Chapter Twenty-eight

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Mum, dad and Bri stared at me as I paced up and down the room. I was freaking out about the date, which was funny.

I was being stupid, definitely. Raven had never been bothered about what I wore, she'd mostly concentrated on my personality. The inside look rather than the outside.

I facepalmed. "Ouch!" I moaned painfully. "Wasn't expecting it to hurt this much."

"Hon, what's the matter? What's got you all worked up like this?" Mum asked, the rest of the family mumbled an agreement to her questions.

"I've got a date..." I paused for a bit to study their faces, "and, I'm not exactly sure what to wear. I only got a few hours to get ready."

Mum and Dad had a surprised look on their faces, but I ignored it. I was too confused to concentrate on anything.

"A date got you all messed up?" Mum asked.  I turned to stare at her, I wasn't the one who complained about my makeup five times in a minute because I wanted to go out on an anniversary date.

Mum locked eyes with me and completely understood me. I was going to rat her out if she mocked me one more time.

"Are you guys going to help or not?" I finally asked. Dad raised his hands up in surrender and left the room while mum and Bri found their way into my closet.

Two hours later, and their help had payed off. It was 5:30 pm by the time I was ready, and Raven had sent a text to say she'd be at my place by 6 pm.

I was still freaking out. How wouldn't I? It was my first date with Raven. Something both boys and girls would gladly give up anything for. I wanted so badly to pull my hand through my hair, but mum had swatted my hands five times already.

6:00 pm, the honk from outside notified me of her arrival. I was going to get up and rush down, but mum pulled me back. "Don't be too eager!" She said.

I chuckled, "yes mum. I know that." I faked a laugh that came out like a forced cough.

The door bell went off twice, mum knew it was the cue for me to get going. She opened the door for me, and there stood Raven in all her glory. Her blue jacket brought out the colour of her eyes. Her jeans were ripped in places, it made her look like a wild teenager.

"Good evening, Sarah." She greeted mum with a small wave. "Good evening, Raven. It's nice to see you on my front porch, healthy and happy." Mum replied with a wide smile.

"Uh... Uhm, me and Jae kinda Uh have a date. I don't know --my parents are kinda traditional and I should have asked your permission before taking her out, but I forgot about that last minute." Raven stuttered.

Wait a minute, the most popular girl at Crest high stuttered? I chuckled. Mum nodded slightly, squeezing her face in a mocking manner.

"We knew you both had a thing. Never mind that. You are to bring her home on or before 12 am. Is that noted?" Mum asked Raven. Raven stuttered out a sound yes and mum turned to me.

Uh uh, my turn. "Now honey, better have fun out there... Oh and your dad owes me fifty bucks. I'd supported Raven and they supported you." She gave me a small hug, pushed me out unto the porch and then closed the door. 

"Is it me or your mum is both scary and nice at the same time? Can't believe they placed a bet on us."

Raven said, as I linked my arm with hers. I pecked her cheek, she blushed instantly.

"If I wasn't her daughter, I'd have said the same. I'm sure she initiated the idea of the bet." I said.

She smiled as she pulled me towards her mini ford. "Ooh, the cute truck again." I said as she opened the door for me.

"Yes. It's my favorite. Me and Jeff worked on it together. I did the painting."

I got in the car and she closed the door. Such a sweetheart. Note to self, never call Raven a sweetheart.

She jumped in the drivers seat. While she drove the truck, she let me play with her car radio, only swatting my hands when it played songs that she liked. I was so into whatever it was that we were doing, so much so I didn't realize we'd reach the fair until she'd opened my door for me. Again.

The funfair had already started by the time we got there. There were kids running around, parents trying to catch up with them and teenagers playing games everywhere.

"What do you want to do first?" she asked me. I shrugged, "I don't know. You pick."

She pulled me to a picture booth first. We took pictures like we were five year olds, even though we had to wait on a small queue. She posed as a rockstar in one of the pictures and it was so funny.

We found our way around the tiny stalls, she bought tokens for the swan ride and the Ferris wheel.

Then she pulled me to water gun gaming booth. The game was simple, all she had to do was fill a small bowel with water, but there were six bowels. If she won, she could pick a stuffed animal of her choice.

She gave the man a five dollar note and went on to be a big showoff. Her last competition was a ten year old boy with lots of freckles. She filled the remaining bowel, but the boy could only manage to fill half the bowel.

Raven stuck her tongue out at him, and for a second, I thought the boy was going to cry. I mean, his face looked like he would. Raven picked an almost life-sized blue teddy bear and gave it to me. I blushed crazy.

"Thanks, it's -- it's really cute." I said, she shrugged. "You're welcome. C'mon, we still have a few minutes before we can get on the Ferris wheel or the swan ride, you wanna get something before that?"

We ended up getting ice cream, and I didn't know a thing about carrying a teddy bear around.

"I didn't say much at your place cause of your mum. I know she's warmed up to me and we're good now. But trust me, she still scares me."

"Really? Mum's crazy at times. But she's totally nice. I completely understand why you're scared of her. I mean, I would if I was in your place."

She let out a low laugh, placing her hand on my own. Her left arm seemed to be healing quite fine since she could use it most times.

"Since we got here, I wanted to say you look beautiful in that dress you wore. And well, it's not like you've not been beautiful before or anything, it's just, you seem to glow." She said, trying at all cost to avoid my eyes.

She was so shy, it surprised me. I knew I was blushing, no one could make me realize that, I just knew on my own.

"Thanks Raven. And, I don't know if I can say you're a beautiful girl or a handsome boy." I said.

She laughed, squeezing my hand a tiny bit. We rode the Ferris wheel a little later and she watched as I screamed my eyes out when we got to the top, and then we kissed at the swan ride. We had dinner at an eatery afterwards. I was extremely happy and she was the reason.

Raven had one last thing to do. She drove us to an outdoor cinema. We didn't need a ticket for this one. She'd packed enough snacks and lots of chocolate, pillows and blankets.

She spread one blanket on the grass and wrapped us in the second one, we shared the chocolates, oreos and the long list of snacks she'd brought.

This was the perfect date...

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