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Brooks p.o.v

i was in my room trying to find an outfit to wear when Anna came bursting through my door.

"Daniel told me where he's taking you...i'll help you get ready"

"thank you so much your honestly a life saver" i sighed as i sat on my bed

"ok so there might be some swimming involved so why don't you wear this bathing suit and then wear these shorts so it look like you tucked a tank top in but it's really just the bathing suit" she told me as she layed the clothing on my bed

"ok so there might be some swimming involved so why don't you wear this bathing suit and then wear these shorts so it look like you tucked a tank top in but it's really just the bathing suit" she told me as she layed the clothing on my bed

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(the picture i have of the shorts won't load🙄 so just imagine any shorts)

"that's perfect! thank youuuuuu" i said as i grabbed the clothes and ran into the bathroom to get changed

i walk out and Anna has water proof make up set up on my desk

"come sit i'm doing your make up then your hair"

i sat down and she begun

*25 minuets later*

"and...DONE" Anna said as she finished my mascara

"omg this looks so good!"

"and now the hair" after 10 minuets she was done. i looked in the mirror to see that my put my hair in a french braid

"thank you so much Anna! i look so good" i said as i hugged her

"no problem"

"BROOK DANIEL IS HERE" Carson yelled


"that's my cue to leave...have a good time and if he hurts you aging i swear i'll hell him my self"

"haha bye thanks again"

she waved and walked out my room down the stairs

i quickly put on my slip on black and white checkered vans and grabbed my small backpack that had a extra change of clothes, money and my portable charger. 

i grabbed my phone and went down the stairs

"hey" i said as i got to the bottom. it was just daniel there

"hey you look great"

"you too"

"lets go?"

"yeah" i said as i grabbed his hand and we walked out to his jeep. i saw that he took the top off since it was like 1000000 degrees today.

we hopped in and began our drive. he drove with one hand, the other holding my hand that was placed on my lap

"so...where are we going?" i asked him after a couple minutes of silence

not the awkward kind...it was nice

"wouldn't be a surprise if i told you" he said looking at me winking. he turned back to the road laughing cause i rolled me eyes

The whole time we jammed out and screamed the lyrics of whatever song that was on the radio

after about 20 minuets Daniel turned into a dirt road that was surrounded by trees. he stopped and i looked forward to see we reached a dead end 

"umm where are we?" i asked

"don't worry we just have to walk a little bit and you'll be amazed"

i got out of the car and wrapped my hands onto his arm tightly

he walked for about two minutes until i looked and saw the most beautiful thing ever!

there was a really pretty water fall with clear water pond? lake? idk but there was a type of body of water that the water fall was going into. behind the water fall you could see a cave

"Daniel...this is beautiful" i said amazed
" i told you you would like it" he said smiling at me

"common lets go to that cave"

"how are going to get there?" i asked

"swimming duh" he said in a girl voice

i bursted our laughing
"just leave your stuff here no one will take them trust me"


i took off my shorts and shoes as he took off his shirt and shoes

dam he's got a bod
i looked away but i guess he saw me
"like what you see?" he said as he rubbed his stomach
"haha very funny"

i grabbed my phone because i put on my water proof case and he had his too
"ready?" he asked me

we ran into the water. it wasn't too cold or too hot it was perfect

we slowly swam to the cave just talking about random things

we reached the cave and when we hopped up i saw a blanked with a basket filled with my favorite food everrrrr

this date is going pretty good

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