Awe cute ;)

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  it was lunch time and I have so much happy energy in me. I need to tell someone before I explode!

I need to get my stuff from my locker before I can even mention Jesse to anyone!

  I quickly grabbed my lunch and ran to the cafeteria where we all meet up for lunch.

As I enter the cafe I scope around to find my friends like a lion watching its pray. I squint cause the suns ray is beaming right towards me. It's such a beautiful day but we're all stuck in school like zoo animals!

  I finally see rochelle gesturing me her way. I walk down to her where they're all eating. I have a gigantic smile throughout my face.

"What's wrong with your mouth? Did you trip on the way here?"

   Rochelle knees Petra under the table. "Petra! she's obviously happy about something, she barely smiles."

  "Ooooohhhh spill it!" Kennedy says will she elbows me in the arm.

"Ok ok.. Jesse-" I get cut off by Shawn who comes in with cupcakes filling his hands.

"Hey Cupcake. I have a cupcake for you." He winks at Kennedy and hands her a cupcake. She takes it as Shawn hands everyone else a cupcake as well.

"Thank you lovely, but why do u have so much cupcakes?" Kennedy says while unwrapping the paper and biting into the cupcake.

  "I was helping with the dance committee and they where test making cupcakes so every left over I got to take. There pretty good ey mates?"

  They all nod while shoving cupcakes in there mouths.

  Kennedy's POV:

"Love, come in the hall.. I have something for you." Shawn says as he takes my hand and brings me to the hall.

I don't know what he's doing or what he has but im exited.

  He tells me to close my eyes so I do what he says.

"Now open them." He says.

All I see is he's beautiful brown eyes looking at me. They sparkle just like a diamond. I stair back at him.

He takes his hands from his back to the frount of he's chest.

The box is small but rapped in a tight but loose ribbon thats tied in a bow. It's pink with white poke-a-dots within it.

  Shawn slowly opens it revealing a silver necklace that has a baby blue heart locket threw the chain with a key hole in it.

I try to open it but it doesn't work.

He reaches in his pocket and there is a silver key chain. On the key chain is a baby blue heart key.

I finally get what it represents. I look back into his eyes and say, "Your the key to my heart!" He smiles and leans over for a kiss. I kiss him gently on the lips.

"Would you please." I look at him holding the locket. "Yes my lovely."

I grab all my hair at once the lift it up. Shawn grabs the necklace and undoes it. Putting it around my neck then closing it back up.

We go back to the lunch table where we all are sitting once again.

"So you love birds up to any trouble?" Petra says.

"Nope just hanging... talking.. the usual." I say right as the bell rings.

    The cafeteria scatters like mice.

  My POV

  Ok so I guess they'll have to wait until tonight to find out the news. I dont think I can last that long.

I grab my garbage and throw it out as we make our ways back to class.

The next class I have is drama with Mr.Burnk he's ok I guess but there's no one in my class I really know very well so it's just awkward and quiet.

  I walk into class and it's not Mr.Burnk sitting in the chair it's a substitute. This day just got even more better than it already was but lets just hope it stays that way.

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