Chapter Sixteen

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It felt weird but comforting. I was straddling Janelle, we were in my room. Her hands were wrapped around my neck and my own hands were finding it's way underneath her t-shirt. I felt her skin, butterflies swarming my stomach at the touch. I moved closer to her so I could kiss her and as our lips met, someone pushed the door open.

I quickly jumped off her and turned to face the door, mum was standing there, grinning ear to ear and asking me to wake up...

"What the hell! Mum, get off me, you ain't got light weight." My mum finally got off me, grinning just like she'd done in my dream.

"Sorry love, you had to wake up. Your dad wants you down at the gym in five." With that, she walked out the door. -why now? I was having an amazing dream! -

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before heading to the gym. The first thing dad made me do after I said good morning was push ups. And the next were sit ups. It's a really bad idea to have a hunk for a dad. I promise.

I remember when we travelled to London for vacation and a lady had called dad a beefcake in front of me and mum.
I can't really relate what happened after that, but I know mum did something to that lady.

After gym, I dragged myself to the kitchen, dad walking behind me as if nothing had happened this morning. Mum passed me a cup of coffee and moved on to give my sweaty smelly dad a long kiss.

"Eiew. I'm right here, y'know?" Mum smiled, the exact same smile dad claims stole his heart. Gross.

I was very early for school, even though I'd taken my time to get dressed up and eat breakfast.

Morgan stood next to Kattie while she talked to the clique members. She held a cup out for me the moment I came into her view.

"coffee?" I nodded, collecting the plastic cup. "Thanks, good morning guys." Everyone smiled at me and waved. I waved back, faking a smile as usual.

We talked about the soccer game we had after the Easter break and even though I wasn't paying attention, I nodded everytime someone called me or asked a question, until someone catcalled.

I turned to see who was being called out, and my heart jumped.

Janelle was smiling at me and if I didn't have a firm grip on my coffee cup, I'd have dropped it. I walked towards her and her mum, ignoring the look I got from other students.

"Mrs Ontario. Good morning," she smiled, giving me a warm hug. "And call me Sandra. I'm not too old." I chuckled, "no you're not, but you're feisty. I like feisty."

I watched her blush slightly. She smiled, gave Janelle a hug and then got in her car. She waved as she drove off.

"Hi, " I said, "I thought I wasn't existing, you seem to be okay with my mum now." Janelle said, giving me an eye roll.
"Uh no way. Look who's jealous." She smacked my arm and then linked our hands. Well, maybe it was time to show the whole school we weren't enemies anymore.

"Let's go to the pizza place for lunch?" I was sitting next to Morgan and Kattie, but everyone heard me.
"Sure. Why not?" said Jimmy, the (this is in a sarcastic air quote) hot jock boy with hidden freckles. He'd asked me out so many times that I can't count how many times I've rejected him.

I dragged myself out of my sit at the table, I needed to find Janelle. She wasn't at the cafeteria. I bumped into Marie as I left the cafeteria, "Hey, what's the hurry?"

She was out of breathe, seems she'd been running. "Some-  someone got Janelle. I... I don't know who it was, but he dragged her off. I didn't know what to do so I came to you first."

I squeezed my face in confusion and then to shock. "Oh shit. He got her..." I turned to Marie. "If by 6:00 pm, we aren't back, call the police. Okay?" she nodded.

I was outside the school in seconds, my heart beat was faster than flash. I was scared and nervous at the same time.

I was on time to see a car drive out of the school's parking lot. I got in my car and quickly followed after it. It was the same truck. The one I'd been seeing a lot lately.

He wouldn't dare kidnap Janelle, I'd totally kill him. I followed slowly after the car. Making sure I wasn't noticed. I wasn't sure he'd notice, I drove a new car everytime thanks to dad.

He drove for almost half an hour before stopping at an old warehouse. He got down and carried a sleeping form out of his car. I parked my car a little far away from his car, down the street.

He got into the ware house and I immediately got out of my car. I trekked down to the warehouse, like a normal person would even if I was freaking the shit out.

The ware house had no windows at the front, so I checked the back. There was a door at least, it wasn't locked. I slipped in quietly, my eyes scanning the wide place.

When I heard shuffling in the corner, I hid behind a stack of empty cartons. He walked past the cartons, I could hear him locking the back door. Thank God I got in already.

He got back to Janelle. "-stay here, okay? don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a few minutes. I just need to get something for you." I didn't hear a reply, which meant, Janelle was still asleep.

He left a few seconds later, and after I was sure that he'd left, I got out of my hiding place. The warehouse had a small room around the back where I hid behind the cartons, that was where he kept Janelle. She was sound asleep.

"Hey, wake up." I shoved her once at first, but she didn't budge. So I continuously shock her. She woke up then, staring at me with big blue eyes.

"We've got to go, far away from here. At least for a while." Easter holiday would start tomorrow and the school would go on break.

It was our only chance for an escape. Leaving the neighborhood...

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