Chapter Twenty-nine

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"I had fun tonight. Think we could do this more often?" I asked Raven. She smiled, bringing her lips to mine. "I'm not sure, but I'll say yes."

The movie was good, Raven kept laughing at the sarcastic comments a particular lady in the movie kept making. We had packed up and stuffed the backpack and blankets in the back seat and it was drizzling. Raven took off her jacket and handed it to me. "It'll keep you warm," she said. And with that, she started the car and we drove back home.

She parked her car on the empty space in front of my house and got down to open the passenger side door for me. "You're crazy and sweet, how does that work together?" I asked, she chuckled softly. "You tell me."

We slowly walked together to my front door. Thank goodness I'd brought a spare house key with me, I didn't have to bother anyone by asking them to come down and get the door.

I put the key in the lock and turned it twice, unlocking the door. Before I opened it, I turned back to face a smiling Raven.

"There are lots of things I want to tell you, but I don't know how. I had fun today, one I haven't had in a long time and it's kinda thanks to you."

I blushed furiously, placing my hands on her cheeks, I pulled her closer until I felt her breathe against my face.
I love how she smelt like honeydew and Jasmine flowers at the same time, how her short hair fell in front of her face and sometimes covered her eyes. Or how she would smile when she was happy.

I held my breathe for a second until I felt her lips against mine. I kissed her back with a certain amount of need, like kissing her was a necessity.
She placed her hands on my back and pulled me closer to her.

She bit my lip, and the moment I let out a small gasp, she deepened the kiss. It took me a few minutes before I finally broke the kiss. The moment she pulled away, I felt the cold air even though I had her jacket on.

She gave me a last minute peck on the lip before walking back to her car and probably forgetting I had her jacket on. She drove off the moment I walked through my door. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I checked it. There were two messages. One from a private number and another from Raven.

[11/04 11:15 pm] Bluę eyes: Had fun. Sleep tight, sweet dreams. See you at school tomorrow, ♥.

[11/04 9:30 pm] Unknown: I see you, pretty bird. I'll be back for you.

I ignored the second message as I threw my phone on the bed. I changed into a clean pair of pajamas and climbed into bed.

I had to dodge everyone at breakfast because they wouldn't stop asking me about the date. Even little Bri was nagging me about the date. I couldn't tell how many times I'd let out a frustrated growl until I walked out the door.

I took the shortest way to school, it was still early and cold. I hugged myself tight, sniffing Raven's jacket. I can't lie, it looked great on me.

I picked out Raven's blue and black coloured 1970 mustang as soon as I stepped foot in school. She was leaning against it, a blue teddy bear in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

Shit! I forgot the teddy in her car. Too caught up with thinking about her, probably. I scanned the area, no one around except her.

"Were you going to stay that way until I got to school?" I asked, walking towards her. She had a smile on.

"Probably. I had a few problems to sort at home before getting here, but I was willing to get here on time." she replied, handing me the cup of coffee.

"And you sorta forgot this in my car last night." She put the teddy between us. I chuckled, pushing it aside and pressing myself against her body.

"Yeah I did. It was your fault though." I said. "It wasn't. What will you name him? I know girls love naming stuff like this. "

I pushed myself off her and leaned against the car, cringing as the cold air hit me again. "Well, say hello to Mr Potson the second." I took a sip of my coffee and watched her.
At first, she was confused, then surprised, and finally excitement. She pecked my lips without thinking and decided she wanted a picture with the teddy.

It's not my fault that she takes her camera everywhere. The pictures we ended up taking were crazy beautiful. I silently looked on as she used it as a wall paper. And then we happily ignored the onlookers and gossips that stared at us.

I would be glad if there was a subject or a topic like minding your business. Maybe then Ren would understand that I didn't want to be bothered at the time.

"That's a cute one. When did you take it?" She asked, going through my pictures. We were headed for the cafeteria and I was incredibly hungry.

"At her grandparents anniversary." I answered, rolling my eyes in response. Marie thankfully wasn't bugging me about anything. "So how was the date?"

Are you kidding me! I mentally facepalmed, ignoring Ren as we entered the cafeteria. But halfway through the doors, I paused, Ren also paused while Marie walked face first into my back.
The cafeteria had been redecorated. Heart shaped balloons, flowers, and my blue teddy sitting on a table and holding a cardboard paper with graffiti on it.

It read out, "this is completely cliche and I'm not one for that. But I like like you alot, so will you be my girlfriend? ♥"

My palms were sweaty. I was in so much shock I didn't realize Ren and Marie had left me and Raven was standing next to me. A wide smile on her face as she took my hand in hers.

"I wanted to make this special the best way I could. And this," she waved her hand at the cafeteria, "was all Kattie's idea. I don't know if you like it though."

Her eyes seemed to study me, awaiting a reaction. I bit my lip before pulling my hand away from hers and walking to the table Mr Potson was sat on. A small blue box lay nestled close to the teddy.

I brushed it gingerly with my finger. Raven was next to me in the blink of an eye. "Whatever you did to the cafeteria, it's cute." I said, turning to face her. She blushed.

"And this..." I said, pointing at the grafitti. I picked the sharpie I found on the table and traced the word yes on the cardboard. "My answer's yes."

I bit my lip again as I watched her. She was calm, but I could tell she was happy with the way her eyes sparkled in delight. She picked up the box. "Mum asked me to give you this if you said yes."

A gold chain sat on a tiny cushion, it's pendant, a tiny butterfly. She placed it around my neck and I played with the pendant, taking care so I wouldn't damage it. I know I'm crazy.

She turned to face me again. "I'm not the cheesy type. But I know I want you in my life. I'm sorry about all those times I was rude to you and all those times I hurt you. You've made me go from a grumpy teen to a smiley faced teen. Smiling is hard though. But I really really like you. And I hope you do too."

I chuckled when she stopped talking. "I like you too, alot. And I wouldn't want to spend quality time with you if I didn't like you. And besides, this, the pendant, it's beautiful. I love it. Say thanks to mum for me."

Raven blushed crazy as the rest of the cafeteria joined in, hooting, catcalling, clapping or whatever it was they were doing. I wasn't really concentrating on them, I was too lost in Raven's arms to notice.

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