Chapter Thirty-one

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5:05 pm.

"How come you're here early?" I asked Janelle as she gave my mum a hug and a peck. They were beginning to act like we were already married.

"Dad was going out with his friends, insisted on dropping me off. Said it was safer." She answered. "Eh, and besides, your house smells like an Italian restaurant. I likey."

I chuckled, letting her wrap her arms around me and placing her head on my chest. I hugged her back. She was warm and her blond hair fell back in curly waves. I never thought I would want to put my hands in someone else's hair until they were tangled, but here I was, thinking of doing it.

Grandma gave the permission to eat the appetizers, while she helped dad with cooking and everyone fired away. It wasn't long before the plates were empty, but Grandma gave up and kicked us out of the kitchen.

I dragged Janelle with me upstairs to my room. And I quietly watched as she scanned the room again, just like she did the first time she was here. She stopped when she stared up at the ceiling. It was still empty.
She plopped down on the bed next to me. Her hand found mine and she locked our hands together.

"How come your dad's good at making Italian food?" she asked, turning sideways to face me.

"Dad's part Italian, and also, he attended a culinary school, that makes him a chef. He owned a few restaurants though, and he worked in an Italian restaurant for a whole year."

"Ohw, really? That's cool." She said. I just shrugged. I was thinking of something else when she climbed on top me, straddling me. I nearly choked on my own spit.

"What are you doing?" I stupidly asked. "Nothing you don't already know."

Her answer made me swallow hard. I nervously sucked my lower lip. "Don't do that. It does crazy things to me." she whispered.

I closed my eyes tight. I never was a cheesy person. I never really liked romance either. So what she was doing made me feel a little too weird. I could sense a fire that would need something more than water to quench it. And I could feel it in certain places.

My eyes were still closed when I suddenly felt her lips against mine. It was a small peck at first, a bump maybe. But then, she returned, with full force a second time. It was a slow kiss, so slow you wouldn't feel it. My hands happened to have a mind of their own as they moved up and down her back until they touched skin, creamy soft skin.

Skin, Janelle's skin seemed to glow. It could cause a whole lot of things to happen to a person's mind. Like what it was doing to me right now.

I flipped us so she was lying on her back and I, on top her. She broke the kiss, a comfortable silence falling over us as she smiled. I brought my hands up and poked her dimples, quietly thanking my stars we'd not gone too far.

Stupid erotic dreams. "Who knew I'd love kissing you like this?" She randomly asked. I chuckled.

"If anyone had said it before, I'd have punched the person and probably broke their nose or something. But now, I can't lie and say I don't like it." I said, bobbing my shoulders up and down in a shrugging manner.

She looked at my shoulder worriedly, remembering that night. "Your shoulder. It's okay now, right?"

I nodded. "It doesn't hurt anymore. And it left a little cute scar that's almost healed. But I'm not showing you."

She smiled, not just any smile. The type that scared a person, the smile that threatened to get whatever it's owner wanted. I'm in trouble.

I felt her hands push my hoodie upwards and her palms splayed out on my stomach. I felt a shiver run down my spine as she moved her hands higher. I bit my lip. And I didn't get a second warning before she kissed me again.

I kissed her back with a certain amount of need, with enough effort. She kept on pulling at my hoodie until I had no other option than to take it off, the heat was already killing me. After we'd taken care of my hoodie, I pushed her up against the headboard and my lips travelled down from her cheek, softly and slowly down to her neck. She tilted her head to the left, giving me enough space.

Her fingers dragged on the skin of my back. And I left hickeys in my wake as I grazed the skin of her neck with my teeth. My hands moved feverishly against her body.

It was hard to breathe and she was hard to resist. She was adorable in my arms, especially with all the sounds she made. Thank goodness everyone was downstairs.

After I was sure I'd giving her enough hickeys and I needed to calm the fire in my soul, I slipped back up to give her a kiss, one that deepened with every turn.

She brushed her fingers slightly on my left shoulder, feeling the scar. I didn't pay mind, because her other hand tugged ever so slightly at my curly hair.

Well, that was until someone suddenly knocked on my door, causing me to jump as far away from Janelle as humanly possible. (I'm not Edward Cullen, you see. So jumping so far wouldn't be possible.)

The door slowly went open and Kattie poked her head in. She smiled and I inwardly cringed.

"What!?" I asked, my face squeezed in vexation.

"Did I interrupt something?" she asked, faking ignorance.

"Of course you did!" I answered. "You'll get payback. You'll see."

She smiled evilly again. "I know I will. But this is fun instead. Anyways, grandma asked me to come get you two lovebirds for dinner. My job's done. So, ta-ta." she withdrew herself from the door and stepped back, closing the door after her.

I finally turned to look at Janelle. Embarrassment filled her face, she was as red as a tomato. I stiffled a laugh and she threw a pillow at me.

"Nice sports bra though. Looks cute on you." She said as she fixed her hair and clothing before jumping off my bed. It was my turn to look embarrassed.

I picked up my hoodie and threw it on as fast as I could, brushing my messed up extremely curly black hair back and tying it in a messy bun as I followed her out.

"And your moans are cute too." I replied her, winking. She blushed instantly.

We walked downstairs hand in hand and as soon as we entered the dining room, dad looked up.

"Welcome, you both. We have another person joining us for dinner. Detective Jones is here."

I turned around to find the smiley face detective standing behind me and Janelle.

"Good evening everyone. Oh goodness, that's a nice table y'all got here. Looks like heaven to me. Could smell it all the way from down the street. Reminds me of home."

He said as he clapped my back and walked towards the table. I joined him seconds later, pulling a sit out for Janelle first, before sitting down.

Why's he here early?

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