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That morning was hot.

Usual temperature in Vesuvia.

Julian was still asleep. I turned around and now I was facing Julian's chest. He rolled onto his back during sleep, and I used that moment: I climbed onto his stomach and sat. He quickly grabbed me by my waist. I chuckled and laid on him. He sighed and laughed quietly.

"Shit, I thought someone was attacking you".

"I'm attacking you!" I said and pressed harder against him. "I won".

He smirked and with a fast move rolled us over: now I was bottom and he was on top.
"Oh really?" he asked. I stuck my tongue out and he threathened to bite it. I chuckled and for a moment I felt his lips on mine. Then, suddenly he jumped and ran off. I ran after him.

And a childish hunt started. Julian jumped over sofas, chairs and even the table. When I finally cornered him and I was ready to attack him, he somehow escaped and I hit the wall. I heard a laugh from Julian, but soon it was mine turn to laugh: he slipped on the carpet and fell on one of the sofas, and I jumped onto his back. He rolled over and now I was sitting in his lap.

"Caught you" I said and kissed his nose. "I love to see you so active" Julian said reaching for my lips. I leaned back and chuckled, and he, while smirking continued to reach for me. Soon I was laying and he was on my chest.

"Well, I caught you now".

"Oh no" I said and slided through his side. The hunt started again. Just ended earlier, because when I ran off, I ran to the bedroom and hid under the sheets. When Julian ran in, he saw me and trapped me there. I lied there and giggled, but I had to get out soon because it was too hot. When I slided out, I noticed Julian on top. He was waiting for me. When he saw me get out, he rolled me over and kissed me with a smirk and a laugh.

"You know" I said "We should go to the palace. I left some stuff there and I think Portia would love to meet you again".

Julian nodded and got off, and marched to the doors. I quickly got ready and soon we were walking.

"Get on my back. Then you surely won't disappear" Julian offered. I smiled and used his offer.

After some minutes of quick walking we reached the palace gates. Guards saw me and let us through. Soon Portia appeared and started flying around started chirping.
"Ilya! I missed you so much! Y/N! How are you feeling?"

"Great! But only just because of Jules" I purred. Portia was already hugging Julian thigtly, so I jumped off. When I landed, Portia came to me and hugged me also. I rewarded her with the same.

"For too long we haven't seen eachother, Pasha" Julian said. "If I would've known that you're in town I would've found you" she replied. Julian laughed out.

"Come" suddenly Portia invited us. In the palace servants were running right and left. Portia led us to my room and left for a couple of minutes. Came back with four cups. I didn't understood, who was the fourth person. Julian didn't also. Portia noticed our questions.

"Milady will join us" she said.

Julian flinched and sat, I sat next to him. Personally, I felt uncomfortable either. After some quiet minutes I heard a slight 'knock knock'. Portia jumped from her place,I and Jules stood up, and when Nadia walked in, we bowed. She just laughed friendly and let us sit, herself sitting on the edge of the window.

I had no idea what she wanted from us.
And she basically didn't want anything: all of us talked, but Julian was avoiding answering to her questions, avoiding eye contact. He didn't trust her. And he Nadia interested the most: where he was hiding for the last few years? Why did he came back? And similar.

After some time she understood, that she won't get any answers so she started asking about me: how and why did I attract him, how did we met and similar stuff. He didn't avoid these questions, but didn't answer them open wide still. Then Nadia started talking about town's future plans, about her plans of expanding and stuff.
And then she asked about our future.

"Julian, tell me, what are you planning to do with Y/N in the future?".

"Uh, um"Julian seemed to be nervous "Ahem. We didn't talk about it yet. Both of us will choose, I'm not the only one in the relationship. Is it right?" he ended and looked at me.

"Yes" I agreed.

"Hm.." Nadi straightened "I wish you both the best".

"Thank you, milady" Julian said.

"Please, call me Nadia".

Julian nodded. I rested on him and he hugged me from behind. We talked for a couple more minutes. Nadia suddenly stood up and asked if she could borrow me.
"Well, this talk was nice. I wish for more in the future. Now, may I borrow Y/N for a couple of minutes?"

I nodded, and she stood up and walked out. I followed her. Nadi led me to her bedroom, and when she closed the door, her words made me shiver.

"Be careful".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Julian can be..dangerous. I saw, how much you trust him. Aren't you afraid that he could hurt you?" her gaze landed on me. I flinched.

"No.. He wouldn't do that".

"Eh, people will do what is better for them, my dear Y/N. Don't trust so easily. I just want to warn you".

"Okay. Thank you". I left. I didn't understood, why Nadia thought about him like that. Yes, I know that she hated him for the past couple years, but still..

When I came back I found Jules talking with Portia. When I stepped in, he stood up:
"We shall go" he said and smiled. "Soon the night will fall".

"Okay! Come over soon again! Or I'll visit you" Portia smiled.

"Definately" Julian replied and smiled once again.

When we walked down the stairs, we met Lucio.

"Ah, good evening my dears. Leaving already?"

"Good evening, Count" we greeted Lucio with a bow "Yes".

"Ah, please, call me Lucio. And why is that?"

"Home calls" Julian said. I pressed his hand.

"Well then, good luck! I won't get in your way".

Julian nodded saying goodbye. When we got behind the doors, Julian kneeled.
"Get on my shoulders, you'll see everything from above" he offered me. I climbed onto his shoulders, and when he stood up, I gasped. From here I could even see the edge of the town.

When we walked into the town, at first people just looked at us, but soon started greeting. Julian greeted all back while holding my ankles. After that greeting night when we came back we fell on the sofa.
And sighed. Deeply.

Both of us thought about Nadia's questions
"And for real, what does the future hold for us..?" Julian suddenly asked.

"What we'll plan, that will it hold" I smiled. Julian answered me with his charming one. We got off the sofa and went to bed, because both of us had a lot to think about and dream a lot also.

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