33 (edited)

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3rd person p.o.v.

The two teens walk to the park joking around and having a good time. When they got there they raced each other to the swings. After a couple minutes of swinging on the swings and pushing eachother they heard noises coming from the trail. They didn't know who else would be at the park this late. Brook and Zach became quite so they could listen and hear what the noise was. Thankfully it wasn't an animal or come crazy person but it was someone doing something Brook and Zach did not want to see. It was...

Brooklyn's p.o.v.

"JONAH??" Zach yelled

"HALEY??" i yelled at the same time Zach yelled

"oh hey guys..." Jonah said while scratching the back of his neck

"what are you guys doing? are you guys dating?" zach asked in disbelief as i just glared at Haley while she glared back

"yeah we're dating, we have been for a little over a month now" Haley said

"oh, well that's cool?" i said but it came out more as a question

"well...we're ganna go, carry on" zach said to them as he pulled me away by my arm

"well that was weird" i told him

"i know right? i can't see them together"

We got back home and walked inside to see the guys along with Corbyn and Jack watching a mean girls...alrighty then

We joined them and had a chill night the rest of that day

the next day

(still brooks p.o.v)

daniel had texted me about 15 min. ago asking if  I wanted to go the beach with him and Angi so I said yea i'll meet them there in a half hour so I have time to eat and I also want to ask Zach if he wants to come so it won't be too awkward.

"hey zach? do you want to come to the beach with me, dani and his friend Angi?" i asked him through face time

"yea sure what time?"

"umm we'll leave in a half hour and we can use our penny boards instead of walking"

"ok cool"

I walked out of his room and back into mine to get dressed. I put on my f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e bathing suit

and threw on some shorts and a flowy shirt

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and threw on some shorts and a flowy shirt

i grabbed a backpack and threw in a towel, sunblock, earbuds and i put my sunglasses on top cause i knew i would wear them on the way there. i then walked over to my bathroom and put my hair in a loose side braid and walked down stairs after grabbing my bag and phone that i had 20 bucks in.




"BYE" they yelled

on the way to the beach we were blasting music because Zach brought his speaker with him

we got the the beach and i texted daniel to see where to meet him, he replied saying by the place where you can rent surfboards and stuff like that.

zach and I walked over to the spot and saw Daniel with a really pretty girl with brown curly hair

"Hey" daniel said as we approached
he walked over to me and gave me a hug along with a kiss on the cheek

Him and zach did the guy hug thing which was weird cause they live together 

now that i'm thinking about it why did we come separately? we literally live right next to each other. 

"So Brook this is my best friend Angie, Angie this is my girlfriend Brook and you know Zach" Daniel said

"It's so nice to meet you! Dani talks about you a lot!" Angie told me while giving me a hug

"it's nice to meet you too! and he talks about me...?"

"Angie i swear to go-"

"YES omg he wouldn't stop about how gorgeous Brook is and how her eyes sparkle and how pretty her smi-" Daniel cut her off by covering her mouth with his hand

"don't listen to her"

"aww dani that's so sweet" i gave him a tight hug along with a playful wink

"so are we ganna swim or stand here all day?" zach asked

oops..i forgot he was here

"LETS GOOO" daniel yelled as me put me over his shoulder and started running towards the water. Zach did the same with Angie. I can tell he likes her.

After hanging out at the beach for about 2 hours we went to a ice cream place across the street.

To our surprise the whole gang was in there sitting at a table being loud...as usual

"ohh hey guys" Aaron said as he noticed us

"hey" we said back. we got out ice cream and sat down with them. I was between Angie and Daniel and Zach was on the other side of Angie talking to her while i was holding dani's hand under the table talking with the guys.

We all went back to the house to watch some movies and just hang out. 

Everyone went up to their rooms cause they were getting tired. Me and Dani were the last ones in the movie room.

"Do you want to stay over?" I asked him

"yea sure"

I stood up and reached my hand out for dani to take and i led him up to my room. I kept the door open so the boys know we didn't do anything other than sleep.

I changed into some shorts and a tank while Daniel changed into some basketball shorts he left here and just kept his shirt off.

"Thank you for today Dani I had a lot of fun" i said turning to face him

"i did too, good night beautiful" he said giving me a kiss on my forehead

"good night" I closed my eyes and fell asleep cuddled up to Daniel

Today was a good day.

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