26 (edited)

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3rd person p.o.v.

Jack left Brooks room and went back to the living room where they boys were.

"There asleep" Jack told them

"there missing out" J said shaking his head

"what about food? i'm pretty sure none of us ate anything" Cameron said

"CHIPOTLE" all the wdw boys yelled

"chipotle it is" Carson said laughing

Nash took out his phone and ordered what everyone wanted from post mates. He then told everyone that the food should be there in 25-30 minuets. All of the boys started the movie and not even 10 minuets in Daniel walked down stairs

"hey" he said in a tired voice

"hey" we all said back

"we ordered you food" Zach told him

"thanks" Daniel replied sitting down on the floor next to Jack (avery)

We went back to watching the movie and then heard the door bell ring

Carson went to get it and he came back with 3 big bags of food

We passed everything out and went back to the movie.

Brooks p.o.v.
I️ woke up and didn't see Daniel. huh he must be with the boys downstairs. I️ walked into my bathroom to wash my makeup off my face and re do my hair. after i️ did that i️ grabbed my phone off the charger and saw that it was 9:30 pm well i️ took a long nap. i️ walked down the stair and saw the boys watching Dora the Explorer. They were so into the show that they didn't even hear me come down. I️ took out my phone and recorded a snapchat

"Hey guys" i️ said to them

no response. i️ said it again



"well this is what happens when the boys watch Dora..." i️ said looking into my camera. I️ posted the video and walked into the kitchen to see food on the counter. I️ grabbed a fork and plopped my booty down on the counter and ate my food while going through social media

"hey B" G said to me as he walked up to me

"Sup G" i️ said back

"Whatcha doin?" he asked like a little kid

"eating some food" i️ said back chuckling

"that's nice"

little did he know that i️ was recoding this on snap. I️ put my thumb on the circle to start recording

"so how come your in here and not with the rest of them watching Dora?" i️ told him

"cause Dora kept asking us for the bridge and we kept telling her but she didn't listen and i️ got annoyed and came in here but i️ wanna go back to watch it because it's a really good show so bye." he told me running back into the living room

"oh my god i️ swear" i️ said as the snap ended

i️ continued to eat my food when someone else walked in. i️ didn't look up and i️ kept eating. I️ felt someone rap there arms around me. I️ looked and sat Daniel

"hey" i️ said whilehugging him back but still on the counter criss cross (apple sauce)

"hi" he said back quietly

"Dora got boring?" i️ asked laughing

"no we should watch it more often it's really good but i️ came in here because the episode ended and there all watching sponge bob"

"oh and no i'm not watching Dora, you can watch it on your own"

"fine" he said letting go of me and taking a bite of my food

"heyyyy that's mine you meanie" i️ whined

"to bad" he said sticking his tongue out at me






"HEY HEY HEY" all the guys yelled running into the kitchen

"what's going on?" Nash asked

"I️ was in here eating my food MY food when this meanie comes in and eats it." i️ said while crossing my arms

"it was one bite" he said back to me

"i️ don't care if it was one bite you still ate my food"

"Guys your acting like 2 year olds just stop" Carson told us

We (me and daniel) both crosses our arms and pouted

"you guys just got together why you fighting already?" G said

"he started it"
"she started it" we said under our breath at the same time 

"oh my goddddd" Carson said as he walked out of the room with the boys following

"WAIT" Carson did walking back into the kitchen

"yes?"we (brook and daniel) asked

"talk time" he said

"bubba come on" i️ said ( Brooks nickname for Carson is Bubba)

"it's fine just saying some stuff"

"Brook it's fine" Daniel told her

"alright go on then" i️ told them


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