.." I knew she needed it for Asra. And after a couple minutes he sure was here. We sat for a couple of hours and talked. I felt like he finally understood me. After that nice talk he left.

I lied on the bed, and soon my ears catched a sound of door creaking. "Probably dogs" I thought and didn't care. But then, I heard door closing and rolled over.

In my room someone was standing.

I couldn't recognise them, they were wearing a simple mask. It was covering their whole face expect for eyes. Green eyes. They were shorter than Julian, arm skin was light. They were holding a knife. I wasn't fast enough to ask, if I could help them, and they attacked me. The knife went deep into my left side and they quickly left. I fell from my bed and started coughing blood. The knife felt like someone was ripping me from that side. I crawled and opened the door slowly, and then started crawling to the stairs.

I didn't reach them.

My world went dark.

Someone somewhere far was screaming, but I couldn't move a muscle.

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