A Breakfast for Champs

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  • Dedicated to Alex (My bestest buddy ever)

I can feel my face heat up almost immediately.Basically, someone I have a huge crush on will be to my right. And to my left will be someone who is known for sneaking his way into everyone's pants.

Just my luck.

Pavel and Geno find their seats at the round table and start fiddling with the utensils. I try to nonchalantly clear my throat, but the two sit there, oblivious.

Soon Jonathan finds his spot and pulls out his Blackberry.

"Hey, Pssst, Hey." I shout-whisper.

He looks up from his phone casually, "Good morning, Hailey. What's up?"

I rush to put together a sentence that will make sense,"Oh nothing, hey, are you catching a glare? I feel like the sun will burn you to bits if you sit there, why don't we switch! That would be great, it's so breezy over here, and EVEN BETTER you're closer to the...uh...the...washrooms!" 

He looks at me with utter confusion and shrugs, "I'm good. Thanks for asking."

 Damn it.

"My, my. You sure are dressed up today." Alex says coolly.

It's alright, he's just being friendly. Don't be a jerk.

"Haha, thanks. I'm not used to wearing these kinds of...things." I say awkwardly.

The Captain sits down beside me, immediately resting his head on his hand.

"The colour, its really nice." He says quietly.

"I really like your smile..it shows off how few teeth you have." I say half-spiteful.

He looks at me quizzically, not knowing whether he should take offence to this or accept it as a compliment.  So instead he leans back and studies the large room.

The awkward silence is broken by the chair to my right being scraped across the floor. Henrik Zetterberg is now sitting next to me, and I can feel the butterflies start to flutter all over my body. My palms become a little sweaty and my breaths a bit deeper.

I can't really explain what it is about the man, maybe it's his confidence or his skill. Or maybe it's just because he's always seemed like such a calm and sweet guy.

Calm down, Hailey. You're a professional now, this is no big deal.  

"Hey, Hailey. Do you have any idea of what we'll be doing tomorrow at the Air Canada?" 

"Sounds good."  I say stupidly.


Oh lordy...Did I just...?  

I try pooling together something that is actually understandable,"No, sorry. No idea." 

He nods his head, and gives me a small smile.


The table is pretty quiet from my end at least until after breakfast has been served and everyone is finishing up.

"Hey Hailey, I vas thinkin' about takin' a walk, would you like to come with?" Alex says to me.

Before I decline he puts one of his hands over mine, causing me to freeze up.


Why am I so flustered? Stop blushing, Hailey, stop it! Alex is a stupid hockey player...he's a stupid, stupid jerk who probably just wants to get in your pants. Oh gosh....

Someone clears their throat, making Alex pull his hand back.

"May I have your attention everyone?" Mr.Moores says loudly,"Tomorrow the Air Canada Centre will be holding a free skate. This will be our first activity on the tour, where our professional hockey stars will get a chance to interact with young fans. Following the free skate will be an autograph session. Miss Watson will be covering it live with numerous segments that will be aired on TSN."

As if on queue,Henrik turns to me and tilts his head slightly, "Sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you get the chance to enjoy the free skate with us, I wouldn't want you to spend the whole time doing boring filming." 

"Yeah, haha. We should totally just skate all day together, like constantly.." 


Why do I keep doing this to myself....? There must really be something missing in my brain. You can't just fangirl over someone...What if he thinks I'm creepy now. Wait, am I creepy? Oh gosh, what if this whole tour makes people think I'm some sort of pedophile.Damn,damn,damn.

But then something happens...Henrik's face lights up, and I can't even explain how happy he appears to be when he says,"That sounds great, I'll make sure to wait up for you."

"You have the nicest smile. And your eyes are such a nice colour." I think out-loud.


"I could say the same about you." He says with a little laugh.

I can't help but smile idiotically.

"Yo, Hailey. We're going swimming, want join?" Geno calls.

"Ahahahahahahhahaha, yeah, yeah. I want to." I say hysterically. I'm only partially paying attention when Pavel and Geno hoist me off my chair and push me off to the elevator.

"You've got some explain to be doing." Pavel says shaking his finger at me.

Still dazed by my huge hockey crush complimenting me, I forget to correct Datsyuk and his bashing of a pop-culture reference. 


I flop into my bed extremely excited to sleep. 

Tomorrow is the big day, it marks the beginning of our Tour. 

I'm especially drained because of the long swimming session I had with Geno and Pavel. Not only did they consistently try to drown me, but they fourced me to talk about sitting beside Henrik and Alex at brunch. They laughed at me, and they laughed for a long time.

Mean Russians.

I was also surprised to see that Jonathon showed up. He was wearing just plain black swim trunks.

In efforts to reach out to him I pushed a friendly wave of water toward him. At first I was afraid he was going to kill me as he snapped out of his calm back-float-eyes-closed trance, but then he just looked at me, didn't say anything...I tried to apologize for bugging him, but he insisted that it was all in good fun and tried to have a water-wave fight.

Which I most definitely won.

There was no scheduled lunch, so I just ordered in some pizza. Geno and Pavel came over around seven with an Xbox in hand. We played for a few hours before they left.

I bring the blankets up to my nose and snuggle into my pillow, today has been quite eventful. 

A/N: Hey, did you guys like it? It was kind of a filler because I need to get to the first Tour stop, right!? I'm wondering how many stops there should be, I'm willing to do one for each team (That would be 30 stops!) Would you guys read up until then, or would you rather me break it up...?

In any case, thanks so much for reading, I love you guys! :3

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