Chapter Eight

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I wanted to know what It would feel like to kiss Raven. And while our eyes were locked, I still stared at her lips.
It was now, or never. So, I did what I had to. I kissed her.

I raised my head high enough and pressed my lips against hers. I was awed for a second until I felt her lips move against mine.

And so I kissed her back, with every breath that I had. My hands got tangled in her short hair and she pulled me closer. I felt like butterflies, lots and lots of butterflies. And I'd never felt this way with anyone.

Our first kiss was intense. Our first kiss... I like the sound of that. She broke the kiss, completely out of breathe. She was blushing. I smiled, a bit fulfilled.

"C'mon. Let's get to bed," she whispered, pulling me up and intertwining our hands. We walked hand in hand to her room.

And she let me share her bed. I'd never felt so comfortable.

When I woke up, Raven was already dressed in ripped knee length jeans, a blue hoodie and a multicolored socks. She threw her legs into a pair of white flip-flops. She only noticed I was awake when she turned round.

"Good morning," she smiled. "how was your night?" I shrugged. "your bed's comfy. You got up early?" She nodded. "Mum woke me up. I don't know why she woke me up early though."

I got out of her bed, still staring at her as she fixed her hair. She looked adorable doing it. But then she was done, she walked to the door, paused and looked at me again,
"Uh, you can use my bathroom, there's clean towels in my shelves in the bathroom, spare brush and just whatever you need. And you can borrow anything. I'm fine with it."
With that, she rushed out.

After I'd showered, I got dressed. I was about opening the door to leave Raven's room when she popped her head in. "C'mon. Mum made breakfast already." she said. I followed her out.

We walked slowly together down the hall, I noticed a picture that I was sure I never noticed last night. I stopped and stared. It looked familiar, like I'd seen it before. "Who's this?" I suddenly asked her.

She stopped, turned around to face me, took a step back and stared at the picture. "oh..." she murmured softly, "that's me. I was five when I took that." I smiled, "you looked cute."

She eyed me for a second, she had a faint blush on her cheeks. But she said nothing.
And I was certain I'd seen that picture somewhere. 

"So, where are we going after breakfast?" I asked. I knew she'd want to talk about last night somewhere private.
I'd not forgotten it, I could not think of forgetting soft lips and the taste of popcorn.

"We'll go to my tree house, and we'll take a camera... I have an idea for the project. Well, a new idea though." She smiled back at me.

Her parents were extremely nice and I thanked them alot. "You don't have to call me Mrs Grey. You could call me mum." I nodded, "and don't call dad, Dad. He'll freak out. Two daughters is a problem as it is." I chuckled at Raven's words.

"Why? Do you have a kid sister?" I asked Raven. She shook her head a no. "I'm talking about Katherine. She's my cousin." she answered.

"Wait a minute! You kidding, right?!" I freaked out. Really did. Most people at school thought they were in a relationship. I found it hard believing her.

"I'm serious. My uncles, Levi and Erwin are her dads. She has a kid sister and she's in Paris with uncle Erwin. He's got a business deal there. You can ask her yourself, she'll be here any moment." After she was done blabbing, she got up and left the kitchen.

Raven was extraordinary, different. Apart from being rich, they were accepting. It was even harder to believe that Katherine was from a gay family. I chuckled to myself. Raven came back down to the kitchen, she had red and blue boots on, they matched with her multicolored socks.

"C'mon. You can keep being thoughtful on the way to the tree house." Raven said as she left the kitchen. I followed her outside, we ended up in the garage. She picked up an already filled back pack.

And then we were leaving for her tree house through her back yard. There was a forest there, and there were different kinds of trees, ones I hadn't even seen before.

"I come out here when I'm bored. There's a lake, and a cliff overlooking it."

But she stopped in her tracks, turned half around and outstretched her right hand. She beckoned me towards her. When I placed my hands in hers, she intertwined our fingers for the second time.

I felt like a thousand butterflies, with lots of non stop tingles up my finger tips.

Now I can't deny it, I definitely have strong feelings for Popular Miss Raven Grey.

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