Chapter Thirty-three

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"Paris, come on. You have to sleep. I have to go." I grumbled as I pulled the little girl and her teddy to the bed.
"But I don't want to sleep here alone. Kattie's sleeping in our dads room. I think there's a lot of nasty monsters under my bed." she said.

"Who told you that?" I asked her. "Daddy Richie told me that." Obviously. Only my father could scare such an innocent little girl.

I just stared at her for a little while. And I came to a conclusion, she's been watching monster Inc too long.

"Monsters are nice. They aren't scary. I promise." I said. The only thing that would make her sleep was her bedtime story book. But her daddy had forgot to pack that. Stupid! He lives down the estate. Their house is the first, he could have gone and gotten it. Even Katherine is a big baby. I mean, why else would she sleep in her parents room? Scardey cat.

Well, I had to come up with a story about a princess who fell in love with a knight in training. But then, there was a nasty evil prince that wanted the princess by all means and had been making evil plans to do so. But the knight fought for the princess. No one knew yet, if the knight won the evil prince though. The fight was still going on.

By the time I was done, Paris was already asleep. I pulled her blanket over her. I didn't switch off the lights in her room, we had the same fear of darkness.

The hallway was quiet as I walked through it. Only the sound of grandma's tick tock clock that sat on an antique cupboard at the end of the hall could be heard. I was so close to my own room when someone pulled me into their room.

"What the hell!" I yelled. Roshni stood in front of me, glorious and all in her pajamas. "Sorry I had to pull you. But, I have both good and bad news. Jace contacted me."

I stopped trying to murder her with my eyes. "You said who did what now?" I asked stupidly.

"Jace Hemingway contacted me. He wants to know about your movements tomorrow." Roshni said.

"And what did you tell him?" I asked again. "That I wasn't quite sure what your schedule was. You normally go to school. It's a weekday." She said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Anyways," she continued, "He's going to hang around the house at the same time you'll be leaving for school. And then he'll follow after you until he gets you. And also, I think someone is helping him." she answered, placing her hands on her hip.

"He's planning on using me as bait. Poor thing. And definitely, someone's helping him. Probably the nurse that helped him escape." She nodded her head in agreement before sitting on an armchair close to her.

I pulled my hand through my tangled mop of black hair. "Well, we can call detective Jones early tomorrow and notify him on everything. I'm sure he'll be able to come up with something."

"Yeah. You're right. Maybe a plan that could destroy Jace's master plan." Roshni answered, rubbing her forehead. I could tell she was already frustrated. She just wanted to go home. Back to India where she knew she belonged.

"I'd better get going now. Thanks for helping though, I may not show it, but I genuinely appreciate it." I said as I headed for the door. She shrugged. "I'm glad I could help."

It was past eleven when I finally opened the door to my own room, a water bottle in one hand and the rest of my homework in my other hand. Janelle had her earphones on, talking to Marie or Ren probably.
She said a fast goodnight to the person on the other side before giving me nasty glare. "Where the hell did you go? I was waiting for you!" she said. Her dad couldn't come back to pick her, so she was sleeping over.

"Sorry, I had this last minute homework to complete. I didn't want any distractions and I had to go tuck Paris in." Nailed it.

"I'm a distraction? Wait, a good one or a bad one?" She asked. I chuckled, finding my way to the bed after I dropped my homework on my reading desk.

"Both." I sat down next to her. "You're a good distraction from life and it's harsh truths. With you, I forget about all the problems I'm facing, I feel happy, less sad, I have a reason to live. But you're a bad distraction because when you're not there, I'm incomplete. I'm distracted without you."

Her mouth hung open for a few seconds until I placed my lips against hers. She kissed me back and only broke it when she needed to breathe.

"That's like the most beautiful thing anyone ever said about me, talk more of telling me to my face." she said, blushing crimson red.

"When you said I was your knight in shining armour today, did you mean it? Cause, honestly, that's the best thing anybody ever said about me." I randomly asked as the thought flashed in my head. I needed a confirmation maybe.

"I meant every word I said. You're my knight. My own personal knight." she answered, smiling.

"Then I promise to always keep you safe, my princess." I attempted to use an accent like knights in movies did. She chuckled softly at my failed attempt.

"You're extra cheesy today. I should feed you more ice-creams. Grandma told me they worked like magic on you."

I chuckled again, only grandma would tell her that. Definitely grandma. It was supposed to be our secret though.

For the rest of the night, I cuddled her tightly as I told her about everything that had happened the last few days. Knowing Jace was out of police custody scared her.

She only slept for a few hours, her legs and hands tangled in mine. I watched as she got sleep hair. Her lips parted slightly, ever so often to show almost rabbit teeth (rabbit teeth are adorable on cute people, really.) She looked cute in my superman pajamas and band T-shirt. All I did was watch her until I fell asleep.

By morning, immediately before breakfast, Jones was already at our house (I'm beginning to think he comes on time for the food.)

He'd gotten my message from last night. He talked with mum and dad, introduced us to his partner, detective Barnes before making plans on how to take Jace down.

The plan was simple. It wasn't something I couldn't do. All I had to do was play along. Everything would turn out fine.

That's what he said, what he told my family. I'd come out safe, sound and very much alive.

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