31 (edited)

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Brooks p.o.v.

It's been a week since Angie came to surprise Daniel and I haven't seen him since. I'm not going to lie, i really miss him and i'm getting jealous. He doesn't answer my texts or calls when i ask if we can hang out but if he does he says that same thing

"sorry made plans with Angie already"

like really?? God i wish that girl never came

Daniels p.o.v.
It's been a week since Angie came and we are having so much fun going around town and making new memories while talking about the old ones. I missed her so much but I feel bad for Brook. She always asks me to hang out but I can't because me and Angie already have plans for almost everyday. I think tomorrow when Angie has a photo shoot i'm going to ask Brook to hang out. I really do miss her

one day later

Daniels p.o.v.

Right now i'm getting ready to go over to Brooks house to see if she will go on a date with me. I walk out of my house and into hers. Since the guys know me and we're good friends I just walk into their house without knocking and they do the same with mine.

"ITS ME DANI" i yelled through out the house to know that i'm here


Brooks out?

I walk down stairs to see all the guys either playing pool or watching tv

"where's Brook" I ask after saying hello to them

"She went to target with Zach to get food or something i don't really know" Nash told me

"oh alright" I plop down on the coach and go on my phone and scroll through insta when i see Angie posted something


it was great to surprise and catch up with my best friend💖 @seaveydaniel

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it was great to surprise and catch up with my best friend💖 @seaveydaniel

❤️-jackaverymusic, corbynbesson and 12,538 others

@seaveydaniel- the greatest surprise ever💖

@hater1- ew i like brook better she's so much prettier than her

@fan1- awww that was nice

@hater2- she better not replace @brook.smith

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Wow. People must think that i'm dating Angi...that i️s not the case. I only see her as a sister nothing more. I decided to post something as well just to thank her


the best surprise ever!! i missed my bestie @happy

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the best surprise ever!! i missed my bestie @happy.angi

❤️- happi.angi, anna.seavey and 2,085 others

@happi.angi- missed you too!! :)


@seaveydaniel- @anna.seavey opps😊🤷‍♀️

@hater1- don't break up with Brook for this
garbage please and thank you

@brook.smith- cute.

@happi.angi- @brook.smith thanks :))

@fan1- i ship them more than Dani and Brook #sorrynotsorry

@fan2- i used to like him and Brook but now i kind of like them better

@hater2- what happend to Brook? His snap is full of Angi but no sign of Brook. What's going on??? @seavyedaniel @brook.smith

@brook.smith- im wondering the same thing @hater2

Brooks p.o.v. 

rn me and Zach are at target getting some food for the house.

"Do you think we have enough food?" Zach askes me

I look down and we both have 2 carts filled to the rim with food

"Yeah i guess so"

we head to the register to pay for it all

"the total will be $720.67" the cashier told us

I pulled out the credit card that Carson gave me to use

"thank you" me and zach wave as we walk out of the store

We call an uber to take us home

when the uber finally comes we put all the food in the front seat, back seats and truck

We get home and everyone comes to help us take the food inside

As i step out of the car my eyes come in contact with Daniels

"What are you doing here?" i ask him

"what do you mean what am i doing here? i'm here to see my beautiful girlfriend" he replies

"oh i though she was at a photo shoot today" i saw back with a little bit of tude

Good thing the boys went inside and the uber drove away

"what does Angi have to do with any of this?"

"well you have been hanging out with her for almost two weeks straight and ignoring me"

"well i'm sorry you need to be with me every day...clingy ass bitch" he whispered the last part under breath thinking i wouldn't hear it but guess what I did

"excuse me?" i said getting in his face

"oh you heard that?"

"yea Daniel i did hear that so i'm a 'clingy ass bitch' now?"

"well what do you expect? my best friend that i haven't seen for months surprises me and you expect me to not hangout with her?"

"that's not what i mean Daniel"

"then what do you mean?"

"look i get that you missed her and you haven't seen her for months but that doesn't mean that you shut me out. One day, one day you could hang out with me or i wouldn't care if it was the three of us but not talking to me for 2 weeks? not ok in my book"

"your right, i should of took you with us and im so sorry for what i said, it's not true at all.  I came over today not cause Angi has a shoot but because i miss you and i wanted to take you out tonight at 7"

"ok i'll go with you what do i wear?"


"ok see you later" i walked inside my house to eat some food cause ya know... food is bae

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